22:34:23 <aeperezt> #startmeeting 22:34:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 28 22:34:23 2014 UTC. The chair is aeperezt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:34:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:34:36 <TonetJallo> .fas tonet666p 22:34:38 <aeperezt> #chair yn1v 22:34:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt yn1v 22:34:39 <zodbot> TonetJallo: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 22:34:47 * TonetJallo Perú 22:34:54 <aeperezt> #meetingname Fedora Ambassadors Latam 22:34:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_latam' 22:35:04 <aeperezt> .fas aeperet 22:35:06 <zodbot> aeperezt: 'aeperet' Not Found! 22:35:07 * aeperezt Panama 22:35:09 <bernardoha> .fas bernardoha 22:35:10 <zodbot> bernardoha: bernardoha 'Bernardo C. Hermitaño Atencio' <bernardoha@gmail.com> 22:35:13 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 22:35:14 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 22:35:16 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 22:35:17 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 22:35:18 * yn1v Nicaragua 22:35:45 <bernardoha> bernardoha Per� 22:36:10 <rosset> .fas filiperosset 22:36:11 <zodbot> rosset: filiperosset 'Filipe Rosset' <rosset.filipe@gmail.com> 22:36:13 * rosset Brazil 22:36:30 <ramilton> .fas ramilton 22:36:31 <zodbot> ramilton: ramilton 'Ramilton Costa Gomes Júnior' <ramiltoncosta@gmail.com> 22:36:36 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 22:36:37 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 22:36:37 <aeperezt> Hola chicos 22:36:42 <aeperezt> helo everyone 22:36:49 * itamarjp Alien 22:36:53 <aeperezt> long time no see you on a meeting 22:37:11 <mayorga> .hellomynameis mayorga 22:37:12 <zodbot> mayorga: mayorga 'Eduardo Mayorga Téllez' <e@mayorgalinux.com> 22:37:48 <aeperezt> Hey first please check you tickets and close them when completed 22:38:20 <aeperezt> there are over 6 month old tickets with no information than I'm closing now to keep clean the track 22:38:21 <rosset> itamarjp, is a very busy boy, how many packages are you maintaining in Fedora atm? 22:38:32 <biker> .fas rugebiker 22:38:32 <rosset> aeperezt, great 22:38:32 <zodbot> biker: rugebiker 'Ruben Guerra Marin' <rguerra.marin@gmail.com> 22:38:35 <aeperezt> so please make sure you close the ticket when completed 22:39:44 <itamarjp> aeperezt, I have to work and study, I have a classrom starting in 20 minutes, and I still at home now, I can't attend meetings at this time during this year. 22:39:55 <mribeirodantas> .fas mribeirodantas 22:39:55 <zodbot> mribeirodantas: mribeirodantas 'Marcel Ribeiro Dantas' <ribeirodantasdm@gmail.com> 22:39:56 * mribeirodantas Brazil 22:40:28 <aeperezt> itamarjp thanks we underestan 22:40:47 <mribeirodantas> itamarjp is going to be a daddy :-D 22:40:54 <mribeirodantas> All the best, mate. 22:41:27 <aeperezt> soon itamarjp clon can be on the meetings 22:42:47 <aeperezt> There are no new tickets so we can move to budget topic just a quick update 22:42:54 <aeperezt> #topic Latam Budget 22:43:08 <yn1v> itamarjp, sleep while you can ... once the fatherhood adventure start you will never be able to sleep the same 22:43:14 <mribeirodantas> hahaha 22:43:31 <rosset> good news, we've 3 LATAM guys going to Flock 2014 22:43:35 <rosset> http://flock2014.sched.org/ 22:43:36 <mribeirodantas> My nephew was just born a few weeks ago and I can already feel the lack of sleep myself. 22:43:38 <aeperezt> first quarter of the year is finish and we spend around 5000 dls out of 6000 so we have 1000 for next quarter 22:43:43 <mribeirodantas> rosset: awesome. 