15:30:15 <jbair> #startmeeting Fedora CI SIG 15:30:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 10 15:30:15 2021 UTC. 15:30:15 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:30:15 <zodbot> The chair is jbair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:30:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:30:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ci_sig' 15:30:15 <jbair> .hello jimbair 15:30:16 <zodbot> jbair: jimbair 'Jim Bair' <jbair@redhat.com> 15:34:27 <msrb> .hello msrb 15:34:28 <zodbot> msrb: msrb 'Michal Srb' <msrb@redhat.com> 15:34:49 <msrb> guten Tag 15:35:02 <tflink> morning 15:35:49 <jbair> msrb: morning :) 15:35:57 <jbair> tflink: morning :) 15:36:16 <jbair> I didn't have anything on the agenda, which in my book means everything is great; if not, now's the time to ask about it =) 15:38:26 <tflink> nothing from me 15:39:11 <msrb> branching happened yesterday, so rawhide is now f35 15:39:23 <jbair> aren't master branches changing to main as well? 15:39:44 <msrb> Miro uploaded f34 to testing farm, so f34 should work as well 15:39:48 <msrb> *f34 image 15:40:06 <msrb> jbair, they are, but we shouldn't be affected by it 15:40:06 <tflink> jbair: I think that happened already 15:40:48 <jbair> yeah I thought so 15:40:53 <jbair> recently though; within the week or something? 15:41:10 <msrb> yeah, last week iirc 15:41:37 <jbair> I hadn't seen anything breaking since I saw the notice so *fingers crossed* =) 15:43:48 <jbair> well if that's it, we can call it early and get 15 minutes back :) I can send the small update to the list and hopefully we see more folks in 2 weeks (or things just keep working) 15:45:33 <jbair> bgoncalv: anything from your side? 15:45:49 <bgoncalv> jbair: hi, not really :) 15:45:57 <jbair> sounds good - calling it good then 15:46:10 <jbair> #endmeeting