22:37:41 <aeperezt> #startmeeting 22:37:41 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 11 22:37:41 2014 UTC. The chair is aeperezt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:37:41 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:37:54 <aeperezt> #meetingname Fedora Ambassadors Latam 22:37:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_latam' 22:37:55 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 22:37:58 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 22:37:59 * echevemaster Venezuela 22:37:59 <aeperezt> #chair echevemaster 22:37:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt echevemaster 22:38:10 <aeperezt> #topic rollcal 22:38:18 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 22:38:18 <mayorga> .hellomynameis mayorga 22:38:18 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 22:38:21 <zodbot> mayorga: mayorga 'Eduardo Mayorga Téllez' <e@mayorgalinux.com> 22:38:28 * aeperezt Panamá 22:38:46 * mayorga Nicaragua 22:38:49 <Danniel-Lara> .fas danniel 22:38:51 <zodbot> Danniel-Lara: danniel 'Daniel Lara Souza' <daniellarasouza@yahoo.com.br> - hdanniel 'Hector Paz' <hdanniel@gmail.com> 22:38:56 * Danniel-Lara Brasil 22:40:56 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 22:40:57 <zodbot> wolnei: charged '' <e+charged@wolnei.com.br> - wolnei '' <e@wolnei.com.br> 22:41:01 <wolnei> Brazil 22:41:07 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 22:41:08 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 22:41:19 * yn1v Nicaragua 22:42:47 <aeperezt> ok 22:43:12 <aeperezt> there is no subject on the agenda for today (there is not ticket) 22:43:37 <aeperezt> #topic Flock sponsorship 22:44:14 <aeperezt> has you all know all people who posted a talk to flock and get enought votes has been invited to flock 22:44:30 <aeperezt> and will be sponsor to flock 22:45:15 <aeperezt> how ever there is no sponsorship for people that has no talks but want to go work with his team on specific work 22:45:58 <aeperezt> therefore famsco ask regions to see if we can take some money from our budget to sponsor someone from the region 22:46:20 <aeperezt> and that person application will be review for famsco 22:46:39 <aeperezt> the main question here is 22:47:11 <mayorga> I don't think so. In that case, I'd rather prefer to sponsor someone from our regional budget to go FUDCon LATAM. 22:47:11 <aeperezt> can we affort to sponsor someone to flock think that the budged have to be around 2000 dls 22:47:23 <bernardoha> .fas bernardoha 22:47:24 <zodbot> bernardoha: bernardoha 'Bernardo C. Hermitaño Atencio' <bernardoha@gmail.com> 22:47:33 <aeperezt> mayorga 22:47:39 <wolnei> i agree with mayorga 22:48:17 <aeperezt> mayorga I think if there is someone lets say that work with infra or other team that is going to meet a flock to do some task 22:48:31 <aeperezt> I will think we should sponsor him 22:48:39 <mayorga> As Ruth said, we still have our premium events. We should focus in our event in order to make it better. 22:49:01 <mayorga> And at Flock, there are chances to participate online. 22:49:43 <aeperezt> mayorga the idea is not to send someone to flock to listen to talks 22:49:58 <aeperezt> the idea is to get someone to do work 22:50:23 <aeperezt> mayorga, lets stop a bit, I think you are jumping ahead 22:51:16 <mayorga> s/online/remotely 22:51:19 <aeperezt> the first thing is, Latam have a person that will go do work on an event from flock ( I'm not sure) but 22:51:29 <aeperezt> lets open that door for now 22:52:04 <aeperezt> mayorga, the main idea is to be able to work in person if there is going to be that chance 22:52:18 <aeperezt> we all work remotly on fedora 22:52:52 <aeperezt> we are not sure if there will be a work shop for infra that will take the advantage of having the people there for example 22:53:58 <aeperezt> what we need to see is if there is a candidate that given the oportunity to do some work on flock could take it 22:54:41 <yn1v> I think that