#fedora-websites: Websites Meeting for 8-14-2009
Meeting started by onekopaka at 17:01:07 UTC. The full
logs are available.
Meeting log
Meeting ended at 18:19:35 UTC.
Action Items
- Speak to the board and ask if they like the Panda to me the Fedora
- hiemanshu to work on full-blown html mockups.
Action Items, by person
- hiemanshu
- hiemanshu to work on full-blown html mockups.
- Speak to the board and ask if they like the Panda to me the Fedora
People Present (lines said)
- onekopaka (117)
- mizmo (93)
- hiemanshu (80)
- nb (53)
- FergatROn (29)
- stickster (28)
- tmz (3)
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