13:09:51 <alick> #startmeeting 13:09:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 30 13:09:51 2013 UTC. The chair is alick. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:09:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:09:52 <BadGirl> [2010-08-20 22:18:24] Posted by z/odbot@fedora-zh already: MeetBot - Debian Wiki 13:10:12 <alick> #topic Roll call 13:10:31 <alick> 新人可以来个自我介绍 13:17:32 * alick 好多人都在挂机么 13:25:23 <alick> .fas alick 13:25:23 <zodbot> alick: alick 'Zhao Tao' <alick9188@gmail.com> - alickee '' <alick.tmp@gmail.com> - patrikskalicky 'Patrik Skalicky' <patrik.skalicky@gmail.com> - sakodak 'Jason Balicki' <sakodak@gmail.com> - walicki 'John Walicki' <johnwalicki@gmail.com> - drako 'Stefan Palicki' <stefan.palicki@gmail.com> 13:25:48 <alick> #topic Review last meeting's action 13:25:57 <alick> 上次的 action 13:26:10 <alick> * alick to send a reminder about the ddl of survey (Aug 31) 13:26:50 <alick> 我已经邮件通知了 tommy 和 CU 和周荣茂,让他们提醒截止日期 13:27:29 <alick> 目前收到的反馈量约为一半 13:31:37 <hougelangley> 一般都是在刷存在感 13:31:49 <hougelangley> 都在挂机什么的。 13:32:39 <alick> 又提醒 cicku 在微博上也通知下。 13:33:01 <alick> hougelangley: IRC 貌似没有刷在线时长的激励啊 13:34:20 <alick> * alick send an email to the list about small gather up 13:34:32 <alick> 线下碰面的通知已经发了 13:38:49 * gbraad is currently unavailable 13:42:12 <gbraad> alick: we need to end the survey. this information is needed for the next friday meeting 13:42:54 <gbraad> if not happened yet; remind soon... and end on next thursday or friday itself. 13:49:18 <alick> gbraad: the scheduled deadline is Aug 31, which is tomorrow. 13:50:08 <alick> agreed that the survey result should be available next friday. 13:56:39 <alick> #topic 自由讨论 13:56:42 <gbraad> alick: was this information sent to the attendees of the relparty? 13:56:55 <gbraad> as I had not seen a message... 14:00:00 <lishoujun> 我装了一个fedora和deepin的双系统 deepin没有认到fedora 现在只能手工替换grub.cfg 有没有办法双引导? 14:01:50 <alick> gbraad: I mailed tommy and Rongmao Zhou, they are supposed to notify them already 14:05:24 <gbraad> nothing else to add 14:05:43 <gbraad> lishoujun: your question needs to be answered on the mailinglist 14:06:03 <gbraad> do provide more information about your layout and how you have installed your system. 14:06:04 <alick> lishoujun: 比起手动改 grub.cfg,似乎更推荐 修改 /etc/grub.d/ 下的文件吧 14:06:19 <gbraad> dualboot is possible... 14:06:42 <alick> lishoujun: gbraad 说的对,更多的背景信息是需要的 14:07:26 * alick 没有什么问题的话,两分钟后关闭会议 14:07:47 <gbraad> alick: +1 14:19:45 <alick> #endmeeting