19:00:16 <jreznik> #startmeeting Fedora 19 Final Readiness Meeting 19:00:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 27 19:00:16 2013 UTC. The chair is jreznik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:33 <jreznik> #meetingname final-final-readiness-meeting 19:00:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'final-final-readiness-meeting' 19:00:38 <jreznik> #undo 19:00:58 <jreznik> #meetingname fedora19-final-readiness-meeting 19:00:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora19-final-readiness-meeting' 19:01:05 * nirik waves 19:01:20 * jreznik is now blocking two meeting channels... 19:01:25 <jreznik> #topic Purpose of this meeting 19:01:38 <jreznik> #info "Before each public release all of the groups participating the development of Fedora's next release meet to make sure the release is well coordinated." 19:01:44 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness_Meetings 19:02:10 <jreznik> #topic Current status 19:03:02 <jreznik> basically we're waiting for RC3 validation as we had to do late respin due to kickstart bug in text mode 19:03:19 <jreznik> to decide if we can go or no-go as planned 19:03:32 <suehle> here as well 19:03:53 <jreznik> #info we're waiting for RC3 validation to decide Go/No-Go for Fedora 19 Final due to late accepted blocker bug 19:03:58 <jreznik> hi suehle! 19:04:45 <rbergeron> thank goodness, i was starting to think this cycle was unrealistically perfect or something 19:05:23 <jreznik> we already have RC3 available and QA is now going through specific test cases, mostly using RC2 results as there should not be big differences 19:05:49 <jreznik> rbergeron: sun eruptions today, otherwise it would be perfect :) 19:06:20 <jreznik> so that's for current status, watch #fedora-meeting-2 and #fedora-qa for current status 19:06:53 <adamw> ahoyhoy 19:07:06 <jreznik> ahoj! 19:07:14 <jreznik> let's move on 19:07:18 <adamw> rbergeron: we had to work quite hard but we managed to find something to panic about 19:07:43 <jreznik> #topic Ambassadors 19:08:19 * jreznik doesn't see sesivany but saw cwickert trying to join the channel 19:09:06 * cwickert is here 19:09:21 <jreznik> anything from ambassadors for final? 19:09:26 <cwickert> I think sesivany took a day off 19:09:39 <cwickert> no, ready when you are 19:10:22 <jreznik> #info Ambassadors are ready 19:10:28 <jreznik> thanks cwickert 19:10:47 <jreznik> #topic Design 19:11:20 <jreznik> anybody from Design team? I don't see Ryan here 19:12:40 * Viking-Ice draws the design team 19:13:30 <jreznik> hi gnokii, are you aware of Design team status for F19? 19:13:58 <gnokii> jreznik: it should be everything done 19:14:28 <jreznik> gnokii: thanks 19:14:45 <jreznik> I'll sync with Ryan offline to be sure 19:15:16 <jreznik> #info Design team should be ready, to recheck with ryanlerch offline 19:15:38 <jreznik> #action jreznik to follow up with ryanlerch 19:15:53 <jreznik> #topic Documentation 19:17:37 <jreznik> Sparks: ping, are you aware of docs team status for f19? I don't see randomuser here 19:18:11 <Sparks> jreznik: I think we are on go. 19:18:22 <Sparks> jreznik: The Release Notes were packaged and pushed yesterday(?) 19:18:38 <Sparks> jreznik: And documentation is being pushed up to the public server 19:18:44 <jreznik> #info Documentation team is ready 19:19:00 <jreznik> #info Release Notes were packaged and pushed yesterday 19:19:17 <jreznik> #info Documentation is being pushed up to the public server 19:19:20 <jreznik> thanks Sparks 19:19:40 <jreznik> anything else you're aware of? 19:20:09 <Sparks> Not that I'm aware. Are there any specific concerns? 19:20:42 <jreznik> not from me 19:21:04 <Sparks> I'm not aware of any issues within Documentation. 19:21:19 <jreznik> just I want to be sure RN and docs are all set after we had some issues for Beta 19:21:24 <jreznik> thanks 19:22:11 <jreznik> Sparks: when do you expect docs push will be finished? 19:24:16 <jreznik> let's move on now, we have a lot of stuff on agenta, will recheck after meeting 19:24:40 <jreznik> #topic FESCo 19:24:55 <jreznik> nirik: anything from FESCo? 19:25:30 <nirik> nope, we are ready to go. There was one bug, but it was fixed and we are ready 19:25:45 <jreznik> #info FESCo is ready 19:26:19 <jreznik> #info there was one bug, but it was fixed 19:26:29 <nirik> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=975214 for the record. 