17:00:24 <pboy> #startmeeting fedora-server
17:00:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug  3 17:00:24 2022 UTC.
17:00:24 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
17:00:24 <zodbot> The chair is pboy. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
17:00:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-server'
17:00:32 <pboy> #topic Welcome / roll call
17:00:40 <pboy> Welcome to our Server WG IRC meeting today!
17:00:57 <pboy> We'll give a few minutes for folks to show up I’ll post the agenda in a few minutes.
17:06:20 <jonathanspw> .hello2
17:06:21 <zodbot> jonathanspw: jonathanspw 'Jonathan Wright' <jonathan@almalinux.org>
17:06:51 <pboy> Hi jonathanspw, welcome here!
17:07:18 <jonathanspw> Howdy!  I'm just here to listen mostly.
17:07:31 <pboy> Well, we are almost alone here:)
17:08:13 <pboy> But perhaps I can answer some questions?
17:09:01 <pboy> Last meeting we hadn't time to welcome you, unfortunately.
17:11:01 <eseyman> .hello2
17:11:02 <zodbot> eseyman: eseyman 'Emmanuel Seyman' <emmanuel@seyman.fr>
17:11:21 <eseyman> hello pboy and jonathanspw
17:11:23 <pboy> Hi eseyman! Happy to meet you.
17:11:52 <jonathanspw> hi eseyman
17:13:43 <pboy> Hm, we need at least 3 WG members to held a meeting. May be difficult, today. :-)
17:15:08 <eseyman> to be honest, I haven't had a lot of time for the Server SIG these last few weeks
17:15:46 <eseyman> $WORK has been frustrating and working on more server-side stuff once I get home required more energy than I had
17:16:07 <eseyman> Thankfully, I'm on vacation in two days
17:17:04 <pboy> Yes, I think we all feel that way from time to time.
17:17:30 <pboy> I just need to consolidate 14 older Fedora servers onto 5 new, more powerful machines. This eats up infinite time. One wonders.
17:17:48 <eseyman> What are the WG's TODO items these days ? I'ld like to participate over the next two weeks
17:18:15 <pboy> One thing is the tech. spec.
17:18:26 <pboy> I'm just wondering how we can bring the techn spec discussion to an end.
17:18:46 <pboy> What do you thing about starting a voting now?
17:19:08 <pboy> And then we have our practical projects, spedicifally Ansible scripts
17:19:23 <pboy> We discussed about that some time ago.
17:20:19 <eseyman> yes, I will definately put Ansibled dnsmasq in my bullet journal
17:20:46 <pboy> thats wonderful. Lets keep in discussion about it.
17:22:41 <pboy> Well, I think we should close now. I don't our "third man" (member) will arrive soon
17:23:23 <eseyman> agreed
17:23:35 <pboy> OK bye bye
17:23:40 <eseyman> see you in two weeks, folks
17:23:56 <pboy> #endmeeting