#fedora-meeting-1: fedora_atomic_wg

Meeting started by trishnag at 17:00:25 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (trishnag, 17:00:55)
  2. Action items from last meeting (trishnag, 17:05:05)
    1. http://www.projectatomic.io/docs/compose-your-own-tree/ (jbrooks, 17:06:26)
    2. https://github.com/projectatomic/docker-storage-setup/pull/181 (trishnag, 17:10:32)

  3. Syncing released Fedora container images to Docker Hub https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/202 (trishnag, 17:23:23)
  4. Planning for the first Atomic VFAD https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/201 (trishnag, 17:36:49)
  5. Planning for interim container releases: To rebuild or not rebuild? https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/200 (trishnag, 17:41:34)
  6. Future of Fedora Dockerfiles https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/180 (trishnag, 17:50:36)
    1. https://hub.docker.com/u/fedora/?page=1 (dustymabe, 17:55:08)

  7. Ship fedora-motd in F24 atomic image https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/160 (trishnag, 17:56:54)
  8. design, deploy and document Fedora OpenShift Playground (FOSP) https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/153 (trishnag, 17:58:02)
  9. Open Floor (trishnag, 17:59:06)

Meeting ended at 18:04:39 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. maxamillion (77)
  2. trishnag (67)
  3. dustymabe (49)
  4. kushal (28)
  5. jbrooks (27)
  6. zodbot (17)
  7. tflink (16)
  8. roshi (13)
  9. scollier (10)
  10. dgilmore (9)
  11. walters (9)
  12. miabbott (4)
  13. bowlofeggs (1)
  14. rtnpro (1)
  15. mattdm (1)

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