13:02:06 <zsun> #startmeeting FZUG Weekly Meeting 13:02:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 14 13:02:06 2015 UTC. The chair is zsun. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:02:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:02:06 <BadGirl> [2010-08-20 22:18:24] Posted by z/odbot@fedora-zh already: MeetBot - Debian Wiki 13:02:22 <zsun> #topic Roll Call 13:02:28 <zsun> .hellomynameis zsun 13:02:30 <zodbot> zsun: zsun 'Ziqian SUN (Zamir)' <sztsian@gmail.com> 13:03:04 <Pany> .fas pany 13:03:04 <zodbot> Pany: cdman 'Panya Promsorn' <promsorn2006@gmail.com> - pjcster 'Paul Company' <pjcster@gmail.com> - takasi 'takasi akasaka' <ta-akas_55japany@kpe.biglobe.ne.jp> - company 'Benjamin Otte' <otte@redhat.com> - long3254 '潘元龙' <panyl@im.ac.cn> - ppyycc 'pyc' <panyongcun@tom.com> - billi 'Bui Ngoc Thanh' <billionaire.company@gmail.com> - hoanghaico 'LA VU HOANG HAI' <hoanghaico.company@blogger.com> - gipcompany (1 more message) 13:03:10 <zsun> #chair endle kaio liweinan tonghuix Pany c0rehe110 13:03:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pany c0rehe110 endle kaio liweinan tonghuix zsun 13:03:49 <zsun> #into topic: Offline Events 13:03:57 <zsun> #info topic: Offline Events 13:03:58 <kaio> hihi 13:04:11 <kaio> .fasinfo kaio 13:04:12 <zodbot> kaio: User: kaio, Name: Caius Chance (かいお), email: me@kaio.net, Creation: 2008-09-10, IRC Nick: kaio, Timezone: Australia/Brisbane, Locale: en, GPG key ID: AC46CB49, Status: active 13:04:13 <zsun> #into topic: Fedora 23 tasks 13:04:14 <zodbot> kaio: Approved Groups: cla_fedora cla_done fedorabugs hgflies packager cla_redhat l10n-commits @packager-zh cvsl10n freemedia +ambassadors 13:04:25 <zsun> #info topic: Fedora 23 tasks 13:04:31 * zsun bad typo 13:04:45 <endle> here 13:06:26 <isyangxin> .hellomynameis isyangxin 13:06:27 <zodbot> isyangxin: isyangxin 'None' <isyangxin@gmail.com> 13:06:59 <zsun> #chair isyangxin 13:06:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pany c0rehe110 endle isyangxin kaio liweinan tonghuix zsun 13:07:06 <zsun> #chair 13:07:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pany c0rehe110 endle isyangxin kaio liweinan tonghuix zsun 13:10:32 <tonghuix> .hellomynameis tonghuix 13:10:32 <zodbot> tonghuix: tonghuix 'Tong Hui' <tonghuix@gmail.com> 13:10:36 <zsun> #topic Offline Events 13:10:55 <zsun> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F22_Beijing 13:10:55 <BadGirl> Release Party F22 Beijing - FedoraProject 13:11:03 <zsun> 话题已经基本确定了 13:11:17 <zsun> 现在还缺poster 13:11:38 <zsun> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/400 13:11:39 <BadGirl> #400 (Request for Welcome Picture of F22 Release Party) – Design Team 13:11:50 <zsun> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/399 13:11:51 <BadGirl> #399 (Request for poster of Fedora 22 Release Party) – Design Team 13:11:59 <zsun> poster的ticket始终没有人回复 13:12:59 <tonghuix> 那么咱们自己做? 13:13:17 <zsun> 有人有时间么 13:13:38 <zsun> 关键是这次连官方的poster都没有 13:13:51 <zsun> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F22_Artwork#Posters 13:13:51 <BadGirl> F22 Artwork - FedoraProject 13:14:08 <tonghuix> 额 13:15:50 <zsun> 现在我还需要一个贴纸的设计 13:16:09 <zsun> 用来会场的时候贴身上以辨认身份 13:16:20 <zsun> tonghuix: 你有FUDCon时Fedora贴纸的底稿么 13:17:12 <tonghuix> 貌似有 13:17:22 <tonghuix> 但。。。我在台湾呆到21号 13:17:26 <tonghuix> 几乎帮不上忙 13:17:35 <zsun> 就是说不在你电脑上?邮箱里呢? 13:18:32 <zsun> 我邮箱里没有贴纸相关的。FUDCon时我只负责讲师相关的 13:18:37 <tonghuix> 我要找找 13:18:45 <zsun> 好。 