22:43:58 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: Great. 22:44:11 <mribeirodantas> Maybe that money could be moved to FUDCON, once we got less money this year, right? 22:44:26 <aeperezt> but we need to be on top of speending the budget or we get redutions as happen with Fudcon budget 22:44:54 <itamarjp> yn1v, I will contribute a bit more to fedora, one eye in the baby other in computer, 22:45:06 <mribeirodantas> itamarjp: :-D 22:45:09 <rosset> aeperezt, 1k plus 6k for the next quarter? 22:45:39 <itamarjp> rosset, no, only 1k 22:45:50 <mribeirodantas> rosset: 1k + budget amount of next quarter 22:45:58 <aeperezt> rosset, it is 3000 +1000 22:46:03 <mribeirodantas> Gastamos 5k de 6k. Sobrou 1k, empurra para o próximo que são 3k 22:46:07 <rosset> aeperezt, ok, thanks. 22:46:10 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: Don't you think we should save this 1k for FUDCon? 22:46:24 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, no 22:46:28 <mribeirodantas> Why? 22:46:31 <aeperezt> we can mix budgets 22:46:55 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, fudcon budget is different from ambassadors budget 22:47:00 <mribeirodantas> oh, true. I forgot it 22:47:01 <mribeirodantas> sorry. 22:48:03 <aeperezt> we have a bunch of events for next quarter we please people start doing your tickets for them so we can spend things right and wise 22:48:15 <aeperezt> #topic Fudcon 22:48:24 <aeperezt> yn1v, how are we doing with the fudcon 22:48:42 <mribeirodantas> yn1v: Do you need help with anything that people abroad could maybe help? 22:49:01 <aeperezt> yn1v, last week I notice if I buy my plane ticket to nicaragua now it can be 200 dls instead of 400 22:49:10 <aeperezt> so I wander if we can do that 22:49:17 <yn1v> I have one milestone to accomplish before asking for things 22:49:44 <yn1v> I have a meeting with the university to move from talk to an agreement 22:49:56 <yn1v> I need them to approve the dates that I have proposed 22:50:03 <yn1v> This meeting is tomorrow 22:50:33 <aeperezt> yn1v, I'm tempted to buy that ticket rewarless of anything else but I need to be sure everything is going to be on the dates and with the time 22:50:36 <yn1v> After that I will need help with infrastructure ... the fudcon web site 22:51:22 <yn1v> Exactly, we need confirmation on dates 22:51:34 <mribeirodantas> Good. I'm not good at design 22:51:38 <mribeirodantas> But I can help. 22:52:32 <TonetJallo> yn1v, i can help you with website 22:52:51 <mribeirodantas> Gosh, a flight ticket from Brazil to Nicaragua is expensive 22:52:51 <yn1v> There was a domain for fudcon latam, and there was a system for registering talks used on valencia ... that may be reusable 22:52:58 <mribeirodantas> yn1v: True. 22:53:21 <aeperezt> yn1v, I own that domain just let me know where you want it to be pointed at 22:54:18 <yn1v> aeperezt, okey ... let me check with hosting people then. 22:54:47 <yn1v> maybe bluehost or guegue.com can sponsor the hosting 22:55:53 <yn1v> I have a notebook with notes, i was waiting to fudcon apac finish so I flood the fudcon trac with tickets to follow up 22:56:14 <aeperezt> if it need hostin there is space were I can put it 22:56:24 <aeperezt> but we need to know what will be there 22:56:36 <yn1v> I did not want to make a mix of messages generated by fudcon trac for two events 22:56:45 <bernardoha> When will be the web FUDCon. 22:57:30 <aeperezt> yn1v, I can set hosting for it 22:57:40 <aeperezt> but we need to build the web for it 22:58:07 <yn1v> how was the experience of the system used for valencia? 