20:00:13 <sijis> #startmeeting
20:00:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 11 20:00:13 2010 UTC.  The chair is sijis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00:13 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00:22 <sijis> #topic who's here
20:00:30 * gbinns 
20:02:04 <sijis> ok. today may be a short meeting
20:02:26 <sijis> #info Meeting topics - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites/Meetings#Topics
20:02:31 <gbinns> ok
20:02:49 <sijis> so, i just wanted to know how the release went
20:03:01 <sijis> from what i recall, it went quite well.
20:03:20 <sijis> there were a few issues with the new get-* pages and links to torrents
20:03:25 <sijis> but otherwise it went well
20:04:10 <gbinns> yeah
20:05:30 <sijis> anyone have questions regarding the release?
20:05:43 <sijis> i know i have ot update the SOP
20:08:03 <sijis> #topic Website Release SOP
20:08:53 <sijis> in short.. i'm in the process of updating it with my notes
20:10:02 <sijis> it should be done in the next week
20:10:17 <sijis> #topic SEO Project
20:10:26 <sijis> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Keyword_optimization
20:10:40 <sijis> gbinns: you are working on this, correct?
20:10:53 <gbinns> yes, correct
20:11:04 <gbinns> we have hit a little bit of a snag
20:11:17 <gbinns> basically it surrounds the title tags and what words to associate with them
20:11:25 <sijis> ah, ok.
20:11:49 <sijis> what's the snag? how to start the title?
20:11:59 <gbinns> yes exactly
20:11:59 <sijis> i remember something with using | vs \ vs /
20:12:34 <gbinns> basically stickster was saying that we have to be careful not to dilute the branding of Fedora or Fedora Project by adding words to the title tag
20:13:06 <sijis> so.. Fedora Project | Title (as an example) would dilute the brand?
20:14:02 <gbinns> just in terms of whatever we put as the Title
20:14:28 <gbinns> for example, I suggested adding the word Linux, to open us up to the larger demographic
20:14:51 <gbinns> ideally it would be great if we could do something like Fedora Project | Linux
20:15:34 <sijis> ok. so what do you need from anyone of us to move this along?
20:16:14 <gbinns> nothing at the moment, once I get approval from marketing regarding the title tag we can then implement the change
20:16:35 <gbinns> the challenge I think is just going to be getting everyone to agree on the choice
20:16:55 <gbinns> but that's at the top of my agenda so hopefully we can make some progress
20:17:19 <sijis> ah. nice.
20:17:29 <sijis> ok. if you need anything let me know.
20:17:32 <sijis> oh.. related to all this
20:17:41 <gbinns> ok thanks
20:17:46 <sijis> i'm starting to look at packaging piwik
20:18:01 <gbinns> oh! sweet - how's that coming along?
20:18:04 <sijis> i've never done one, so it may take a while.. but hopefully we can get to a point to test it in the next month
20:18:57 <gbinns> awesome - if there's anything i can do to help please let me know too
20:19:06 <sijis> i will do
20:19:16 <sijis> #topic Website Design Document
20:19:41 <sijis> so in looking at standardizing a bit on how we build the site i put this together
20:19:50 <sijis> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites/Fedora_Design_Document
20:20:53 <sijis> its quite rough right now.. but its a starting discussion point on what the goals are
20:21:18 <sijis> it borrowed the idea from my old univ website.. they used to have something similar and i used it a base.
20:21:30 <sijis> so if someone has ideas/thoughts, please update it.
20:21:46 <sijis> #topic fp.o redesign
20:22:23 <sijis> last thing is that i've been in talks with mizmo (from design team) and we'd like to get a whole new site up for f14
20:22:23 <gbinns> gj on the fdd
20:23:20 <sijis> there isn't a mockup or anything like that yet.. but the fdd and using 960.gs it should be possible quite quickly
20:23:36 <sijis> i don't have much more than that.. but keep that in mind
20:23:38 <gbinns> that would be pretty sweet
20:24:14 <sijis> #topic open floor
20:24:21 <sijis> anything else?
20:24:34 <sijis> i'd have ot figure out where people are these days.. it IS summer
20:24:50 <gbinns> haha
20:24:50 * sijis answered his own question
20:25:28 <ardchoille> I have one item
20:25:33 <sijis> sure.
20:25:44 <ardchoille> I am working on clearing the task list at Websites/Tasks and have sent email to the mailing list.
20:25:51 <sijis> oh yeah!
20:25:55 <ardchoille> My goal is to find out what I can do to help clear all current tasks.
20:25:55 <ardchoille> So, I would like for folks to visit that page and see if any of their tasks can be moved to either the 'Done' or 'Old Stuff' sections at the bottom of that page.
