18:03:48 <Oxf13> #startmeeting Fedora Release Engineering Meeting 18:03:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 4 18:03:48 2010 UTC. The chair is Oxf13. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:03:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:03:56 <Oxf13> #meetingname fedora-releng 18:03:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-releng' 18:04:00 <Oxf13> #topic roll call 18:04:21 <Oxf13> ping: notting jwb lmacken wwoods rdieter dgilmore warren spot poelcat 18:04:31 <notting> aye 18:04:32 <warren> here 18:04:32 * nirik is here with a quick query for open floor later. 18:04:42 * lmacken is here 18:04:54 <rdieter> here 18:05:03 * wwoods liiiiives 18:05:29 * dgilmore is here 18:06:23 * poelcat here 18:07:47 <Oxf13> Ok 18:08:04 <Oxf13> looking at last meeting's notes 18:08:33 <Oxf13> Looks like I forgot to send one for the meetings in December 18:08:46 <Oxf13> I seem to recall zodbot issues. 18:08:59 <Oxf13> #topic dist-git 18:09:08 <Oxf13> Let me give a quick dump on where we are with dist-git. 18:09:09 <notting> Oxf13: i think zodbot wasn't back from the outage yet 18:09:14 <nirik> Oxf13: yeah, it died in the middle of the meeting. 18:09:16 <Oxf13> I've created a couple wiki pages regarding this 18:09:36 <Oxf13> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Dist_Git_Proposal 18:09:41 <nirik> Oxf13: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2009-12-14/feodra-releng.2009-12-14-18.02.log.txt is the txt log, it didn't create any others. 18:09:43 <Oxf13> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Dist_Git_Project 18:10:25 <Oxf13> I'll be keeping the project page updated as I progress 18:10:42 <Oxf13> where we are at now is public, anon clone, and auth write git repos for all packages as of a few weeks ago 18:10:51 <Oxf13> subdirs are now branches 18:11:03 <Oxf13> per package, per branch ACLs are in effect 18:11:29 <Oxf13> I've stepped away from the git repo side of things, to work on fedpkg, the replacement for our Make system 18:12:06 <Oxf13> I made some really good progress over the break on it, and I should have something to commit/push to the upstream fedora-packager source repo today, that gives us some functionality to play with and a framework for filling in the rest of the targets 18:12:15 <warren> it will be named fedpkg? 18:12:26 <Oxf13> warren: that's the current working name. fpkg was already taken by something else 18:13:05 <Oxf13> #info initial code drop of fedpkg should happen today 18:13:58 <warren> Oxf13: I mean, if that same tool can be used with any dist-git (not just fedora) might be better with a more generic name? 18:14:05 <warren> that remains easy to type with tab complete 18:14:37 <Oxf13> I currently have working code for gimmespec, sources, and srpm, with partial functional code for new_sources, clone, and clone_with_dirs 18:14:54 <warren> python? 18:14:56 <Oxf13> warren: it's going to be pretty fedora specific 18:15:00 <Oxf13> warren: yeah, python 18:15:12 <wwoods> pretty sure it's gonna be fedora-specific, and even if it isn't, a name-change could be done trivially with a wrapper program 18:15:13 <wwoods> so don't dwell on the name too much 18:15:44 <warren> well, I mean it need not be fedora specific, as it can recognize what is in the pwd 18:16:13 <warren> if <prominent north american distro> begins using dist-git in the future, then the same tool could be used for fedora 18:16:16 <Oxf13> if you're going to put in the work to make it like that... 18:16:43 <Oxf13> RHEL will need a lot of it's own tweaks and additions/removals, so I doubt all the same code would be used 18:17:08 <warren> ok 18:17:13 <Oxf13> however fedpkg is two parts. 1) a command line interface to gather options and arguments and to specify what task to do, and 2) a python library of tasks. 18:17:22 <Oxf13> so RHEL can replace #1 while re-using #2 18:17:23 <warren> Oxf13: so what is the proposed timetable for fedora? 18:17:39 <Oxf13> warren: as the wiki page states, right after F13 release, or later 18:19:10 <Oxf13> But enough about dist-git and fedpkg, lets move on 18:19:56 <Oxf13> #topic Fedora 13 releng Schedule 18:20:55 <Oxf13> The next thing on the schedule ( http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-13/f-13-releng-tasks.html ) is wall paper package for ALpha, on the 12th 18:21:01 <Oxf13> that's not really us, but we need to be aware of it 18:21:23 <Oxf13> after that is the feature submission deadline of 1/26, which should also be the deadline for figuring out if we can pull off no frozen rawhide or not 18:21:36 <poelcat> yeah, the design schedule is not finalized at all 18:21:45 <poelcat> that was a roll forward from F12 18:21:50 <Oxf13> #topic no Frozen rawhide 18:22:03 <Oxf13> notting: ping; have you had any progress with speeding up composes? 18:22:14 <Oxf13> lmacken: ping; have you had any progress with adding features to bodhi? 18:22:20 <notting> no. we did tests with the hashed directories, and it didn't really make any difference 18:22:59 <lmacken> Oxf13: nope, haven't touched bodhi in a month 18:23:11 <Oxf13> #info hashed directory mashes do not seem to improve mash time 18:23:15 <wwoods> it's been a month?freeow. 