12:01:47 <hers> #startmeeting 12:01:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 8 12:01:47 2010 UTC. The chair is hers. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:01:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:01:49 <BadGirl> [2010-08-20 22:18:24] Posted by z/odbot@fedora-zh already: MeetBot - Debian Wiki 12:03:51 <gcell> 电脑怎么了? 12:03:53 <hers> 郑重请教,删了libselinux怎么办啊? 12:04:39 <gcell> r0bertz: 有人请教你问题 12:05:29 <hers> 没有光驱,有移动硬盘,可以打开sh 12:06:59 <hers> 有没办法从initrd里解一个出来? 12:07:55 <hers> #chair tiansworld 12:07:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: hers tiansworld 12:09:53 <tiansworld> hers, 今天什么话题? 12:11:55 <hers> 黑白不在?你主持吧,我手机打字慢。 12:17:34 <tiansworld> 他还没出现, 12:23:23 * tiansworld Any one wants to say some ? 12:23:37 <gcell> 路过…… 12:56:53 <yeeyaa> 今天开会人不多啊 13:05:44 <gcell> 何止是不多 13:14:20 <yeeyaa> 都去庆祝了么? 14:45:47 * hers 原地满血复活 14:45:52 <hers> #endmeeting