16:29:49 <rubao> #startmeeting fedora_atomic_wg 16:29:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 13 16:29:49 2018 UTC. 16:29:49 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:29:49 <zodbot> The chair is rubao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:29:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:29:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_atomic_wg' 16:30:00 <rubao> #topic roll call 16:30:06 <dustymabe> .hello2 16:30:07 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 16:30:09 <rubao> .hello rubaoredhat 16:30:10 <zodbot> rubao: rubaoredhat 'Ruixin Bao' <rubao@redhat.com> 16:30:19 <walters> .hello2 16:30:20 <zodbot> walters: walters 'Colin Walters' <walters@redhat.com> 16:30:21 <rubao> #chair dustymabe 16:30:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe rubao 16:30:24 <rubao> #chair walters 16:30:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe rubao walters 16:30:33 <jdoss> .hello jdoss 16:30:34 <zodbot> jdoss: jdoss 'Joe Doss' <joe@solidadmin.com> 16:30:39 <rubao> #chair jdoss 16:30:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jdoss rubao walters 16:30:55 <rubao> #chair jbrooks 16:30:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jbrooks jdoss rubao walters 16:31:22 <sanja> .hellomynameis sanja 16:31:23 <zodbot> sanja: sanja 'Sanja Bonic' <sanja@redhat.com> 16:31:25 <rubao> #chair sanja 16:31:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jbrooks jdoss rubao sanja walters 16:32:18 <rubao> wait a few more mins or start with last action items? 16:32:56 <dustymabe> we can probably just dive in 16:33:03 <rubao> #topic previous meeting action items 16:33:04 <rubao> gotcha 16:33:14 <rubao> :o 16:33:17 <rubao> that was not automatic? 16:33:47 <rubao> dusty/ashcrow/sanja try to get community FAQ released around 16:33:50 <rubao> Atomic/CoreOS future 16:34:00 <rubao> #chair rfairley 16:34:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jbrooks jdoss rfairley rubao sanja walters 16:34:01 <dustymabe> sanja: ^^ want to speak to that one? 16:34:27 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury 16:34:31 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 16:34:32 <rubao> #chair sayan 16:34:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jbrooks jdoss rfairley rubao sanja sayan walters 16:34:57 <jlebon> .hello jlebon 16:34:58 <rubao> #chair jlebon 16:34:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jbrooks jdoss jlebon rfairley rubao sanja sayan walters 16:35:01 <zodbot> jlebon: jlebon 'None' <jonathan@jlebon.com> 16:35:30 * dustymabe wonders if sanja is typing or AFK 16:35:54 <sanja> here 16:36:13 <dustymabe> do you want to speak to the action item, or would you like me to? 16:36:32 <sanja> please speak as I got a kid around me right now and am happy if you take over the speaking 16:36:37 <dustymabe> k 16:37:22 <dustymabe> update: we have made progress on a plan for community merging regarding CoreOS + Atomic Host - hoping to have something in the coming weeks 16:37:31 <dustymabe> probably not next week, but hopefully the following one 16:37:42 <dustymabe> sanja: ^^ I miss anything? 16:37:58 <sanja> nope, we might have something by Thursday or Friday, otherwise the week after for sure 16:38:19 <dustymabe> #action dusty/ashcrow/sanja try to get community FAQ released around Atomic/CoreOS future 16:38:30 <rubao> do I info that? 16:38:43 <rubao> re: we have made progress ..... 16:39:58 <dustymabe> yeah we can 16:40:04 <rubao> #info update: we have made progress on a plan for community merging regarding CoreOS + Atomic Host - hoping to have something in the coming weeks 16:40:31 <rubao> moving on to meeting items? looks like we only have one this week :) 16:40:54 <rubao> #topic #502 atomic working group talks/sessions for flock 2018 16:41:04 <rubao> #link https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/502 16:41:34 <rubao> first round reviews for flock is due by June 15th 16:42:18 <rubao> anyone going to flock or is submitting talks? :) 16:43:07 <dustymabe> rubao: yes I'll be adding a talk to that ticket 16:43:14 <rubao> dustymabe++ 16:43:18 <dustymabe> is anyone else here going to flock (or going to try to?) 16:43:43 * sayan 16:43:44 <dustymabe> i know strigazi was going to submit a talk too 16:43:55 <dustymabe> sayan: nice - could we get you to submit a talk? 16:43:57 * misc is trying 16:44:06 <sayan> dustymabe: yes, I will be submitting one 16:44:08 <rubao> I wanted to submit, but not sure what to talk about, I wonder if I can just go and visit... 