13:19:05 <zsun> 最好明天就能给我答复。如果没有我就自己造一个图了 13:19:07 <tonghuix> 我现在外面参加COSCUP的讲者招待宴会,所以可能需要先pending 13:19:37 <zsun> #action tonghuix find file for sticker of FUDCon Beijing 2014 before Saturday 13:19:47 <tonghuix> Ok 13:19:47 <zsun> #undo 13:19:47 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by zsun at 13:19:37 : tonghuix find file for sticker of FUDCon Beijing 2014 before Saturday 13:20:10 <zsun> #action tonghuix find file for sticker of FUDCon Beijing 2014 and remind zsun before Saturday 13:20:34 <zsun> 如果没收到邮件我就默认按没有处理了 13:20:44 <tonghuix> 好 13:21:45 <zsun> 然后线下活动我没有其他内容了。 13:22:56 <zsun> #topic Fedora 23 tasks 13:23:21 <zsun> #info Fedora 23 Alpha released 13:24:24 <zsun> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2015-August/003284.html 13:24:24 <BadGirl> Announcing the release of Fedora 23 Alpha! 13:24:40 <zsun> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-23/f-23-trans-tasks.html 13:24:41 <BadGirl> Fedora 23 Translation Tasks 13:25:08 <zsun> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-23/f-23-quality-tasks.html 13:25:09 <BadGirl> Fedora 23 Quality Tasks 13:25:19 <zsun> 要准备测试Fedora 23 Beta了 13:25:53 <endle> 我没找到 test day 的安排 13:27:28 <zsun> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Fedora_23_Test_Days 13:27:29 <tonghuix> alick_mobile: 要不要把房间空调打开 13:27:30 <BadGirl> Category:Fedora 23 Test Days - FedoraProject 13:27:56 <zsun> tonghuix: 谢谢你提醒我alick在线 13:27:58 <zsun> #chair alick_mobile 13:27:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pany alick_mobile c0rehe110 endle isyangxin kaio liweinan tonghuix zsun 13:28:35 <zsun> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/QA/?subject=Test+Day 13:28:36 <BadGirl> [2015-03-13 22:05:20] Posted by z/sun@fedora-zh already: QA - Fedocal 13:28:45 <zsun> 好像test-announce没发testdays的邮件 13:28:52 <zsun> 只有个call for test days 13:30:59 <endle> 今年希望能有时间参与 test day 13:31:13 <zsun> 我但愿能参加arm的testday 13:31:43 <endle> cool 13:31:44 <zsun> tonghuix: 好几次都是上班时下载好了镜像,下班前忘了拷到优盘。。我自己也是醉了。。。 13:32:29 <tonghuix> 这次test day是哪天? 13:32:45 <zsun> arm的还没宣布 13:33:52 <endle> intel呢? 13:34:04 <zsun> 啥? 13:34:09 <alick_mobile> ton 13:34:57 <alick_mobile> tonghuix: 开着呢吧 13:35:23 <endle> 我记得 intel amd nvidia 的 testday 不在同一天 13:39:02 <alick_mobile> zerng07: 晚宴来没? 13:39:16 <zsun> #topic open floor 13:40:29 <endle> CentOS 6 升 7 居然要求 /usr 不能单独分出去 13:40:33 <endle> 好奇怪啊 13:41:00 <zsun> #info call for meeting chair 13:41:37 <alick_mobile> endle: fedora 早有过了,usr move 13:41:51 <endle> 早有过? 13:42:56 <alick_mobile> Lennart 解释过,单独的 usr 可能导致启动失败什么的 13:43:27 <zsun> 我开学就回学校了。有人能负责主持会议么 13:48:58 <endle> thanks 13:49:23 <endle> 那我就给我的台式机手动升级好了 13:49:52 <endle> 话说有一件事情我必须要炫耀一发:我的笔记本内存升级从6G到16G啦! 13:50:43 <gebjgd> endle, 上网本? 13:50:45 <endle> 我可以一边开 firefox 看视频一边编译代码也不怕卡啦! 13:50:46 <gebjgd> endle, 赞! 13:50:56 <endle> 不是,是联想G500 13:51:04 <gebjgd> endle, 要16G有毛用 13:51:09 <gebjgd> endle, 4G 13:51:14 <gebjgd> endle, 4G都不卡 13:51:30 <endle> 8线程编译代码还是挺吃内存的 13:52:48 <gebjgd> endle, 笔记本make就好了 13:52:55 <gebjgd> endle, -j就不要了 13:53:02 <gebjgd> endle, 台式机加个16G还有意义 13:53:09 <gebjgd> endle, 笔记本8g足以 13:53:16 <endle> 不 -就 13:53:22 <endle> 不加 -j 太慢了 13:54:54 <endle> 而且内存大可以跑虚拟机 13:57:10 <gebjgd> endle, 啥cpu? 13:57:25 <endle> i7 13:57:31 <gebjgd> endle, 有钱的孩子 13:57:31 <endle> 具体型号忘了 囧 13:57:55 <endle> 两年前买的,当时价格不到5k吧 13:58:13 <gebjgd> endle, 台式机多好 显卡也能更棒 13:58:26 <endle> 寝室放不下 13:58:57 <endle> 而且假期可以带回家 14:00:38 <zsun> 结束会议? 14:01:09 <zsun> #endmeeting