13:17:06 <alick> #startmeeting 13:17:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 23 13:17:06 2013 UTC. The chair is alick. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:17:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:17:07 <BadGirl> [2010-08-20 22:18:24] Posted by z/odbot@fedora-zh already: MeetBot - Debian Wiki 13:17:24 <alick> #topic Fedora 19 Release Party Beijing 13:17:51 <gbraad> .fas gbraad 13:17:53 <zodbot> gbraad: gbraad 'Gerard Braad (吉拉德)' <fedora@gbraad.nl> 13:17:56 <alick> #info the relparty has been successfully head 13:18:08 <gbraad> s/head/held 13:18:32 <alick> #info the relparty has been successfully held 13:18:38 <alick> #link https://wp-awesome.rhcloud.com/2013/08/22/f19-relparty-beijing-report/ 13:18:41 <BadGirl> Fedora 19 Release Party Beijing Report » GAL(grep art life) 13:18:45 <alick> #link https://wp-awesome.rhcloud.com/2013/08/22/f19-relparty-beijing-report-chn/ 13:18:47 <BadGirl> Fedora 19 发行派对北京站活动总结 » GAL(grep art life) 13:19:19 <alick> 然后就是有一个调查问卷: 13:19:25 <gbraad> As suggested on Weibo, survey needs to have an end date 13:19:42 <alick> #link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/H7R3PCL 13:19:43 <BadGirl> Fedora 19 北京发行派对 Survey 13:19:55 <gbraad> Send a reminder on Monday and end it on the 31st 13:20:30 <alick> en 13:20:49 <gbraad> 嗯 13:20:52 <alick> #action alick to send a reminder about the ddl of survey (Aug 31) 13:21:35 <gbraad> lovenemesis mentioned on Weibo that nobody at Chinaunix responded as of yet 13:21:52 <gbraad> do we have other contacts? (not sure what it is about) 13:22:26 <alick> we contacted with Rongmao Zhou 13:22:36 <gbraad> same contact I have 13:22:54 <alick> Haven't checked the chinaunix forum about updates 13:23:43 <gbraad> OK, let's decide what to do on Monday. 13:23:59 <gbraad> can be discussed on Weibo. 13:25:35 <alick> I think I've got his phone no. 13:26:33 <alick> I can remind him via SMS 13:26:52 <gbraad> remind him tomorrow or Sunday, ok? 13:27:07 <gbraad> no need to rush it now. 13:27:30 <gbraad> first confirm with lovenemesis about the status 13:27:40 <alick> ok. 13:30:47 <alick> Other things to talk about? 13:31:05 <gbraad> too little to go by now. 13:31:17 <gbraad> I have nothing 13:31:27 <gbraad> I would like to know about the feedback 13:31:41 <gbraad> so, if nothing else... 13:33:05 <gbraad> ... end the meeting 13:35:29 <alick> Oh, i have a question about flock and fudcon. 13:35:29 <alick> there will be no fudcon, only flock, right? 13:35:30 <zsun_symbian> i think we should work on the bid for FUDCon sooner 13:35:57 <gbraad> we should work on a bid. however, there is still a lot to improve 13:36:10 <gbraad> for a bid the location needs to be known beforehand 13:36:23 <gbraad> instead of like for a relparty, arranging it afterwards 13:37:42 <alick> gbraad: so there will be fudcon, plus flock? 13:37:46 <gbraad> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock 13:37:48 <BadGirl> Flock - FedoraProject 13:38:02 <gbraad> it replaces it in NA and EMEA 13:38:04 <gbraad> not in APAC 13:39:22 * gbraad is not sure what the motivation is for this choice 13:39:24 <alick> gbraad: Ok 13:40:45 <gbraad> either way. if a bid is considered, we need to discuss about the coordination team. I have noticed the previous bids have mostly been copies of the work I have done with Cindy 13:41:16 <gbraad> it would need to be updated and made current (as some of the information is just wrong now) 13:42:09 <alick> yeah 13:42:11 <zsun_symbian> so we still have a lot to do and to check 13:42:18 <gbraad> yeps. 13:42:26 <gbraad> actually, start from scratch I suggest 13:42:27 <alick> first we need to decide on the venue location 13:42:40 <gbraad> I prefer a university 13:42:43 <zsun_symbian> Okay 13:43:09 <alick> Only venues in campus are feasible, since cost of hotels outside is just too high 13:43:19 <gbraad> exactly 13:43:30 <gbraad> well, budget is possible... 13:43:38 <gbraad> but I prefer not to when possible. 13:44:00 <gbraad> besides, for 人大 I already have several classrooms I can use/rent for the event. 13:44:27 <gbraad> although hosting at beihang or tsinghua seem more appropriate 13:44:30 <alick> As for campus, we consider 地大 and others 13:45:04 <alick> but we do not have contributors in those schools, so the contact is an issue 13:45:17 <gbraad> I have contacts in Beihang 13:46:10 <alick> for tsinghua, i am afraid it is not possible to rent the venue free of charge 13:46:11 <gbraad> first need to for which period we are bidding. 13:46:46 <alick> though I actually haven't tried to contact people. 13:46:49 * gbraad thinks none of these offer venue for free 13:47:32 <alick> The period for APAC should be between March and May 13:47:47 <alick> although it can be extended to like Aug. 13:48:06 <gbraad> prepare the bid early. 13:48:13 <alick> gbraad: so contact some universities, and pick a resonable one? 13:48:21 <gbraad> yes 13:48:54 <alick> We started the talk quite early I think, but we are stuck with the venue stuff.. 13:49:23 <gbraad> with venue also comes the question on accomodation, like hotel for visitors 13:49:32 <gbraad> s/on/of 13:51:10 <gbraad> first I want to suggest a request of who will volunteer/coordinate 13:51:39 <gbraad> for the next meeting we can organize a small plan 13:51:51 <gbraad> ok? (my time is limited now) 13:52:06 <alick> we have formed the team already. 13:52:31 <alick> I should send an email to the list about small gather up 13:52:51 <gbraad> ok 13:52:52 <alick> we should talk and make progress 13:54:21 <alick> #action alick send an email to the list about small gather up 13:54:23 <gbraad> how many in the coord? 13:54:32 <gbraad> and where are they located? 13:56:05 <alick> cannot recall correctly. need to check the emails 13:56:34 <gbraad> if most in Beijing, also meet f2f. 14:00:17 <alick> gbraad: you can help get some info about Renda, right? 14:00:22 <gbraad> yes 14:00:53 <alick> great 14:01:06 <alick> let's end the meeting. 14:01:12 <gbraad> OK 14:01:15 <alick> #endmeeting