22:58:54 <rosset> Brazil x Panama flights are a bit expensive indeed, so instead of wasting lot of money for a few number of flights, we can organize a FAD in Brazil (ex, Sao Paulo) 22:59:27 <ramilton> +1 rosset 22:59:34 <aeperezt> yn1v, not sure about the experience on the system, but I can say that at the end it was bad, because the talks were there for people that did not go to the event 23:00:01 <yn1v> in the other hand ... not sure if will be better use the service that is using flock and have a more simple web page ... maybe wordpress 23:00:27 <aeperezt> so it was a bigger issue another thing was the talks were not reviewed and we ended up with talks about many subjects not related to fedora, or free software for that matter 23:00:41 <aeperezt> yn1v, so not sure if want use that 23:01:08 <aeperezt> but it is your dance 23:01:10 <yn1v> well, that is not a system issue, is a follow up issue 23:01:19 <aeperezt> yn1v, so you put the music we dance 23:01:42 <mribeirodantas> rosset: You didn't understand. He already said they're 2 different budgets 23:01:52 <mribeirodantas> You can't save money from FUDCon to invest in something else but FUDCon 23:02:33 <rosset> mribeirodantas, but will be cheaper from guys from other countries to fly to Panama 23:02:45 <aeperezt> rosset if you want to do a FAD it is posible, but you need to plan the event and request the budget for it to Ruth and FPL so they can approve it 23:02:52 <yn1v> jajaja ... the first thing to my mind was polka! let's dance polka 23:02:55 <mribeirodantas> rosset: it's not about what is the cheapest 23:03:07 <mribeirodantas> it's about what is important. If we thought only about price, we wouldn't have 5 foreigners in FISL, for example. 23:03:10 <mayorga> Why about setting up a Drupal distribution for conferences? https://drupal.org/project/cod 23:03:34 <mayorga> s/Why/What 23:03:59 <mribeirodantas> And by the way, FADs are a 3rd different budget. Thanks for reminding us that, aeperezt 23:04:15 <yn1v> I think that we should divide the event into task and have people doing stuff 23:04:15 <rosset> aeperezt, I'll propose a FAD for this year, will discuss w/ BR community first :) 23:04:17 <mayorga> It's an all-in-one solution. Everything you need is there. 23:04:54 <yn1v> if mayorga wants to run the site with drupal ... great he gets the ticket about that 23:05:27 <yn1v> is somebody else get the ticket and wants to use some django-celery stuff ... his/her task 23:05:40 <rosset> aeperezt, mribeirodantas but I'm not requesting budget, I'm trying to motivate BR guys to make more FADs (maybe twice a year?) 23:05:47 <yn1v> but again, the milestone is confirming the dates 23:05:52 <mribeirodantas> rosset: Yeah, that would be good. 23:06:18 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt just reminded that if for FADs we must request budget to Ruth Suelen and the FPL directly. Maybe beucase we're talking about budget now, he judged important (and so do I) to mention the budget thing 23:06:31 <aeperezt> rosset, it is posible but think of what it is require to do fad as fad are not a general event or budget event 23:07:04 <yn1v> we need to do a ICARO FAD in Cordoba !! 23:07:14 <mribeirodantas> :-D 23:07:46 <aeperezt> rosset, I'm with you on that as long as the event for the community that will work on Fedora 23:07:56 <mribeirodantas> I think we should join forces to organize a nice Release Party for Fedora Next this year 23:08:05 <aeperezt> yn1v, keep us posted on the status of fudcon 23:08:06 <yn1v> Going back to fudcon latam, when I have set the dates, I will make a call for papers 23:08:09 <mribeirodantas> I mean, not only a party or a release meeting, but an event. Several events happening around the same time in the entire