===================================== # #meeting:fedoraproject.org: fedora-server ===================================== Meeting started by @pboy:fedora.im at 2024-11-13 18:00:26 Meeting summary --------------- * TOPIC: Welcome / roll call (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:00:35) * TOPIC: Agenda (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:04:29) * INFO: Follow-up actions & announcements (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:04:37) * INFO: Looking back at testing release 41 (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:04:45) * INFO: PostgreSQL – is our automatic testing sufficient? (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:04:54) * INFO: Our work program 2024/2025 (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:05:03) * INFO: Open Floor (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:05:10) * INFO: Fedora Server Edition user poll (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:06:03) * TOPIC: 1. Follow-up actions & announcements (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:07:01) * ACTION: ON HOLD pboy will file an issue with releng regarding installation media (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:07:22) * ACTION: ONGOING pboy will close bug #2247872 (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2247872) (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:07:32) * ACTION: ONGOING pboy will write a draft issue for the goal "file server" as a base for further finetuning and detailed specification (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:07:40) * ACTION: ONGOING jwhimnpel will develop a Ansible playbook for NFS service (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:07:50) * ACTION: PENDING eseyman review John's playbooks (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:07:58) * ACTION: DONE eseyman will monitor the change list for possible issues which may affect Server (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:08:07) * ACTION: DONE mowest will reach out to AdamW and discuss how we can use the result tables. (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:08:16) * ACTION: DONE pboy will create a tracking issue and copy the table of F 40 as a starting point. (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:08:26) * ACTION: DONE Mowest will create a Lime survey version of the discussed draft and reach out to Justin to put the project forward. (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:08:36) * ACTION: PENDING Mowest will write a 1st draft of an article about our poll. (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:08:45) * LINK: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/server-working-group/wg-minutes-2024/ (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:09:04) * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-server/issue/126 (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:17:11) * AGREED: The KVM image will be migrated to KIWI now, the adjustment of the naming will de dealt with later together with the isos. (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:35:57) * TOPIC: 2. Fedora Server Edition user poll (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:37:10) * TOPIC: 3. Looking back at testing release 41 (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:40:28) * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-server/issue/144 (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:40:37) * LINK: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/server@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/ODISTPROLKECRXX73LA5VUVZJFIFEHRR/ (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:40:48) * TOPIC: 4. PostgreSQL – is our automatic testing sufficient? (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:48:05) * LINK: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/users@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/FKOGJ44LI7MYR4DE54UUHBLLUG2ENA6L/ (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:48:14) * TOPIC: 6. Open Floor (@pboy:fedora.im, 18:55:20) Meeting ended at 2024-11-13 19:08:23 Action items ------------ * ON HOLD pboy will file an issue with releng regarding installation media * ONGOING pboy will close bug #2247872 (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2247872) * ONGOING pboy will write a draft issue for the goal "file server" as a base for further finetuning and detailed specification * ONGOING jwhimnpel will develop a Ansible playbook for NFS service * PENDING eseyman review John's playbooks * DONE eseyman will monitor the change list for possible issues which may affect Server * DONE mowest will reach out to AdamW and discuss how we can use the result tables. * DONE pboy will create a tracking issue and copy the table of F 40 as a starting point. * DONE Mowest will create a Lime survey version of the discussed draft and reach out to Justin to put the project forward. * PENDING Mowest will write a 1st draft of an article about our poll. People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * @pboy:fedora.im (95) * @conan_kudo:matrix.org (42) * @adamwill:fedora.im (25) * @jwhimpel:fedora.im (7) * @nirik:matrix.scrye.com (4) * @farchord:fedora.im (4) * @zodbot:fedora.im (3) * @mowest:fedora.im (2) * @meetbot:fedora.im (2)