19:26:39 <jreznik> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=975214 19:27:20 <jreznik> thanks nirik 19:27:40 <jreznik> #topic Fedora Engineering Manager 19:27:59 <jreznik> spot: are you around? anything from you? 19:28:35 <suehle> I think he was leaving for vacation today 19:30:22 * jreznik wants to leave for vacation too, expects the first free time in autumn... 19:30:27 <jreznik> suehle: ok 19:30:42 <jreznik> but we usually don't have anything specific from spot 19:31:00 <jreznik> #topic Translation 19:32:05 <jreznik> do we have anybody from Translation team? 19:34:57 <jreznik> yurchor: are you aware if Translation team is ready for release? 19:35:00 <Viking-Ice> aren't people being pinged in advance for release readiness meeting so they are present when the meeting is actually held? 19:35:50 <yurchor> jreznik: setrobleshoot developer has broke message freeze two days ago with at least 2 typos in English messages. Anaconda is in unknown state (there wer freeze breaks with no testing). The other should be Ok. 19:35:53 <jreznik> Viking-Ice: they are but it's hard to get everyone in the same time on the same place... if somebody is missing, I try to sync offline 19:37:18 <yurchor> Some translation bugs from testing days have patches to fix extraction but nobody wanted to apply them. :'( 19:37:19 <jreznik> #info setrobleshoot developer broke message freeze, Anaconda is in unknown state (there were freeze breaks with no testing) 19:38:00 <jreznik> #info other packages should be ok, some translation bugs from testing days have patches to fix but were not applied 19:38:28 <jreznik> yurchor: well, for the test day fixes, I'd say we could do better - let me know if something like that arises next time 19:38:51 <yurchor> jreznik: Thanks. :) 19:39:28 <yurchor> And nothing unusual this cycle. Thanks for everyone who cares about translations. :) 19:41:05 <jreznik> yurchor: I'll try to reach the team for F20 cycle, to check what's in schedule and how to make sure freezes, test days results etc. are properly communicated 19:41:13 <jreznik> thanks yurchor 19:41:26 <jreznik> #topic Fedora Project Leader 19:42:11 <jreznik> rbergeron: your turn 19:42:35 <rbergeron> jreznik: I haz nothing. I will need a reminder about the actual release time on tuesday 19:42:41 <rbergeron> since it changes for me every 6 months :) 19:42:56 <rbergeron> well, then it is three times in a row, but ... I can look at the wiki page :) 19:43:13 <jreznik> I have to admit I'm always confused either 19:43:24 <rbergeron> but other than that: FPL sends out final release announcement, so i'll have it queued up and whatnot for tues. 19:43:34 <nirik> 10am E*T right? 19:43:42 <jsmith> That sounds right to me 19:43:54 <suehle> Yah 19:43:58 * nirik thinks we should change it to just use UTC. But probibly just me 19:43:59 <jreznik> nirik: yeah, timezones makes it worst and sometimes I'm just off by one 19:44:04 <jreznik> nirik: +1 19:44:05 <rbergeron> yeah. so ... 7am instead of 8am for me right now 19:44:17 <nirik> rbergeron: yep. 8am here. ;( 19:44:27 <rbergeron> nirik: next time though. 8am for me :) 19:44:56 <jreznik> it's easier to get time from utc, without double conversion (in case we are in different daylight saving non sense etc) 19:44:57 <nirik> we should just change it to 14UTC 19:45:04 <rbergeron> so just need to confirm which tuesday at this point (and need to relay to PR as well, so they can get it in calendar and call the pressy folks) 19:45:07 <nirik> but thats another topic for another day I think 19:45:56 <jreznik> for F19, let's stay with 10 am E*T but let's change it for F20 19:46:09 * nirik nods 19:46:34 <jreznik> #info FPL is ready, needs reminder about actual release time 19:46:42 <rbergeron> jreznik: i have the reminder now. 19:46:44 <rbergeron> it's on a sticky note. 19:46:47 <rbergeron> and my phone. 19:46:59 <rbergeron> :) 19:47:16 * jreznik should do the same :) 19:47:19 <jreznik> thanks rbergeron 19:47:21 <jreznik> #topic Marketing 19:47:45 <jreznik> suehle: how's the work on announcement is going? 