16:29:42 <miabbott> #startmeeting fedora_atomic_wg 16:29:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 18 16:29:42 2018 UTC. The chair is miabbott. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:29:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:29:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_atomic_wg' 16:29:52 <miabbott> #topic roll call 16:29:58 <miabbott> .hello miabbott 16:29:59 <zodbot> miabbott: miabbott 'Micah Abbott' <miabbott@redhat.com> 16:30:09 <lorbus> .hello2 16:30:10 <zodbot> lorbus: lorbus 'Christian Glombek' <c@petersen-glombek.de> 16:30:39 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 16:30:40 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <mail@kushaldas.in> 16:30:48 <jberkus> .hello jberkus 16:30:49 <zodbot> jberkus: jberkus 'Josh Berkus' <josh@agliodbs.com> 16:31:17 <miabbott> #chair lorbus kushal jberkus 16:31:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: jberkus kushal lorbus miabbott 16:31:20 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury 16:31:21 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 16:31:34 <ksinny> .hello sinnykumari 16:31:35 <zodbot> ksinny: sinnykumari 'Sinny Kumari' <ksinny@gmail.com> 16:31:46 <sanja_> .hellomynameis sanja 16:31:47 <zodbot> sanja_: sanja 'Sanja Bonic' <sanja@redhat.com> 16:32:20 * sanja_ double-booked but other meeting should be over in 10-15 16:32:26 <dustymabe> .hello2 16:32:27 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 16:32:34 <sanja_> hi everyone 16:32:48 <miabbott> #chair sayan ksinny sanja_ dustymabe 16:32:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jberkus ksinny kushal lorbus miabbott sanja_ sayan 16:33:43 <lorbus> hi o/ 16:34:27 * x3mboy just lurking to see what's new? 16:34:46 <miabbott> dang this is a low turnout even for us 16:35:01 <miabbott> #topic previous meeting action items 16:35:07 <miabbott> * cverna to open additional tickets for implementing container release 16:35:07 <miabbott> changes 16:35:23 <miabbott> i think i saw that cverna when afk a bit ago 16:36:12 <miabbott> skimming the issues, i don't see any new ones from cverna, so i will just re-action that 16:36:32 <miabbott> #action cverna to open additional tickets for implementing container release changes 16:36:42 <davdunc> .hello2 davdunc 16:36:42 <zodbot> davdunc: davdunc 'David Duncan' <davdunc@amazon.com> 16:36:49 <miabbott> #chair davdunc 16:36:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: davdunc dustymabe jberkus ksinny kushal lorbus miabbott sanja_ sayan 16:37:06 <miabbott> #topic Evaluate podman for inclusion in atomic host (422) 16:37:09 <miabbott> #link https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/422 16:37:22 <dustymabe> just added a comment to the ticket 16:37:33 <miabbott> always with the last minute changes... 16:37:58 <miabbott> thanks dustymabe 16:38:06 <miabbott> #topic coordinate Project Atomic-related talks for devconf.in (447) 16:38:16 <miabbott> #link https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/447 16:38:45 * ksinny needs to submit one, haven't submitted yet 16:38:49 <miabbott> ksinny did you get any feedback from the APAC meeting? 16:39:49 <ksinny> miabbott: we were only two people in last meeting. I tried to the other guy him to submit , he might submit one 16:40:00 <miabbott> ah, ok 16:40:14 <sanja_> yeah, I've read the email notes, thanks for that again ksinny :) 16:40:23 <miabbott> sanja_: do you think emailing the atomic-devel list might help generate some submissions? 16:40:28 <ksinny> sanja_: no problem 16:40:39 * cverna around again :) 16:40:41 <sanja_> miabbott yeah I'll do that right now, no need to action it 16:40:47 <miabbott> thanks! 16:40:55 * cverna waves at the crowd 16:41:00 <miabbott> hey cverna 16:41:03 <dustymabe> cverna: \o/ 16:42:00 <miabbott> #topic F28 Atomic Beta and Openshift Origin 3.9 results in nodes NotReady (452) 16:42:03 <miabbott> #link https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/452 16:42:09 <jberkus> I really can't personally do more than one trip to Asia this year 16:42:16 <miabbott> dustymabe: care to give a summary about this issue? 