16:44:12 <sayan> actually two! 16:44:21 <rubao> sayan: :o 16:44:24 <rubao> sayan++ 16:44:38 <sanja> rubao the budget for just going and visiting is probably tight but if you submit a talk, wink wink :D 16:44:43 <dustymabe> rubao: yeah. "go and visit" would probably be more appropriate for devconf.us this year 16:44:46 <sanja> sayan++ 16:44:46 <zodbot> sanja: Karma for sayanchowdhury changed to 4 (for the f28 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:44:49 <dustymabe> the flights to germany aren't cheap :( 16:45:05 <dustymabe> sayan: do you have a topic already? if not maybe work with sanja 16:45:25 <rubao> ah right, i will try my best to submit a talk then :), thanks for the info 16:45:26 <sayan> dustymabe: submitting the same as devconf.in 16:45:32 <dustymabe> sanja: since you are getting familiar with some of the coreos tooling now you could possible intro some of those tools to the fedora community 16:46:58 <sanja> to whom there? you got someone specific in mind or just Flock in general? 16:47:09 <dustymabe> oops -- meant that last message for sayan 16:47:17 <sanja> got it :D 16:47:22 <sayan> :D 16:47:22 <dustymabe> sayan: ^^ 16:47:23 <rfairley> re going to Flock: would be interesting to see - possibly the year after this (2019) if I have a talk topic! 16:47:26 * rubao chuckles 16:47:33 <rubao> rfairley++ 16:47:42 <sayan> I'll draft one then 16:48:14 <sayan> and share it on the IRC channel for comments 16:48:48 <rubao> can also comment on the issue too :) 16:49:54 <rubao> moving on to open floor? 16:50:33 <dustymabe> +1 16:50:46 <rubao> alrighty 16:50:51 <rubao> #topic open floor 16:50:58 <jdoss> I want to bring up something. It would be nice for users to get Fedora Cloud image updates post Fedora Release. For example the DO droplet image takes ages to boot due to a fixed bug. 16:51:42 <jdoss> Quarterly updates to these images ensures that fixed bugs are not present in images for users. I am willing to help with this as much as possible. 16:52:12 <dustymabe> jdoss: +1 16:52:26 <dustymabe> have spoke with jdoss about this before 16:52:39 <dustymabe> I'm willing to help mentor (since I know a lot of what needs to be done) 16:52:44 <dustymabe> but I can't own the process 16:52:57 <jdoss> My body and mind is ready Dusty. 16:53:08 <dustymabe> jdoss: in that case let's set up some time to talk 16:53:14 <dustymabe> that's the only blocker right now 16:53:21 <jlebon> I second that 16:53:26 <jdoss> Sounds good. Let me know. 16:53:28 * rubao +1 16:53:38 <dustymabe> jdoss: :) you let me know 16:53:40 <jlebon> there's a couple of PAPR users that end up using nightlies instead because the cloud image is so outdated 16:53:44 <jdoss> Also Fedora images on lightsail. 16:53:48 <dustymabe> invite dmabe@redhat.com to a meeting and we'll get it started 16:54:10 <jdoss> OK, will do. 16:54:23 <rubao> jdoss++ 16:54:25 <dustymabe> I'll add in some other people who might be interested as well 16:54:45 <rubao> let's action that then? :) 16:54:52 <dustymabe> yep. 16:54:57 <dustymabe> go ahead rubao 16:55:06 <jdoss> Yea we do the same jlebon for our AWS images and Vagrant images. We bake a base image and update it every quarter. 16:55:50 <rubao> :o it felt hard to condense sentences into one action item 16:55:58 <dustymabe> #info There was a blocker bug for releasing FAH this week, but we got the bug squashed and should have a release out later today https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1584909 16:56:10 <dustymabe> rubao: I can action it 16:56:15 <rubao> :D 16:56:16 <sayan> I'm interested to help with whatever I can 16:56:18 <rubao> thanks :) 16:56:27 <dustymabe> #action jdoss to set up time with dustymabe to talk about regular releases for fedora cloud images 16:56:59 <rubao> dustymabe++ 16:57:03 * dustymabe has to run soon 16:57:05 <rubao> sayan++ 16:57:52 <sayan> quick updates: - Fedora AMIs and other AWS resources are migrated to longer resource format. 16:57:58 <sayan> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/GHB6BGKEZ5HYNWDPXQHKCOFQVIII3Q5J/ 16:58:00 <dustymabe> ahh yes 16:58:04 <dustymabe> sayan++ 16:58:12 <dustymabe> the FAH that goes out today will be using the longer resource IDs 16:58:14 <dustymabe> in AWS 16:58:16 <rubao> #info Fedora AMIs and other AWS resources are migrated to longer resource format 16:58:28 <sayan> Also fedimg now support the updates and updates-testing composes 16:59:01 <rubao> #info fedimg now support the updates and updates-testing composes 16:59:08 <dustymabe> nice work sayan ! 16:59:12 <rubao> sayan++ 16:59:14 <jdoss> \o/ 16:59:24 <sayan> thanks! \o/ 16:59:29 <dustymabe> ok me has to run.. ping me over in #atomic if you need anything from me after this 16:59:49 <dustymabe> thanks rubao for running the meeting 17:00:01 <sanja> thanks rubao 17:00:03 <rubao> dustymabe: thanks for the help too =) 17:00:08 <rfairley> rubao++ 17:00:14 <rubao> will close mtg in 1 min 17:00:26 <rubao> if there is no more open floors 17:00:47 * jdoss is off to his next meeting 17:00:51 <jdoss> Later folks 17:01:00 <rubao> bye 17:01:11 <rubao> #endmeeting