19:47:56 <suehle> Release announcement just needs deprecated features if anyone knows of any http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F19_release_announcement 19:49:00 <suehle> jreznik, ^^ 19:49:02 <jreznik> suehle: I'll try to dig it out somehow, if not, I'd 'll remove the section 19:49:33 <jreznik> I see there are some formatting issues like "=== Complete feature list " 19:49:59 <suehle> I'll go review it this afternoon and clean it up 19:50:17 <suehle> If anybody has comments/additions/subtractions, let me know. 19:50:52 <jreznik> #info Release Announcement needs deprecated features list 19:50:57 <jreznik> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F19_release_announcement 19:51:12 <jreznik> #action jreznik to take a look on deprecated features 19:51:28 <jreznik> #action suehle to review and clean up the announcement 19:51:45 <jreznik> rbergeron: do you have anything to add to the announcement? 19:53:11 <rbergeron> jreznik: i may fine tune it a bit but nothing serious 19:53:23 <jreznik> thanks 19:53:31 <rbergeron> mostly along the lines of "not the same exact wording" in the features 19:54:02 <jreznik> suehle: anything else from marketing? 19:54:11 <rbergeron> since some of our more ... picky press / pundits/ etc. out there comment on it 19:54:25 <suehle> rbergeron, We can even mix back in some from the alpha announcement 19:54:45 <suehle> I think that's all from me 19:55:06 <jreznik> ok 19:55:22 <jreznik> #topic Infrastructure 19:55:26 <rbergeron> suehle: yup. i just get little comments on the phone like 19:55:58 <rbergeron> well. comments. 19:56:03 * rbergeron will not go into detail :) 19:56:22 * jreznik already moved on, we don't have much time left :) 19:56:28 <nirik> infrastructure is all set... we just need the go bits to start mirroring out. ;) 19:57:04 <jreznik> #info infrastructure is ready, only bits to start mirroring out are needed 19:57:13 <jreznik> #topic Websites 19:57:42 <jreznik> robyduck, shaiton: your turn 19:57:54 <robyduck> yep, hi 19:58:03 <jreznik> hi 19:58:13 <robyduck> websites are ready, new spin pages are in place, we updated the clouds and will do the same with 2nd arches (already in contact with ARM) 19:58:29 <jreznik> #info websites are ready, new spin pages are in place 19:58:36 <robyduck> Still need to get the last things related to the final RC, checksums, ISO sizes, and have to check doc links. 19:58:47 <robyduck> it's all from our side 19:59:09 <jreznik> #info the clouds updated, the same planned for 2nd arches, in touch with ARM 19:59:51 <jreznik> #info final RC data still needed (checksums, ISO sizes, links check) 20:00:10 <jreznik> robyduck: well I hope we will give it to you today :) 20:00:15 <jreznik> thanks 20:00:22 <robyduck> :) 20:00:54 <jreznik> #topic QA 20:01:22 <jreznik> QA are now being heros with RC3 validation, adamw, anything specific to mention beside this? 20:02:07 <adamw> not really 20:02:22 <adamw> i have a pile of stuff on my commonbugs list but there's nothing we're really fudging 20:02:35 <adamw> tflink, viking? 20:04:54 <jreznik> #info besides RC3 validation tests, there's commobugs list to be finished 20:05:08 <jreznik> #topic Release Engineering 20:05:47 <jreznik> dgilmore: anything from you? 20:05:55 <jreznik> (and big thanks for RC3!) 20:07:59 <Viking-Ice> nothing to add from me 20:10:09 <jreznik> I'll expect dennis will raise hand in case of any issues, let's move on 20:10:16 <jreznik> #topic Open floor 20:10:33 <jreznik> anything else to add now? 20:10:54 <dgilmore> jreznik: in decent shape 20:11:03 <jreznik> #undo 20:11:03 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x120003d0> 20:11:20 <jreznik> #topic Release Engineering 20:11:29 <jreznik> #info Release Engineering in a decent shape 20:12:10 <jreznik> thanks 20:12:16 <jreznik> #topic Open floor 20:12:45 <jreznik> well, except we are waiting for Go/No-Go for RC3 seems we are pretty ready 20:13:09 * jreznik will follow it up closely 20:15:12 <cwickert> what about spins? 20:15:19 <cwickert> I mean websites 20:15:33 <cwickert> we have one new spin that needs a website 20:15:51 <cwickert> does anybody know the status here? 20:15:51 <robyduck> cwickert: which one? 20:15:56 <cwickert> MATE 20:16:06 <cwickert> and I think Jam, too 20:16:10 <cwickert> so two spins actually 20:16:22 <robyduck> http://spins.stg.fedoraproject.org/jam 20:16:29 <robyduck> http://spins.stg.fedoraproject.org/mate-compiz 20:16:34 <cwickert> oh 20:16:35 <cwickert> cool 20:16:38 <robyduck> ;) 20:16:42 <cwickert> then we are done :) 20:16:48 <cwickert> thanks robyduck 20:17:07 <robyduck> thanks to you for not forgetting nothing 20:21:09 <jreznik> good job guys with spins! 20:21:27 <jreznik> anything else? otherwise I'm setting fuse 20:25:40 <jreznik> 3... 20:26:23 <jreznik> 2... 20:27:25 <jreznik> 1... 20:28:00 <jreznik> thanks everyone for coming! 20:28:06 <jreznik> #endmeeting