20:26:14 <ardchoille> Unfortunately there has been no response on this from the ml.
20:26:30 <ardchoille> So, I'm going to begin emailing folks individually
20:26:40 <sijis> that'll work. :)
20:26:56 <ardchoille> This is my pet project right now as that list really needs some attention
20:27:13 <ardchoille> It'd be nice to have all current items looked at
20:27:15 <sijis> i did look at that page.. i know there are some things are old
20:27:22 <ardchoille> yes
20:27:42 <sijis> honestly, i think the stuff in Websites is more up-to-date than the ones in Websites/Task
20:28:12 <ardchoille> Ok, do we actaully need to exdpend resources on Websites/Tasks then?
20:28:39 <sijis> it *may* be easier to track on that Tasks page, vs on main Website's page
20:28:41 <ardchoille> I could continue this, no problem, but I don't want to be kicking a dead horse
20:28:45 <sijis> i've flexible either way
20:29:06 <ardchoille> I'll continue until I hear otherwise
20:29:23 <ardchoille> Emailing folks individually may have a better response than the ml
20:29:42 <sijis> yeah probably. i'll go in there and move things that i know are done
20:29:49 <ardchoille> Thanks!
20:29:51 <sijis> eg. get and spins.fp.o
20:30:05 * ardchoille loves To Do Lists
20:30:14 <ardchoille> So I like to keep them up to dat
20:30:17 <ardchoille> *date
20:30:34 <sijis> common look and feel is sorta done.. i'll ping giarc about it
20:30:46 <ardchoille> ok
20:30:51 <ardchoille> Speaking of task lists, I have created a wiki page that allows others to easily assign tasks to me if they desire. That page can be found at User:ArdchoillSpeaking of task lists, I have created a wiki page that allows others to easily assign tasks to me if they desire. That page can be found at User:Ardchoille42/ToDo and it linked from my profile page.e42/ToDo and it linked from my profile page.
20:31:06 <ardchoille> oops
20:31:20 <ardchoille> User:Ardchoille42/ToDo  is the task page
20:31:25 <sijis> ah, gotcha
20:32:25 <ardchoille> I'd also like to say this team rocks!
20:32:31 <sijis> haha.. thanks!
20:32:50 <ardchoille> I have never had so much fun and been so satisfied at the same time while being part of a team
20:32:51 <sijis> i'm still indecisive about the classroom idea.. but i do think its a good idea
20:33:09 * sijis that sorta made no sense.
20:33:11 <ardchoille> It was just a thought
20:33:20 <sijis> but i know what you mean by it
20:34:00 <sijis> ardchoille: the join page.. we'll bring that up next week.
20:34:14 <ardchoille> Our join page?
20:34:32 <sijis> no, the join-fedora page
20:34:33 <ardchoille> Our join page is fine.. I blogged about this recently
20:34:48 <ardchoille> Ah, yeah, the Fedora join page needs some work I feel
20:36:07 <sijis> whatcah think about making it smilar to the current wiki/Join page?
20:36:08 <sijis> i hope my comment made some ense
20:36:44 <ardchoille> I think that is an excellent idea. the current wiki/Join page is quite nice
20:36:58 <sijis> yeha, i agree.
20:37:17 <sijis> i'll put a patch together for it
20:37:21 <sijis> unless you wanna do so :)
20:37:26 <ardchoille> I was thinking a simple redirect to wiki/Join, but it may not be all that simple
20:38:02 <ardchoille> I'm still nervous about patching, you should do it
20:38:29 <sijis> ardchoille: send me/the list a patch
20:38:51 <ardchoille> Ok, I can do that
20:39:11 <sijis> and we'll apply it locally in our repos and see the outcome
20:39:14 <sijis> :)
20:39:21 <ardchoille> Great idea
20:39:58 <ardchoille> I'm just nervous about that stuff, I mean a patch will affect millions of people so I don't want to screw it up
20:40:04 <sijis> cool. i'm around if you need help :)
20:40:07 <ardchoille> I'll work on and send a patch today
20:40:26 <sijis> for minor changes.. there isn't a lot of concern.
20:40:33 <ardchoille> Ah, ok
20:40:34 <sijis> bigger changes i always send to the list
20:40:49 <ardchoille> that sounds like good practice
20:40:50 <sijis> typically if there is a concern, you'll hear right away
20:41:28 <sijis> and when the patch is sent.. we can take it and apply it ourselves, so we see how its going to look
20:41:39 <sijis> and if its good.. we'll apply it
20:42:14 <ardchoille> Well, no other way to learn than rolling up my sleeves and getting my hands dirty. I'll work on this as soon as the meeting is over
20:42:18 <sijis> anything else? otherwise, i'll close in 60
20:48:42 <sijis> #endmeeting