16:34:50 <franciscod> #startmeeting 16:34:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 14 16:34:50 2010 UTC. The chair is franciscod. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:34:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:35:05 <franciscod> #chair Subfusc thomasj_ rrix 16:35:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: Subfusc franciscod rrix thomasj_ 16:35:22 * hiemanshu is here 16:35:22 <franciscod> #topic attendance 16:35:29 * kishan is here 16:35:44 <franciscod> Ankur Sinha 16:36:00 <kishan> Kishan Goyal 16:36:08 <franciscod> .any jdk2588 16:36:09 <zodbot> franciscod: jdk2588 was last seen in #fedora-tour 3 hours, 26 minutes, and 21 seconds ago: *** jdk2588 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 16:36:19 * hiemanshu sharma 16:36:41 <franciscod> #topic the lecture 16:37:22 <franciscod> ill gi through the salient points of the project to get the folks started, we'll have a question answer session once this is over 16:37:37 <franciscod> if you have queries, please put your hand up "!" 16:38:03 <franciscod> #link http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-tour 16:38:17 <franciscod> you can see wht the tour is about there 16:38:37 <franciscod> its something like a "welcome center" that windows systems feature 16:39:12 <franciscod> to get new users or any user, actually acclamatized to his system 16:39:29 <franciscod> the tour is intended to be much more 16:39:49 <franciscod> its not a ppl presentation where one goes "next" ... "finish" 16:40:02 <franciscod> s/ppl/ppt 16:40:39 <franciscod> from the wiki page, on hosted, youll see that the tour is to do much mor ethan just tell you what your system is about 16:41:02 <franciscod> its going to be sort of a "fedora in a nutshell", 16:41:10 <franciscod> now to tehcnical stuff 16:41:26 <franciscod> if you havent already, 16:41:27 <franciscod> git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/fedora-tour.git/ 16:41:35 <franciscod> that will give you a clone of the current git repo 16:42:00 <franciscod> the project is still in its infancy, so its easy for new folks to get in right now 16:42:11 <franciscod> we divide the project into a backend and a frontend 16:42:37 <franciscod> the backend takes info from sources, (which the docs team will hopefully provide us with) 16:42:50 <franciscod> and populates objects out of this 16:42:52 <franciscod> info 16:43:23 <franciscod> you can see the MenuObject.py in the backend folder 16:43:41 <franciscod> currently its parsing a dummy xml file in "data" 16:44:25 <franciscod> the menu object will hold this data, once parsed, 16:44:42 <franciscod> we'll use this menu object ot later populate the forntend 16:44:47 <franciscod> s/forntend/frontend 16:44:55 <franciscod> coming to the frontend 16:45:07 <franciscod> we're using ppclutter 16:45:11 <franciscod> pyclutter 16:45:22 <franciscod> we;re trying to make it independant of the DE 16:45:31 <franciscod> so we wont need two frontends, a gtk and a qt 16:46:00 <franciscod> we have some docs etc in the docs dir, please have a look at them and the existing code to tell you how pyclutter works 16:46:11 <franciscod> #topic questions? 16:46:13 * franciscod waits 16:46:31 <kishan> none, as of now 16:47:03 <franciscod> kishan: do you intend to contribute regularly to the project? 16:47:16 <franciscod> what are you interested in? coding? 16:47:19 <franciscod> hiemanshu: ^ ? 16:47:52 <hiemanshu> franciscod: you want me to answer it too? I think I did 16:48:06 <kishan> franciscod: yes, hope so. Coding mostly, yes. I've been fiddling around with gtk too lately 16:48:08 <franciscod> hiemanshu: for the record :P 16:48:20 <franciscod> kishan: okay, but we're not going to use gtk, unless necessary 16:48:21 <hiemanshu> franciscod: then you answer on my behalf :P 16:48:33 <kishan> hmm.. okay 16:48:40 <hiemanshu> Well I ll be coding, I have already been assigned my part for now 16:48:50 <franciscod> all the resources are available on the wiki page on hosted 16:48:57 <hiemanshu> but havent got any updates on how it should be done yet, /me looks at rrix and Subfusc 16:49:16 <franciscod> kishan: once you think youre ready, please apply for fedora-tour group at FAS, ill sponsoer you 16:49:31 <franciscod> hiemanshu: the doc team meets at 0430 tonight 16:49:37 <kishan> franciscod: sure. will do so. thanks 16:49:46 <hiemanshu> franciscod: I have to sleep, make rrix do it 16:49:47 <franciscod> ill hopefully catch them there and request them to assign some hands to the tour 16:50:26 <franciscod> hiemanshu: i cant really make anyone do it , 16:50:53 <hiemanshu> franciscod: I meant, ask him, he is best fit with that time Zone 16:51:11 <franciscod> anayway i think the meetings served its purpose 16:51:24 * franciscod notes to put the log up for jdk and rangeen 16:51:33 <franciscod> #endmeeting