16:42:34 <dustymabe> miabbott: sure 16:42:56 <dustymabe> basically where we are now is to ask systemd to revert the change that broke assumptions runc/kube/openshift was making 16:43:13 <dustymabe> systemd maintainer seemed on board. I need to grab him again to see if we made any progress 16:43:47 <miabbott> and there is a Freeze Exception for the systemd bug, correct? 16:44:22 <dustymabe> there is. 16:44:29 <dustymabe> but that assumes systemd is willing to make the change 16:44:51 <dustymabe> zbyszek was going to try to convince other maintainers it was the right thing to do 16:45:10 <miabbott> do we have a fallback in case the systemd revert doesn't happen? 16:45:13 <ksinny> so, we are not moving reverting back to previous working systemd? 16:45:53 <dustymabe> we don't really have a fallback other than "if you run kube/openshift then don't use this first release of F28 AH" 16:45:57 <ksinny> ah ok, we are talking hee about systemd revert 16:46:02 <ksinny> here* 16:47:05 <dustymabe> that's all I have 16:47:22 <miabbott> thanks dustymabe 16:47:25 <dustymabe> maybe walters or someone could give us a scratch build with the change reverted 16:47:35 <dustymabe> so we can at least test 16:47:43 <miabbott> #topic open floor 16:47:58 <miabbott> i know jberkus wanted to talk about RH Summit Demos 16:48:28 <jberkus> yes! 16:48:59 <jberkus> mo ment, talking on conf call 16:49:35 * kushal has one item. 16:49:35 <dustymabe> sayan: can you give us an update on fedimg 16:49:44 <sayan> dustymabe: yes 16:50:18 <sayan> Last week I released fedimg==1.2.0 16:50:49 <sayan> which fixes a bunch of issues, primarily the authorization issues with AWS 16:51:10 <jberkus> ok, back, sorry, bad agenda timing 16:51:10 <sayan> changelog: https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedimg/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.rst#120 16:51:23 <dustymabe> sayan: and we're still working through issues 16:51:44 <dustymabe> so we'll be delaying f27AH release until those issues are resolved 16:51:45 <sayan> and there are few issues still left, so we are working on it 16:51:54 <sayan> dustymabe: yes 16:52:04 <dustymabe> thanks sayan 16:52:17 <miabbott> #info F27AH release will be delayed until fedimg issues are resolved 16:53:10 <miabbott> jberkus i think you are up again 16:53:20 <x3mboy> ! 16:53:55 <jberkus> yes: 16:54:02 <jberkus> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/118H3-d30FK1PFwlKV5DaZ7pFiTD-4mY0LD6pOQkIoeI/edit#gid=0 16:54:13 <jberkus> we unexpectedly now have our own pod at Summit 16:54:20 <jberkus> for Atomic/general container stuff 16:54:30 <jberkus> which means that we need folks to demo things! 16:54:44 <jberkus> buildah, workstation, system containers, ostree, etc. 16:55:12 <dustymabe> so 1. who will be at summit? 16:55:16 <jberkus> if you will be at Summit please sign up to give your demo 1-2 times. Repeating the demo from your talk is 100% OK, even desireable 16:56:43 <dustymabe> jberkus: asking for the crowd 16:56:47 <dustymabe> where can everyone sign up 16:56:56 <dustymabe> should we make an issue to track? 16:56:57 * jbrooks has developed a late-to-this-meeting-condition 16:57:15 <jbrooks> dustymabe, I will be at summit 16:57:33 <jberkus> dustymabe: on that google doc 16:57:41 <jberkus> the one I linked 16:57:48 <dustymabe> ahh. darn. missed the link 16:58:02 <dustymabe> jberkus: that link is RH only 16:58:04 <davdunc> jberkus: I'll be there.. 16:58:17 <jberkus> dustymabe: oh, good point 16:58:25 <jberkus> davdunc: really? Awesome! 16:58:38 <jberkus> davdunc: lemme PM you, I really want an AWS+atomic demo 16:58:50 <davdunc> yes. do! 16:58:58 <davdunc> I have credits this time jberkus 16:59:24 <sanja_> that's really cool davdunc 17:00:58 <miabbott> #info if you are going to be at RH Summit and want to do an Atomic/container demo, contact jberkus 17:01:01 <jberkus> davdunc: are you doing a session? 