11:04:35 <hers> #startmeeting
11:04:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 22 11:04:35 2010 UTC.  The chair is hers. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
11:04:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
11:05:09 <hers> #chair mchua
11:05:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: hers mchua
11:05:12 <hers> #chair gbraad
11:05:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad hers mchua
11:05:15 <hers> #chair rhe
11:05:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad hers mchua rhe
12:10:01 <hers> #chair xLoneStar
12:10:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad hers mchua rhe xLoneStar
12:10:03 <hers> #chair tiansworld
12:10:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad hers mchua rhe tiansworld xLoneStar
12:10:41 <tiansworld> F14 快发布了
12:10:51 <tiansworld> 一个月?
12:11:02 <xLoneStar> hi a;;
12:11:04 <xLoneStar> hi all
12:11:28 <xLoneStar> how not to let ibus turn to full-char mode
12:12:22 <hers> shift space?
12:46:59 <hers> 这几天 Fedora 总是遇到 logo 纠纷哪
12:47:37 <hers> 那个在同一张光盘里装多个桌面的想法不是挺好,吵什么呢
13:09:22 <lovenemesis> 有 logo 纠纷方面的新进展么?
13:48:02 <hers> 商标那个不知道。
13:48:20 <hers> lovenemesis~ 你知道有个叫 Fedora 的管理系统吗?
13:48:22 <hers> http://www.librarytechnology.org/ltg-displaytext.pl?RC=13958
13:48:25 <hers> 真有趣
13:48:27 <BadGirl> Fedora Commons and DSpace Foundation join together to create DuraSpace Organization -- [Library Technology Guides]
13:48:48 <hers> http://www.dlresearch.cn/xtykc/?p=13
13:48:49 <BadGirl> 草长莺飞 » Blog Archive » 内容管理软件:DSpace & Fedora
13:49:17 <lovenemesis> 神奇
13:51:14 <xLoneStar> amazing
13:52:19 <xLoneStar> ibus能改成ctrl切换中英文吗?
13:53:57 <lovenemesis> xLoneStar: 你想用哪个键切换都可以,自己设置就行了
13:55:28 <xLoneStar> 没找到地方设置亚
14:02:58 <lovenemesis> xLoneStar: 点击右上角的拼音标志,选择首选项
14:04:13 <xLoneStar> 找到了
14:04:23 <xLoneStar> 我刚在“拼音首选项”里找,没找到
14:04:31 <xLoneStar> 原来有2个首选项
14:06:59 <lovenemesis> xLoneStar: 是的,一个是 iBus 输入平台的,一个是平台下的各种输入法的
14:13:49 <xLoneStar> OK了
14:13:54 <xLoneStar> 还不错
14:52:14 <hers> #endmeeting