10:59:07 <riecatnor> #startmeeting Fedora Badges 10:59:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 28 10:59:07 2016 UTC. The chair is riecatnor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 10:59:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 10:59:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_badges' 10:59:29 <riecatnor> #meetingname Fedora Badges 10:59:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_badges' 10:59:44 <riecatnor> #topic roll call 10:59:54 <riecatnor> .me riecatnor 10:59:58 <riecatnor> hmmm 11:00:07 <riecatnor> i forget that command :P 11:00:16 <mleonova> .hello mleonova 11:00:19 <zodbot> mleonova: mleonova 'Maria Leonova' <mleonova@redhat.com> 11:00:26 <mleonova> there we go =) 11:00:32 <riecatnor> .hello riecatnor 11:00:33 <zodbot> riecatnor: riecatnor 'None' <riecatnor@gmail.com> 11:00:41 <riecatnor> anyone else here? 11:01:20 <riecatnor> #chair mleonova 11:01:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: mleonova riecatnor 11:01:34 <mleonova> cool 11:01:43 <mleonova> what do we want to discuss? 11:02:30 <riecatnor> I havent been able to get to the design team meeting, anything I need to know from that? 11:02:49 <mleonova> me neither, so I guess not 11:02:53 <riecatnor> :P 11:03:09 <riecatnor> ok, so newest work on badges, Ill grab tickets from the mailing list to start 11:03:16 <riecatnor> #mailing list badges 11:03:23 <riecatnor> #topic mailing list badges 11:03:47 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/414#comment:50 11:04:34 <riecatnor> the new badges she uploaded look good 11:04:46 <mleonova> I was certain they were approved 11:04:55 <riecatnor> yeah, but they had little issues 11:05:04 <riecatnor> the template got a little off 11:05:06 <riecatnor> ill close it 11:05:09 <riecatnor> and ask them to push 11:05:11 <mleonova> ahh, I see 11:05:13 <mleonova> ok 11:05:45 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/492#comment:11 11:06:19 <mleonova> Not yet possible - ohh 11:07:07 <riecatnor> oh thats a bummer 11:07:43 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/468#comment:15 11:08:21 <riecatnor> how do they not have the svg? lol 11:08:45 <mleonova> guess not! the badge looks good to me 11:08:55 <riecatnor> yeah, it works 11:08:58 <riecatnor> Ill approve 11:09:13 <mleonova> ok 11:09:59 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/495 11:10:11 <riecatnor> hmmm 11:11:04 <mleonova> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/raw-attachment/ticket/495/fudcon-puno-speaker-v2.svg - 6 is off 11:11:20 <riecatnor> the attendee and organizer look ok 11:11:24 <riecatnor> the speaker artwork is off 11:11:45 <riecatnor> he is saying he prefers the black projecter…. 11:12:40 <mleonova> on badge-index the background is too light 11:12:51 <mleonova> compared to other speaker badges 11:12:57 <riecatnor> yeah, sooo we should upload new artwork here 11:14:24 <mleonova> here? 11:14:41 <riecatnor> well, we should upload a new speaker badge on this ticket 11:14:44 <riecatnor> Im going to do it 11:14:46 <mleonova> oh, sure! 11:16:01 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/120#comment:8 11:17:05 <mleonova> we need to find an owner for that one 11:17:23 <mleonova> also what are your thoughts? 11:18:10 <riecatnor> hmm, yeah not a priority, just came up in the list cuz jflory made some changes 11:18:20 <riecatnor> I was hoping for something a bit more epic :P 11:19:10 <mleonova> so knights or jedi 11:19:21 <mleonova> maybe more texture to the table, yeah? 11:19:30 <riecatnor> lets just let that one sit 11:19:37 <riecatnor> would be nice for us to pursue new artwork 11:19:41 <mleonova> ok, cool 11:20:11 <mleonova> https://excaliburlightsaber.