15:35:02 <davdunc> #startmeeting fedora_cloud_meeting 15:35:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 22 15:35:02 2021 UTC. 15:35:02 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:35:02 <zodbot> The chair is davdunc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:35:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:35:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_meeting' 15:35:33 <davdunc> #topic roll call 15:35:56 <davdunc> #chair Eighth_Doctor dcavalca 15:35:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: Eighth_Doctor davdunc dcavalca 15:36:05 <davdunc> #chair jdoss 15:36:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: Eighth_Doctor davdunc dcavalca jdoss 15:36:35 <davdunc> #chair dustymabe 15:36:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: Eighth_Doctor davdunc dcavalca dustymabe jdoss 15:37:20 <davdunc> so last week we had the action to add fstrim -av 15:37:21 <davdunc> 8:03 AM 15:37:21 <davdunc> cmurf tested it and found that it was having the appropriate effect. 15:37:21 <davdunc> 8:03 AM <Eighth_Doctor> @conan_kudo:matrix.org 15:37:21 <davdunc> davdunc: actually, it did nothing 15:38:03 <davdunc> just killed my connection with too large a post. 15:38:18 <dustymabe> fun 15:38:43 <davdunc> #topic Nest CFP closes tomorrow and we need to submit 15:38:43 <davdunc> 8:12 AM 15:38:44 <davdunc> So I want to do a state of the SIG talk. 15:38:44 <davdunc> 8:12 AM <dustymabe> Dusty Mabe 15:38:44 <davdunc> davdunc: i'm so sorry to hear 15:38:44 <davdunc> 8:12 AM <davdunc> David Duncan 15:38:44 <davdunc> dustymabe: much appreciated. 15:38:45 <davdunc> 8:13 AM 15:38:45 <davdunc> do we want to do a workshop or something else? 15:38:46 <davdunc> 8:13 AM <dustymabe> Dusty Mabe 15:38:46 <davdunc> #info https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/rawhide/Fedora-Rawhide-20210722.n.0/compose/Cloud/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-Vagrant-Rawhide-20210722.n.0.x86_64.vagrant-libvirt.box boots 15:38:47 <davdunc> 8:13 AM 15:38:47 <davdunc> davdunc: not sure. workshops are always good, but not sure that I can contribute this time around 15:38:48 <davdunc> 8:14 AM <davdunc> David Duncan 15:39:13 <davdunc> And it is ~the same size as the cloud images it appears. 15:39:13 <davdunc> 8:38 AM 15:39:13 <davdunc> 8:15 AM 15:39:13 <davdunc> 8:38 AM 15:39:13 <davdunc> yea. I would love to get more support for including some of the spins in the cloud images, like having an ML image from neurofedora, so it would be great to educate the other SIGs on how to participate. 15:40:02 <davdunc> maybe we can just do that as a team and have that as a part of the state of the SIG for now. 15:40:02 <davdunc> 8:16 AM <Eighth_Doctor> @conan_kudo:matrix.org 15:40:02 <davdunc> we should also see if we can get reps from other cloud providers to come to a workshop on fedora cloud 15:40:02 <davdunc> 8:17 AM <davdunc> David Duncan 15:40:02 <davdunc> Eighth_Doctor: Let's definitely invite them to contribute! 15:40:03 <davdunc> 8:18 AM 15:40:03 <davdunc> dustymabe: do you have the contacts we need for extending an invitation? 15:40:04 <davdunc> 8:18 AM 15:40:04 <davdunc> #link https://flocktofedora.org/ 15:40:55 <davdunc> dustymabe> Dusty Mabe 15:40:55 <davdunc> davdunc: contacts from other cloud providers? 15:40:55 <davdunc> 8:19 AM 15:40:55 <davdunc> I have some contacts for GCP 15:40:55 <davdunc> 8:19 AM <davdunc> David Duncan 15:40:56 <davdunc> yes. 15:40:56 <davdunc> 8:19 AM 15:40:57 <davdunc> B) 15:40:57 <davdunc> 8:19 AM <dustymabe> Dusty Mabe 15:40:58 <davdunc> and DigitalOcean 15:41:28 <davdunc> <davdunc> David Duncan 15:41:28 <davdunc> okay. Is anyone interested in helping out with a workshop? I am thinking something around ansible/terraform and using cloud-init for specific tasks. Similar to dustymabe's FCOS ignition workshop 15:41:28 <davdunc> 8:22 AM 15:41:28 <davdunc> but we could do one on building new images in support of the other SIGs. 15:41:28 <davdunc> 8:23 AM <dustymabe> Dusty Mabe 15:41:29 <davdunc> I support it but can't contribute to it at this time 15:41:48 <davdunc> #action davdunc to submit a "state of the cloud SIG" talk for Nest 2021 15:42:20 <davdunc> <zodbot> Limnoria 2019.11.09 15:42:21 <davdunc> dustymabe: Karma for davdunc changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:42:21 <davdunc> 8:24 AM <davdunc> David Duncan 15:42:21 <davdunc> alright. I'll work on the workshop precis and ask for review/assistance in the general channel. 15:42:21 <davdunc> 8:25 AM 15:42:21 <davdunc> no commitment right now for the submission, but I'll see if we can get some traction on either idea. 15:42:21 <davdunc> 8:25 AM 15:42:22 <davdunc> I don't have any other topics for the meeting from the issues except the one I forgot to clear the meeting tag from 15:42:22 <davdunc> 8:26 AM 15:42:23 <davdunc> Any other topics that we need to cover? 15:42:23 <davdunc> 8:26 AM 15:42:24 <davdunc> we still don't have a shells.com ticket in the queue do we? 15:42:44 <davdunc> #action davdunc to submit a "state of the cloud SIG" talk for Nest 2021 15:43:40 <davdunc> #topic Open Floor 15:43:59 <davdunc> Anyone have anything they want to discuss? 15:43:59 <davdunc> 8:29 AM 15:43:59 <davdunc> going once... 15:43:59 <davdunc> 8:29 AM 15:43:59 <davdunc> twice? 15:43:59 <davdunc> 8:30 AM 15:43:59 <davdunc> okay everyone. Quick meeting. Thanks for being here and participating. 15:44:51 <davdunc> dustymabe> Dusty Mabe 15:44:51 <davdunc> hmm 15:44:51 <davdunc> 8:31 AM 15:44:51 <davdunc> weird. I don't think zodbot ever started the meeting. I think you had a space at the beginning of #startmeeting 15:44:51 <davdunc> 8:32 AM <davdunc> David Duncan 15:44:52 <davdunc> oh man. 15:44:52 <davdunc> 8:32 AM 15:44:53 <davdunc> I should have seen that. 15:44:53 <davdunc> 8:32 AM <dustymabe> Dusty Mabe 15:44:54 <davdunc> it's fine. just copy/paste the log - it will be OK 15:45:40 <davdunc> <davdunc> David Duncan 15:45:40 <davdunc> :D bcotton_ halp! (if you can) 15:45:40 <davdunc> 8:34 AM <bcotton_> Ben Cotton 15:45:40 <davdunc> yeah, copypaste and replay the meeting manually is probably the best approach :/ 15:45:40 <davdunc> 8:34 AM <davdunc> David Duncan 15:45:40 <davdunc> okay. 15:45:48 <davdunc> #endmeeting