16:34:03 <susmit> #startmeeting 16:34:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 16 16:34:03 2010 UTC. The chair is susmit. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:34:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:34:24 <susmit> <pcalarco> what do each of our candidates think the biggest challenges are in growing the Ambassador program, and how would you tackle these? 16:35:50 * MarkDude was just talking to some users of other Linux Distros, should Fedora be aiming to have a larger community, and trying to include the newer to average users? 16:36:25 <lcafiero_laptopl> Stand by -- I think we can get the other channel working 16:36:29 <MooDoo> :) 16:37:26 <MarkDude> Should we be willing to expand our idea of contributors to *testers* and get more contributors that way? 16:37:32 <lcafiero_laptopl> susmit: you're now a channel op in #fedora-townhall 16:38:49 <lcafiero_laptopl> susmit, give voice to candidates please 16:39:38 <lcafiero_laptopl> yn1v: could you hold on for a moment? 16:39:42 <susmit> lcafiero_laptopl, does not matter 16:39:45 <yn1v> yeap! 16:39:46 <susmit> let's do it here 16:40:46 <lcafiero_laptopl> NO, let's do it in the other channel. 16:43:48 <MooDoo> where's the chair gone? 16:44:22 <lcafiero_laptopl> Susmit, you now have the helm in #fedora-townhall 16:44:37 <lcafiero_laptopl> Southern_G gave chanop to susmit. 16:44:54 <susmit> startmeeting is not working there 16:45:23 <yn1v> I think you should end meeting before starting again? 16:45:40 <susmit> that's a different meeting..isn't it? 16:45:40 <lcafiero_laptopl> try that, susmit 16:45:44 <susmit> #endmeeting