#fedora-townhall: FAmSCo Townhall (2014-02-01)
Meeting started by inode0 at 17:00:32 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Organizational Details (inode0, 17:01:10)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections/Questionnaire#Fedora_Ambassadors_Steering_Committee_.28FAmSCo.29
- Introductions (inode0, 17:05:07)
- Q1 robyduck: One of you recently spoke about the autonomy of the single Regions and his concern about FAmSCo. How can FAmSCo be useful for the single Regions and how should collaboration be in your eyes? (inode0, 17:12:52)
- Q2 nirik: are you happy with the process of adding new ambassadors? what would you change if you could do any change to the process? (inode0, 17:22:03)
- Q3 nonamedotc: What level of importance would you attach to the campus ambassadors program? For example, do you think organizing events like install fests across college campuses, under the ambit of ambassadors, be useful to spread word about Fedora? (inode0, 17:29:43)
- Q4 inode0: How are ambassadors as a group preparing for or participating in the development of Fedora.next? (inode0, 17:35:34)
- http://www.happyassassin.net/2014/01/31/good-morning-bugfixing-and-thinking-about-fedora-next/
- Q5 mayorga: What is more important to you: adding new contributors or invest on the active ones? (inode0, 17:43:16)
- Q6 robyduck: Do you believe being a contributor to another group should be a pre-requisite to become ambassador? (inode0, 17:53:05)
- Final thoughts (inode0, 18:01:19)
Meeting ended at 18:05:06 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- mribeirodantas (55)
- yn1v (44)
- inode0 (25)
- zodbot (4)
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