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/kt_round_table.jpg 11:20:32 <riecatnor> yessss 11:20:40 <riecatnor> or maybe just three people, so its not too busy 11:20:45 <riecatnor> or badgers/pandas 11:20:53 <mleonova> def not 12 =) 11:20:56 <riecatnor> lol :P 11:21:05 <mleonova> I would think badgers and pandas 11:21:21 <mleonova> ok, OI can comment on that one 11:21:24 <mleonova> I 11:21:39 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/476 11:24:30 <mleonova> ok, so Amita asks you to help 11:25:07 <mleonova> do you have time? or I can take a look, if you wnat 11:25:11 <mleonova> *want 11:26:09 <riecatnor> I am finishing up this event artwork, one sec 11:26:16 <riecatnor> if you can give me a rundown of what they want 11:26:18 <riecatnor> i forget 11:26:41 <mleonova> on 476? 11:26:57 <riecatnor> ok, pausing my other thing 11:27:02 <riecatnor> i see thats all my ideas :P 11:27:19 <riecatnor> yea, it still needs help 11:27:24 <mleonova> yeah) 11:27:26 <riecatnor> good news for me!! 11:27:43 <riecatnor> I acquired a full time job.. no longer going to be working two jobs and crazy hours 11:27:47 <riecatnor> i hope to have more time 11:27:55 <mleonova> congrats!! 11:27:56 <riecatnor> for badges specifically :) 11:28:10 <riecatnor> I definitely want to help amita out with this 11:28:12 <mleonova> one can hope :D :D 11:28:16 <mleonova> cool! 11:28:17 <riecatnor> would you be interested in working on it? 11:28:30 <riecatnor> I can put it on my todo list, but it might not be for a while 11:28:36 <mleonova> you go ahead, np 11:28:40 <jflory> .hello jflory7 11:28:44 <zodbot> jflory: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 11:28:48 <mleonova> hey jflory! 11:28:49 <riecatnor> hi hi jflory! 11:28:52 <jflory> Morning! 11:28:55 <jflory> Sorry I'm late :P 11:29:00 <mleonova> you made it! 11:29:13 <riecatnor> it’s fine! it is wayyy early here :P 11:29:21 <jflory> Heheh, yeah, a bit :) 11:29:34 * jflory reaches for coffee 11:29:35 <mleonova> sorry, guys ^_^ 11:29:51 <jflory> No problem :) 11:30:46 <jflory> Where are we at right now? 11:31:28 <riecatnor> we pretty much made it through the most current stuf from the mailing list 11:31:38 <riecatnor> I am working on this speaker badge for the puno fudcon 11:31:46 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/attachment/ticket/495/fudcon-puno-speaker-2016.png 11:31:59 <riecatnor> look ok mleonova ? this logo is kind of hard to work with 11:32:07 <mleonova> looks perfect, riecatnor 11:32:11 <riecatnor> ok 11:33:33 <riecatnor> ok, so at this point on the list we are getting back to our last commentary 11:33:59 <riecatnor> lets go through tickets 11:34:06 * jflory looks at some of the earlier tickets that need pushing, will do those now 11:34:09 <riecatnor> #topic ticket triage 11:34:27 <riecatnor> gimme one sec 11:34:51 <mleonova> sure 11:36:44 <riecatnor> ok, soooo I kinda forget where we left off with this :P 11:36:48 <riecatnor> let me look at tht elog 11:37:45 <riecatnor> hmm, not really helpful 11:38:09 <mleonova> let's start somewhere and see how it goes 11:38:49 <riecatnor> hold on, ill get you my link 11:39:16 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&type=New+badge+idea&has_artwork=None&has_artwork=Concept&has_artwork=Proposed&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=owner&col=priority&col=time&col=has_name&col=has_description&col=has_artwork&col=has_complete_yaml&col=reporter&report=26&desc=1&order=time 11:39:21 <riecatnor> ok lets wor off this 11:39:31 <riecatnor> my K key is a little sticky :P 11:40:07 <mleonova> alrighty! 11:40:41 <riecatnor> going through, seeing we have commented 11:40:42 <mleonova> let's start from the top woth none status? 11:40:45 <riecatnor> trying to find out where we left off 11:40:58 <mleonova> oh ;P need to write that down 11:41:08 <riecatnor> lol yeah!! this time :) 11:41:22 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/473 11:41:51 <riecatnor> ohhh this is cute!! 11:41:59 <mleonova> yeah! ) 11:42:02 <riecatnor> the ears look weird? 11:42:09 <riecatnor> thats all I have with it 11:42:24 <riecatnor> oh also, do we usually have a black stroke on the badger 11:42:27 * riecatnor looks 11:42:49 <mleonova> the shadow under the paw is a bit strange 11:43:13 <riecatnor> yeah we usually have a black stroke, it will help it pop off the bg 11:43:35 <mleonova> also, who's a big star wars specialist, what color should be the lightsaber? 