is too expensive 22:55:02 <aeperezt> yn1v, yes to me I think it is too expensive 22:55:32 <echevemaster> how we want manage this?, i think that we must revise all the workshop and let it to the contributor posit himself 22:55:50 <aeperezt> but I wander if there is a person in latam that could take advantage of meeting with his team to do some work on Fedora in flock could we sponsor 22:56:04 <TonetJallo> hola 22:56:08 <echevemaster> but i think the same, it is very expensive with respect to our budget 22:56:11 <TonetJallo> .fas tonet666p 22:56:12 <zodbot> TonetJallo: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 22:56:20 * TonetJallo Perú 22:56:54 <lorddemon> Buenas noches mil disculpas por la tardaza. 22:57:05 <aeperezt> I'm trying to open de oportunity 22:57:15 <mayorga> Well, if there's something that he/she could achieve only by attending in person, I still doubt it could be feasible. It would be really expensive. 22:58:23 <mayorga> aeperezt: Is there any folk who we could consider for this year' Flock? 22:58:38 <lorddemon> .fas lorddemon 22:58:39 <zodbot> lorddemon: lorddemon 'Gonzalo Nina Mamani' <g.nina.m@gmail.com> 22:59:45 <aeperezt> mayorga at this point we don't know if there will be a person for it but I don't want to close the door 22:59:51 <aeperezt> famsco open it 23:00:17 <aeperezt> if there is someone that can really help to get with his team to do work from latam 23:00:23 * lorddemon Bolivia 23:01:00 <echevemaster> I think that we need create a process of internal postulation 23:01:10 <aeperezt> to me at least, it will be important if someone show that he is doing important work for Fedora and could be good to meet with his team 23:01:14 <yn1v> I was thinking the same 23:02:11 <aeperezt> the question remains if there is one person that show us it will be good to meet his team on flock could we sponsor him 23:02:31 <echevemaster> No person goes raise their hand for posit himself 23:02:40 <aeperezt> and it is not us it has to show famsco who has the final said about it 23:02:57 <aeperezt> in this case it needs to raise his hands 23:03:34 <aeperezt> he by him self has to demostate why it will be helpfull to fedora to work with his team 23:04:33 <aeperezt> what I'm asking if someone show interest and demostate he can o will be help full for him and his team do we support it or don't 23:07:43 <aeperezt> this is not talks it is works and he must show that he has been working with that team before and more that that 23:08:30 <aeperezt> I'm just doing devil' advocate here today 23:09:52 <echevemaster> On that case. I raise my hand. But I'm more interested to attend to Fudcon that to Flock. if this affect my possibilities to attend to Fudcon, I don't want- 23:10:26 <yn1v> I am not convinced because is too expensive, but if somebody shows real things to do in flock I think we should propose that to famsco 23:12:00 <wolnei> +1 yn1v 23:12:35 <echevemaster> yn1v aeperezt it is this contemplated or be can supported in our budget? 23:12:56 <echevemaster> if not. I'm not agree. due to expensive to travel to europe. 23:13:19 <aeperezt> echevemaster, we can only do it if it is around 2000 dls 23:13:49 <echevemaster> aeperezt: any travel from america cost under 2000 to europe 23:13:53 <aeperezt> and it will be a hit on our budget 23:13:59 <echevemaster> so, I don't recommend do it 23:14:04 <echevemaster> w 23:14:13 <echevemaster> I vote for don't do it.. 23:14:26 <yn1v> yes, if we pay this, we will not have it to pay other things 23:14:28 <aeperezt> that is our limitation that is why we raise the question 23:14:28 <echevemaster> we have our tasks and events and latam that needs budget 23:15:34 <echevemaster> so, if depends of our budget. I recommend to all, don't do it.. 23:15:55 <aeperezt> so let vote and see what happen to close this matter or keep it open 23:16:08 <wolnei> that is the question, one trip to flock will cost many events in latam 23:16:12 * yn1v thinks echevemaster is bouncing ... he wants to go but say not to pay for it :p 23:16:52 <echevemaster> yn1v: not is that. I want to go. but I don't want affect our budget. 