17:01:18 <davdunc> I have a BOF on hybrid cloud, but no session. 17:01:43 <x3mboy> As always I'm coming from marketing to request your help with the Talking Points: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_talking_points 17:01:45 <jberkus> dustymabe: I'll make an issue as well. Unforutnately that spreadsheet has to be RH-only because I realized that we will have some demos related to not-yet-announced stuff 17:01:55 <davdunc> I get it. 17:02:00 <dustymabe> jberkus: sure 17:02:12 <miabbott> #action jberkus to create issue related to RH Summit demos 17:02:57 <miabbott> x3mboy: i think we have an existing issue for the talking points that we were going to reuse...lemme find it 17:03:08 <x3mboy> Cool! 17:03:12 <x3mboy> miabbott, thanks a lot 17:03:19 <miabbott> #link https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/445 17:03:32 <miabbott> its the one we used for beta talking points, but most of it can be reused, i believe 17:03:36 <x3mboy> Oh there is a question for me 17:03:42 <x3mboy> Cool! I will work from there 17:03:46 <x3mboy> Thanks again 17:03:49 <miabbott> excellent 17:04:02 <jberkus> I will have an issue in ~~ 3 min 17:04:18 <miabbott> over in #atomic, jdoss wanted to make sure we had visibility on the issue he filed about the F28 Beta AMIs 17:04:25 <miabbott> #link https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/456 17:05:07 <kushal> May I go next? 17:05:28 <miabbott> oh sorry kushal, please go ahead 17:05:35 <kushal> I am working on PoC to demonstrate how can we deploy SecureDrop (https://securedrop.org ) on a custom Fedora Atomic ostree. But, I will need help from community in testing+debugging. 17:05:44 <kushal> The current productions are on Ubuntu. 17:06:09 <kushal> <EOM> 17:06:17 <miabbott> cool! 17:06:34 <lorbus> kushal++ 17:06:34 <zodbot> lorbus: Karma for kushal changed to 1 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:06:36 <lorbus> very cool! 17:06:40 <miabbott> #info kushal working on PoC to demonstrate how can we deploy SecureDrop (https://securedrop.org ) on a custom Fedora Atomic ostree 17:07:08 <miabbott> i guess keep us updated kushal when you have something we can poke at 17:07:40 <kushal> miabbott, yes, I am having trouble to ssh into the first build of the tree, I would love to have some help to debug that part :) 17:07:50 <miabbott> ah yes, i saw that in #atomic 17:07:52 <kushal> We can talk about it after meeting. 17:08:26 <miabbott> cverna if you are still around, did you have any updates related to the container release changes? 17:08:34 <jberkus> issue for Summit demos: https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/458 17:09:17 <cverna> miabbott: I am working on a plugin for atomic-reactor to automatically populate the container tags from a primary rpm 17:09:23 <sanja_> thanks jberkus 17:09:47 <cverna> https://github.com/projectatomic/atomic-reactor/issues/963 17:09:55 <miabbott> #info cverna working on a plugin for atomic-reactor to automatically populate the container tags from a primary rpm 17:10:02 <miabbott> #link https://github.com/projectatomic/atomic-reactor/issues/963 17:10:11 <cverna> But my main focus is to update OSBS so that we can generate flatpak 17:10:20 <miabbott> cverna: you had an action about creating tickets for the changes...have you done that yet? 17:10:33 <miabbott> or do you think it is still necessary? 17:10:34 <cverna> no :( 17:10:49 <cverna> you can close the action, I will do that now 17:11:17 <miabbott> hmm...i don't think there is an unaction command... 17:11:26 <cverna> I wanted a ticket about dropping the /fxx/ in the registry path 17:12:03 <cverna> ok then action done :) 17:12:11 <miabbott> i guess the action will remain and we can tick it off next meeting 17:12:25 <miabbott> thanks cverna 17:12:26 <cverna> sounds good to me 17:12:41 <miabbott> anyone else have anything for open floor? 17:14:05 <miabbott> that's the end of the meeting, then 17:14:09 <miabbott> #endmeeting