LATAM :D 23:08:14 <mribeirodantas> yn1v: good. 23:08:20 <yn1v> this will be probably next week 23:08:24 <aeperezt> #topic open floor 23:08:36 <aeperezt> any other matter you want to talk 23:09:25 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, rosset there is something I want to talk about FISL that we need to talk but on another meeting 23:09:58 <aeperezt> or maybe a brasil meeting first I want to go over you and leonardo what I have in mind 23:10:54 <mribeirodantas> who is you? 23:11:01 <mribeirodantas> you mribeirodantas, you rosset or you mribeirodantas and rosset? 23:11:23 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas rosset itamarjp and leonardo 23:11:27 <mribeirodantas> Ok :-) 23:11:40 <mribeirodantas> Can you speak a bit about it? 23:11:56 <yn1v> is leonardo going to flock ? 23:12:04 <rosset> yn1v, yes, like you :) 23:12:07 <rosset> congrats! 23:12:15 <rosset> yn1v, Leonardo and Wolnei 23:12:20 <aeperezt> anything else? 23:12:47 <rosset> at least their talks were approved 23:12:57 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: _o/ 23:13:04 <mribeirodantas> Aren't you going to say anything about this? I got curious. 23:13:10 <aeperezt> rosset, and Yohan 23:13:17 <mribeirodantas> Does it concern Fedora? If so, I think it should at least be introduced in here. 23:13:34 <rosset> it's about debian 23:13:37 <rosset> yayayaya mribeirodantas :P 23:13:43 <aeperezt> rosset, http://flock2014.sched.org/speaker/y.1sdc2v7n 23:13:55 <yn1v> Yohan Graterol is goin too 23:14:04 <mribeirodantas> Debian? 23:14:10 <mribeirodantas> LOL 23:14:15 <mribeirodantas> I didn't understand it at first :-D 23:14:18 <rosset> aeperezt, great, I'm not good w/ names :) 23:14:47 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: so? 23:14:54 <aeperezt> rosset, I found him because of the pic :-) 23:15:25 <yn1v> wait! what? Debian? 23:15:27 <itamarjp> I have to go, bye 23:15:29 <rosset> aeperezt, I believe we can talk via email (you, leonardo, itamar__ etc) 23:15:40 <rosset> itamar cya have a nice class 23:15:42 <rosset> :P 23:15:48 <itamarjp> rosset +1 23:15:50 <aeperezt> rosset, right or hangout one day 23:15:51 <mribeirodantas> yn1v: it was a joke because I asked if it concerns Fedora :-D 23:16:19 <yn1v> oh! 23:16:24 <rosset> aeperezt, yeah... 23:16:39 <mribeirodantas> 20:14 < mribeirodantas> aeperezt: so? 23:16:47 <rosset> mribeirodantas, it's a job offer for you 23:16:54 <rosset> 500k/year 23:17:07 <rosset> :P 23:17:10 <mribeirodantas> :P 23:17:28 <mribeirodantas> In my region of Brazil, we would say rosset has slept with bozo 23:17:28 <mribeirodantas> lol 23:17:29 <yn1v> mribeirodantas, do you need and assistant? 23:17:34 <mribeirodantas> yn1v: sorry? 23:18:00 <yn1v> if you get 500K /year, maybe you need and assistant 23:18:01 <aeperezt> you lose me, no idea what are you talking about 23:18:07 <yn1v> s/ and /an 23:18:29 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: You said you want to talk to me and a few others about something related to FISL 23:18:34 <mribeirodantas> Cool. What is it about? 23:18:47 <mribeirodantas> You can't say "I want to talk to you about X, bye" lol 23:18:57 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, right 23:19:05 <rosset> I realized that I need to write my fisl report, not done yet ;/ 23:19:07 <mribeirodantas> So I asked for at least an overview, since we're not here 23:19:10 <aeperezt> but later or on another time 23:19:12 <mribeirodantas> since everybody isn't here* 23:19:34 <aeperezt> if there is not other matter lets close the meeting 23:19:40 <aeperezt> thank you 23:19:44 <mribeirodantas> well, whatever then 23:20:03 <aeperezt> #endmeeting