23:17:22 <TonetJallo> how much is this? 23:17:32 <echevemaster> we have other events that we can put love 23:17:41 <aeperezt> echevemaster, but it is not to go, it is to work on something specific withthin the team you working with 23:17:42 <echevemaster> TonetJallo: $2000 23:17:53 <aeperezt> so it is not simple 23:18:16 <echevemaster> correctly +1 aeperezt 23:18:56 <echevemaster> so, let it this open, or close the possibilty 23:19:02 <echevemaster> ? 23:19:26 <yn1v> so, we take vote to leave open or just close the matter? 23:19:41 <aeperezt> yn1v, right 23:19:44 <yn1v> open to wait for a candidate 23:20:02 <echevemaster> yn1v: the same of yn1v 23:21:52 <yn1v> are we voting? 23:21:54 <TonetJallo> if it is negative for other events, i think same to echevemaster 23:21:55 <TonetJallo> echevemaster +1 23:21:55 <TonetJallo> thanks echevemaster 23:22:09 <echevemaster> o/ + 1 23:22:45 <wolnei> close the door +1 23:23:06 <echevemaster> + 1 open to wait for a candidate. but thinking if this affect all our budget for other events 23:24:05 <yn1v> I am confused ... Lets vote +1 to wait for a candidate or -1 for closing the matter 23:24:08 <lorddemon> is there anyway to sponsor it, without the budget? 23:24:08 <echevemaster> and sorry for the bouncing but it is my opinion just now 23:24:16 <wolnei> ok -1 23:24:37 <echevemaster> yn1v: stop trolling 23:24:39 <echevemaster> hahaha. 23:25:16 * yn1v can't help it 23:25:59 <yn1v> who else have a vote ? 23:26:19 <yn1v> s /have /has 23:26:22 <aeperezt> +1 23:26:36 <echevemaster> +4 -1 23:26:39 <echevemaster> so.... 23:26:39 <mayorga> -1 23:26:45 <echevemaster> +4 -2 23:26:58 <echevemaster> so.... 23:27:21 <rosset> -1, just close, I also want to go to work w/ packagers/QA teams, but it's too expensive for LATAM, will be on my own next year :) 23:27:32 <rosset> I also agree it's better to use this 2k in FUDCon 23:27:47 <echevemaster> rosset: we can't use that 2k in fudcon. 23:28:05 <echevemaster> fudcon is out of that budget. 23:28:18 <mayorga> echevemaster: Why? 23:28:49 <mayorga> I mean, Flock is also out of it. 23:29:00 <echevemaster> markieta: because fudcon budget pertains to other item 23:29:19 <echevemaster> mayorga: 23:29:21 <rosset> aeperezt, can this 2k be used for pay fly tickets for next FUDcon latam? 23:30:07 <yn1v> flock is global, fudcon is regional 23:30:09 <echevemaster> FPL assign the latam budget for fudcon, afaik. 23:30:13 <aeperezt> rosset, not 23:31:13 <TonetJallo> i'm vote +1 too 23:31:31 <rosset> aeperezt, so I'm +1 23:31:44 <echevemaster> +6 -1 23:32:01 <echevemaster> sorry 23:32:04 <echevemaster> +6 -2 23:32:14 <rosset> echevemaster, go ahead and apply yourself to flock this year :) 23:33:02 <rosset> aeperezt, so let's wait for a candidate, right? 23:33:13 <aeperezt> yes 23:33:20 <aeperezt> if someone show yes 23:33:53 <rosset> yeah, let people think about it 23:35:01 <echevemaster> so, i think that votes are ready... 23:35:05 <aeperezt> #chair yn1v 23:35:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt echevemaster yn1v 23:35:15 <rosset> yn1v, btw thanks to motivate people about next FUDcon, starting meetings asap are important :) 23:35:19 <rosset> echevemaster, +1 23:35:24 <aeperezt> #agreed waith for a candidate if any 23:35:44 <aeperezt> echevemaster, please finish the meeting have to go 23:35:52 <echevemaster> ok aeperezt 23:35:57 <rosset> aeperezt, cya 23:36:07 <echevemaster> anyone else wants to say something? 23:37:07 <echevemaster> please people not remain silent. 23:37:42 <rosset> TonetJallo, yn1v mayorga wolnei ^^ 23:37:54 <echevemaster> so... 23:38:11 <wolnei> no 23:38:18 <lorddemon> nothing 23:38:21 <echevemaster> thanks for attend guys. remember please the fudcon meetings 23:38:21 <yn1v> I will say that I have nothing to say 23:38:23 <TonetJallo> nothing echevemaster 23:38:33 <echevemaster> #endmeeting