20:04:38 <sijis> #startmeeting 20:04:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 25 20:04:38 2010 UTC. The chair is sijis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:04:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:04:46 <sijis> #topic who is here? 20:04:53 * ardchoille is here 20:05:07 * gwerra is kinda around 20:05:25 <sijis> i think today will be quick. 20:06:09 <sijis> #topic fp.o redesign 20:06:18 <sijis> this is the only thing in mind. 20:06:23 <sijis> and there is no update on it 20:06:32 <sijis> i have to reach out to mizmo and see what she needs. 20:06:47 <sijis> also.. did you guys have a chance to look at the proposed f14 schedule? 20:07:09 <sijis> i need to look at it much closer but at glance, it looked ok. 20:07:17 <ardchoille> I'd like to volunteer to assist with the redesign if I'm needed 20:07:26 <sijis> ardchoille: absolutely. :) 20:07:44 <sijis> so, here's the overall idea on how this is going to work 20:08:00 <sijis> design will have a mockup and get feedback 20:08:19 <sijis> after a couple of rounds of tweaking, we'll get a 'pre final' mockup 20:08:27 <sijis> and we can start from there. 20:09:03 <sijis> along with this, the hope is to create a few more 'sections' that describe on how to use Fedora daily 20:09:10 <sijis> and Uses of Fedora 20:09:28 <sijis> and we'll need someone to put that content and, i guess, interview folks about it 20:10:33 <ardchoille> where is the mockup currently? 20:10:44 <ardchoille> I can help with content 20:11:11 * ardchoille uses nothing but Fedora 20:11:42 <sijis> the goal is ~20-25 articles.. i think its 4 for each area 20:13:34 <sijis> in either case, that content along with building would occur 20:13:50 <sijis> we are shooting for a couple of week prior to the release 20:14:18 <sijis> on a technology side, we are anticipating using 960.gs fluid for layout 20:14:36 <sijis> i've personally never used it but i hear/read great things about it 20:14:51 <sijis> the website is 960.gs 20:15:03 <sijis> that's all 20:15:06 <sijis> any questions? 20:15:14 <ardchoille> where is the mockup currently? 20:15:30 <sijis> i dunno. in fact, i don't think its started yet 20:15:59 <sijis> it will be similar to this though: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Website_redesign_2009/Mockups/Get.fpo 20:16:22 <sijis> at least the top/header and footer 20:16:44 <ardchoille> I like the way that looks 20:17:45 <ardchoille> Just my opinion, but I think the hills/clouds/sky looks too cartoon-ish 20:18:46 <sijis> yeah, i don't think that part is included.. but its the general feel of it 20:18:53 <ardchoille> ah 20:19:04 <sijis> i wanna say, look at spins.fp.o for something 'closer'. 20:19:54 <ardchoille> the spins page is great 20:20:18 <ardchoille> +1 for that header 20:20:22 <sijis> :) 20:21:34 <sijis> #topic Open Floor 20:21:44 <sijis> anything else that we should talk about? 20:22:17 <sijis> its been pretty quiet around here lately. 20:22:42 <ardchoille> should we talk about my patch? 20:22:44 <sijis> that's OK, its summer. :) 20:22:46 <sijis> sure. 20:23:32 <ardchoille> I emailed a patch to this email list. This patch changes the "Join Fedora" link on http://fedoraproject.org/ from http://fedoraproject.org/en/join-fedora to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join because that is a much better looking page. 20:23:43 <ardchoille> I was told that we can't simply add the content of wiki/Join to http://fedoraproject.org/en/join-fedora due to language translations. 20:24:18 <ardchoille> the wiki/Join page is nice and I would like to see this content in http://fedoraproject.org/en/join-fedora 20:24:35 <sijis> patch link: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/websites/2010-June/008155.html 20:24:58 <ardchoille> ah, so it was received.. I wasn't sure 20:25:09 <ardchoille> If there was a response, I missed it 20:26:04 <ardchoille> I didn't quite know how to integrate the wkik/Join content into the current en/join-fedora page 20:26:10 <sijis> it doens't look like there was a response. 20:26:15 <ardchoille> *wiki/Join 20:26:38 <ardchoille> I feel that, once someone sends in a patch, some follow up or "here's what we decided" should be emailed back to let the sender know that the patch was received. 20:26:51 <sijis> ardchoille: yeah, i agree. 20:27:19 <sijis> i apologize for not responding.. i thought i did 20:27:46 <ardchoille> No worries. But, how can we get this moving? 20:28:05 <ardchoille> aplogies for my lack of patience 20:30:40 <sijis> i stepped away... 20:31:03 <sijis> ardchoille: so this is my thought 20:31:17 <sijis> i know that ricky has a concern about it being translatable 20:31:20 <sijis> which is a very good one 20:31:26 <sijis> however, the page is lackluster 20:31:26 <ardchoille> yeah 20:31:45 <sijis> i see it as 2 options: 1 - make the page more engaging 20:31:52 <sijis> 2 - point it to wiki/Join 20:32:13 <ardchoille> Either one is fine , I think, as long as it is more engaging 20:32:13 <sijis> 3 - point to wiki/Join and fix en/join-fedora in the meantime 20:32:30 <ardchoille> I like #3 :) 20:32:33 <sijis> (i suppose that was 3 options) 20:32:47 <sijis> i'm leaning that way too. 20:33:06 <sijis> although, i would rather have it done sooner than later. 20:33:07 <sijis> :) 20:33:12 <ardchoille> Me too 20:33:31 <ardchoille> Although I'm not a translator, is there any way I can help with this? 20:33:47 <sijis> wit the translation? 20:33:54 <sijis> yes there is. 20:34:08 <sijis> i did see a message about wiki translations earlier this week 20:34:09 <ardchoille> no, I can't translate.. I can barely speak English 20:34:30 <sijis> i haven't been following it much though 20:36:19 <sijis> translation process: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-June/007763.html 20:36:24 <sijis> (for those curious folks) 20:38:03 <ardchoille> So, is it possible to add the content of wiki/Join to en/join-fedora and have translators work on it? Or is it not as simple as that? 20:38:41 <ardchoille> I mean the "en" in en/join-fedora would seem to point to the fact that it is a page in English 20:39:39 <sijis> yeah, we can copy the content from wiki/join to fedora-join 20:41:13 <sijis> ardchoille: yeah. 20:41:24 <sijis> if it was a in spanish, it'll be es/fedora-join 20:41:30 <ardchoille> right 20:41:37 <sijis> if the text isn't translated, it'll just show the english text 20:41:59 <ardchoille> My concern, though, is having all language pages having a consistent look 20:42:05 <ardchoille> ah, ok 20:42:27 <sijis> it will. it'll just display in english vs the language they selected 20:42:45 <sijis> we'll talk more about trans after this meeting 20:42:50 <sijis> this is what i'll do regarding your email. 20:43:04 <ardchoille> So, my next question is how do I get the wiki/Join content into en/join-fedora ? 20:43:05 <sijis> i'll respond to it with the idea of doing option #3 20:43:18 <sijis> and once fedora-join is updated, we'll undo those changes. 20:43:30 <ardchoille> ok, I think I got ahead of you there 20:43:37 <sijis> no problem. 20:43:54 <sijis> i think the easiest, may be to just copy the html content into fedora-join 20:44:06 <sijis> anything else? otherwise, i'll close. 20:44:15 * ardchoille is done 20:44:20 <sijis> #endmeeting