11:43:49 <riecatnor> i think what happened is tatica edited the top shape, but not the bottom one 11:43:55 <riecatnor> green is good :P 11:44:00 <jflory> mleonova: Hmmm... blue or green. 11:44:00 <riecatnor> red is evil 11:44:09 <jflory> Also, tatica is on her honeymoon now 11:44:15 <jflory> I don't know she will be back until late November 11:44:17 <riecatnor> awww, good for her :) 11:44:25 <mleonova> nice! 11:44:30 <jflory> Yeah, she's down in Orlando right now :) 11:44:32 <riecatnor> thats ok, no rush on this, we can comment and if someone gets to it sooner, cool :) 11:44:36 <jflory> Yup! 11:44:51 <mleonova> yeah, it's for the badges workshop, is fine 11:45:11 <riecatnor> ok, i can comment 11:45:13 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/470 11:45:34 <mleonova> the padavan will be awesome when done! 11:46:39 <mleonova> for #470 Zanata logo can be used 11:48:00 <riecatnor> also, there are some cool concepts given 11:48:03 <riecatnor> lets just let it sit 11:48:11 <mleonova> ok, cool 11:48:37 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/463 11:50:19 <mleonova> what do you think? 11:50:49 <riecatnor> errr 11:51:14 <riecatnor> gimme a sec, looking at other sig group badges 11:51:44 <riecatnor> ok they all use that dark blue 11:51:57 <riecatnor> looks fine, I will set to approved 11:52:07 <mleonova> ok! 11:53:27 * riecatnor is looking for tickets that need our help 11:53:36 <riecatnor> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/432 11:53:39 <riecatnor> this has no comment from us 11:53:48 * mleonova looks 11:53:58 * jflory knows one 11:54:27 <riecatnor> jflory: if you have a ticket for us, let us know :) 11:54:31 <mleonova> jflory, do tell 11:54:41 <jflory> I've been eyeing this one for a while. :P https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/464 11:54:53 <jflory> Hasn't been any response back on it, though 11:55:00 <jflory> (from someone wanting to design it) 11:55:17 <riecatnor> oh this one :P 11:55:37 <riecatnor> real quick, I think 432 is a good idea, but no urgency there 11:55:39 <riecatnor> we can let it sit 11:55:45 <mleonova> ok, yeah 11:55:52 <riecatnor> I think we just need to get someone to pick up 464 11:56:01 <riecatnor> problem is mleonova and I are busy people 11:56:16 <riecatnor> maybe we should focus on making a list of good tickets to pick up so we can send out an email 11:56:36 * jflory nods 11:56:38 <mleonova> jflory, I can take this one! 11:56:52 <riecatnor> mleonova++ 11:56:52 <mleonova> a list sounds great 11:57:02 <riecatnor> so next meeting, lets work on making a running list 11:57:12 <riecatnor> I may try to work on this on my own 11:57:23 <jflory> riecatnor: For what it's worth, we recently tried doing that for Magazine articles and it has had a good response so far (e.g. "Hey, here is a badge we need help with and anyone could try working on!"). 11:57:31 <jflory> mleonova++ Woohoo, awesome! 11:57:44 <riecatnor> cool, where did you put that call for help 11:57:47 <mleonova> unless a2batic wants to continue work... 11:58:12 <riecatnor> nah, id say pick it up mleonova 11:58:20 <mleonova> ok, cool 11:59:03 <riecatnor> jflory: where did you put your call to action on that 11:59:52 <jflory> riecatnor: We did it on the Magazine list. Sorry, I meant we were doing that for good starter Magazine articles for new writers and it's been working well (so far), so maybe a similar approach could work well for Badges, I mean. 12:00:05 <riecatnor> ah ok cool :) 12:00:16 <riecatnor> so lets mae a list, and then promote two or three tickets to work on at a time 12:00:21 <jflory> +1 12:00:23 <riecatnor> I gotta run folks 12:00:34 <riecatnor> thanks for being here! 12:00:39 <riecatnor> mleonova++ 12:00:43 <mleonova> alright, thanks riecatnor and jflory ! 12:00:43 <riecatnor> jflory++ 12:00:51 <mleonova> =) 12:00:55 <jflory> riecatnor: See ya! Enjoy your morning :) 12:00:55 <riecatnor> #endmeeting