19:08:28 <onekopaka_laptop> #startmeeting Websites 19:08:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 11 19:08:28 2010 UTC. The chair is onekopaka_laptop. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:08:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:08:39 <onekopaka_laptop> #topic Who's here? 19:08:47 <sijis> the only thing i had in mind was 1 - alpha release, 2 - any further info on fp.o redesign 19:08:49 <onekopaka_laptop> #chair sijis 19:08:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: onekopaka_laptop sijis 19:08:56 <sijis> (which i don't think much has happened) 19:08:59 <onekopaka_laptop> hmm 19:09:10 <onekopaka_laptop> firstly, is anyone here? 19:09:17 <peque> #chair peque 19:09:21 <onekopaka_laptop> or are they all at that LinuxCon thing in BOSTON! 19:09:30 <onekopaka_laptop> peque: a chair has to do that. 19:09:44 <peque> oks, I'm new here 19:09:48 <peque> :) 19:10:05 <onekopaka_laptop> I believe everyone is at LinuxCon in Boston. 19:10:17 <onekopaka_laptop> #topic Alpha release tasks 19:11:28 <onekopaka_laptop> Design should be working on the banner we're going to put up on the site 19:11:35 * onekopaka_laptop reads emails 19:11:55 <onekopaka_laptop> slow search because of 20K+ emails 19:12:34 <onekopaka_laptop> from 2 days ago is https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Fedora_Alpha_Release_Banner.svg 19:12:53 <onekopaka_laptop> which is rendering funny 19:13:12 <onekopaka_laptop> Firefox doesn't even want to render it 19:13:44 <onekopaka_laptop> so that's a generic alpha release banner 19:14:10 <onekopaka_laptop> specifically for F14: https://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/b/bd/Fedora14-alpha-release-banner-envelope.png 19:14:13 <onekopaka_laptop> #link https://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/b/bd/Fedora14-alpha-release-banner-envelope.png 19:14:25 <onekopaka_laptop> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Fedora_Alpha_Release_Banner.svg 19:14:34 <onekopaka_laptop> to keep track of them ;-) 19:15:17 <onekopaka_laptop> but that's the latest I've heard on the Design team mailing list 19:15:55 <onekopaka_laptop> so may I wrap this topic up? 19:17:22 <onekopaka_laptop> and going once 19:17:26 <onekopaka_laptop> going twice 19:17:28 <onekopaka_laptop> SOLD! 19:17:49 <onekopaka_laptop> #topic more on fp.o redesign 19:18:25 <onekopaka_laptop> so lets recap the fp.o redesign! 19:19:04 <onekopaka_laptop> http://mairin.wordpress.com/2010/07/29/fedoraproject-org-front-page-redesign-mockup-1/ 19:19:21 <onekopaka_laptop> some mockups there 19:19:33 <onekopaka_laptop> I should really make it a #link 19:19:35 <onekopaka_laptop> #link http://mairin.wordpress.com/2010/07/29/fedoraproject-org-front-page-redesign-mockup-1/ 19:19:57 * sijis is back around 19:20:13 <onekopaka_laptop> GREAT! 19:20:26 <onekopaka_laptop> then #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Website_redesign 19:20:38 <onekopaka_laptop> the officially official wiki page about the redesign 19:22:27 <onekopaka_laptop> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Website_redesign 19:22:37 <onekopaka_laptop> because it has to be at the front of the line. 19:22:49 <sijis> hehe. 19:22:53 <onekopaka_laptop> so we had some folks who were going to write content 19:23:14 <sijis> yeah, that wiki page should have all the info about the redesign (including the older design pages) 19:23:36 <sijis> onekopaka_laptop: yeah, tajin was starting some of it. 19:23:39 <onekopaka_laptop> mmkay 19:23:46 <sijis> he should have updated the wiki page with that info. 19:24:02 <sijis> he's away today for religious reasons 19:24:10 <onekopaka_laptop> okay. 19:24:33 <onekopaka_laptop> survey says Mo was the last one to change the page 19:24:52 <onekopaka_laptop> I can't spell her name, so I'll use Mo. 19:24:54 <sijis> i think it was an interior page from there 19:25:59 <onekopaka_laptop> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Website_redesign/Mockups/Www.fpo 19:26:11 <onekopaka_laptop> some more mockups. 19:27:04 <onekopaka_laptop> so any words from people? 19:27:18 <sijis> i guess not. 19:27:39 <onekopaka_laptop> so I guess we have a long time for open floor. 19:27:46 <onekopaka_laptop> #topic Open Floor 19:28:20 <sijis> onekopaka_laptop: thanks again for running this 19:28:21 <peque> what's Open Floor? 19:28:27 <onekopaka_laptop> sijis: no problem 19:28:32 <sijis> i have some construction going on at home.. and i had to take care of it 19:28:43 <onekopaka_laptop> peque: it's open floor, you can say about anything. 19:28:48 <sijis> peque: which means.. anything that wasn't discussed already can be brought up now 19:28:49 <onekopaka_laptop> s/say/talk/ 19:29:00 <peque> oks, sorry (I'm not english :)) 19:29:11 <peque> in that case, I'll introduce myself 19:29:42 <peque> my name is Miguel, I'm from Spain, and I recently join Fedora Websites mailing list 19:30:07 <peque> at first I think I'll do just some translation work 19:30:29 <peque> and perhaps later, I'll start coding (when I learn more web programming ;)) 19:30:38 <sijis> peque: again.. welcome to the group. 19:30:44 <peque> xD 19:30:49 <peque> again... thanks 19:30:52 <sijis> if you have any questions, we are here 19:31:02 <peque> (ofcourse this self introduction wasn't for you, sijis xD) 19:31:09 <sijis> also, thanks for replying to Marcos 19:31:27 <peque> :) 19:31:51 <onekopaka_laptop> great! 19:32:03 <onekopaka_laptop> anything else we need to discuss? 19:32:39 <sijis> there is a readiness meeting tomorrow to check where the teams are in prep for alpha release 19:32:44 <peque> is this chat always so... "active"? xD 19:33:18 <onekopaka_laptop> well, people are at LinuxCon in Boston 19:33:28 <onekopaka_laptop> so it's rather slow 19:35:45 <onekopaka_laptop> so lets do this 19:36:11 <onekopaka_laptop> #note Readiness meeting to check how prepared all the teams are for the alpha release 19:36:13 <sijis> onekopaka_laptop: where those changes pushed to blogs.fp.o? 19:36:35 <onekopaka_laptop> the skin changes haven't been pushed 19:36:40 <onekopaka_laptop> other than to the git repo 19:36:56 <sijis> it needs to be an rpm, right? 19:36:59 <onekopaka_laptop> yep 19:37:05 <onekopaka_laptop> to be signed and put in the infra repo 19:37:13 <onekopaka_laptop> I can do that later today 19:37:39 <sijis> ah, cool. 19:38:05 <onekopaka_laptop> so anything final 19:38:14 <onekopaka_laptop> before I do the magic #endmeeting 19:38:23 <sijis> nothing here. 19:38:39 <onekopaka_laptop> peque: do you have anything to add? 19:38:46 <peque> nothing :) 19:38:54 <onekopaka_laptop> okay 19:38:58 <onekopaka_laptop> #endmeeting