18:23:17 <Oxf13> #info bodhi work not done as of yet. 18:23:29 <Oxf13> Ok. 18:23:36 <Oxf13> Moving on 18:23:38 <poelcat> lmacken: are you sure it can be done in time? 18:24:01 <lmacken> poelcat: when does it have to be done by? just crit path support? 18:24:40 <Oxf13> lmacken: crit path blocking, and the ability to tag but not push are needed by feature freeze 18:24:59 <lmacken> and feature freeze is this saturday still? 18:25:19 <Oxf13> feature submission deadline is 1/26, feature freeze is a week later 18:25:20 <poelcat> 2010-01-26 18:25:42 <Oxf13> 2/09 for feature freeze 18:26:01 <lmacken> yeah, I should be able to hack that into the existing code base before then. I'll bump it to the top of my TODO list 18:26:40 <poelcat> lmacken: cool :) 18:27:06 <Oxf13> #topic open floor 18:27:14 <Oxf13> nirik: I do believe you had somethign? 18:27:43 <dgilmore> Oxf13: i untagged todays glibc build as it broke tar or gzip 18:27:44 <nirik> yeah... so I have asked this before and been told no, but with no frozen rawhide perhaps it would make more sense... 18:28:10 <nirik> what would you think of making fedora-rawhide a subpackage in fedora-release... so only those people who explicitly install it get rawhide repos? 18:28:24 <notting> hm 18:28:31 <notting> makes 'yum --enablerepo=rawhide' not work OOTB 18:28:38 <nirik> yeah, true... 18:29:03 <nirik> also, it depends on if you want the default to keep being 'switch to stable release when it's available instead of staying on rawhide' 18:29:14 <Oxf13> notting: which is what nirik I think wants to prevent people from doing 18:29:54 <Oxf13> nirik: with NFR, I think if you're on rawhide you stay on rawhide. If you install alpha/beta/whatever you stay on the pending release 18:30:05 <nirik> yeah, we still get people who: a) just enable every repo thinking it will get them more choices or b) install just one random newer thing from rawhide and can't go back to stable or c) deciding to just play with it for a bit and can't get back without re-installing. 18:30:15 <Oxf13> if you're on rawhide and alpha is released, you don't magically get moved over to the pending release, you'd have to manually move yourself over 18:30:32 <nirik> ok, so a 'rpm -e fedora-release-rawhide' would do that switch. 18:31:06 <nirik> anyhow, I thought I would toss it out there... 18:31:08 <Oxf13> aren't these the types of people who would install every package anyway? 18:31:41 <Southern_Gentlem> Oxf13, and if they dont have the repo OOTB its so much the better 18:31:43 <Oxf13> I'm still not really keen on the idea, but I'm willing to listen to others 18:32:05 <nirik> I could write up a proposal/bug more clearly describing it... 18:32:20 <dgilmore> nirik: it might help us to visalise the workflow 18:32:39 <nirik> a lot of times it's new users that just see the repo... they wouldn't be the type that would install a non default package. 18:32:49 <nirik> they also enable all the source and debuginfo ones. ;) 18:32:54 <Oxf13> Southern_Gentlem: I meant they would be the type to install that sub-package at install time 18:33:16 <Southern_Gentlem> Oxf13, who says it has to be on the install media 18:33:33 <nirik> some would, but many wouldn't... would just raise the bar, IMHO. 18:34:09 <Southern_Gentlem> it can sit in Everything for those want it 18:34:12 <nirik> I can write up something... what media would be best? bug? wiki? 18:34:31 <Oxf13> wiki I suppose, it's nearly a feature, since it'll require changing lots of documentation 18:34:37 <nirik> ok. 18:34:59 <nirik> thanks, thats all I had. ;) 18:35:14 <Southern_Gentlem> Oxf13, i see this helping alot of the new user base 18:35:20 <Oxf13> #action nirik to draft a wiki page for fedora-release-rawhide subpackage idea 18:35:43 <Oxf13> Southern_Gentlem: *shrug* new users gotta learn some day (: 18:36:13 <Southern_Gentlem> Oxf13, yes but sometimes it is easier the hide the big red button 18:36:27 <Oxf13> I know, I'm just being snarky. 18:36:32 <Oxf13> Any other open floor items? 18:36:34 <Southern_Gentlem> behind a access door 18:37:06 <Oxf13> (and really, that sounds like you want a feature in PackageKit to warn about rawhide enable actions) 18:37:21 <Oxf13> so that you can protect those that did happen to install the subpackage 18:37:33 <Southern_Gentlem> nope i just dont want rawhide in the fedora-release set 18:37:52 <Oxf13> Southern_Gentlem: no, you want to protect unaware uses from getting rawhide content. 18:38:08 <Oxf13> you see having fedora-release-rawhide as a subpackage as a possible ends to your goal 18:38:18 <Oxf13> however there are other ways to meet that goal 18:38:32 <Southern_Gentlem> and if they dont have the repo OOTB so much the better 18:38:55 <dgilmore> Oxf13: just that we need to get glibc/tar/gzip fixed 18:39:05 <Oxf13> dgilmore: so it was a bad glibc build? 18:39:33 <dgilmore> Oxf13: the response i got from jakub was that it was tar or gzip calling a function incorrectly 18:39:45 <dgilmore> 16:55 <jakub> andreas (who built that glibc) said it is likely a bug in tar or whatever calls futimens with wrong first argument 18:41:27 <dgilmore> Oxf13:ill see if i can work out hwere the problem is. 18:41:42 <Oxf13> fun, ok, thanks 18:41:54 <dgilmore> but tar and gzip were both built early december 18:42:14 <dgilmore> it seems to only effect tar.gz tarballs and not tar.bz2 18:43:50 <Oxf13> If there is nothing else, I'll close the meeting 18:47:48 <Oxf13> #endmeeting