17:02:09 <kushal> #startmeeting Fedora Cloud WG 17:02:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 9 17:02:09 2016 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:02:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_wg' 17:02:14 <kushal> #topic Roll Call 17:02:18 <smdeep> I too learnt from linuxmodder 17:02:20 <smdeep> :) 17:02:22 <linuxmodder> .hello corey84 17:02:23 <zodbot> linuxmodder: corey84 'Corey Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 17:02:32 <smdeep> .hello smdeep 17:02:33 <zodbot> smdeep: smdeep 'Sudeep Mukherjee' <smdeep@gmail.com> 17:02:33 * linuxmodder in back row learnign the cloud stuff 17:02:34 <jbrooks> .hello jasonbrooks 17:02:36 <zodbot> jbrooks: jasonbrooks 'Jason Brooks' <JBROOKS@REDHAT.COM> 17:02:40 <trishnag> .hello trishnag 17:02:41 <zodbot> trishnag: trishnag 'Trishna Guha' <trishnaguha17@gmail.com> 17:02:52 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 17:02:53 <nzwulfin> .hello mmicene 17:02:54 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <mail@kushaldas.in> 17:02:56 <zodbot> nzwulfin: mmicene 'Matt Micene' <nzwulfin@gmail.com> 17:03:04 <bexelbie> .hello bex 17:03:05 <dustymabe> .hello dustymabe 17:03:05 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 17:03:08 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:03:13 <nb> .hello nb 17:03:14 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 17:03:41 <kushal> nb, bexelbie welcome ;) 17:03:57 <bexelbie> are you sure we aren't the same person? I am using nb's bouncer :P 17:04:03 <nb> :) 17:04:13 <kushal> #chair linuxmodder smdeep jbrooks trishnag nzwulfin bexelbie dustymabe 17:04:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie dustymabe jbrooks kushal linuxmodder nzwulfin smdeep trishnag 17:04:20 <kushal> Am I missing anyone? 17:04:24 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 17:04:24 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 17:04:26 <chandankumar> .hello chandankumar 17:04:27 <jzb> howdy all 17:04:28 <zodbot> chandankumar: chandankumar 'Chandan Kumar' <chkumar246@gmail.com> 17:04:31 <kushal> #chair jzb chandankumar 17:04:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie chandankumar dustymabe jbrooks jzb kushal linuxmodder nzwulfin smdeep trishnag 17:04:49 <kushal> jzb, hello 17:04:51 <nb> missed me, but i'm not a member so maybe that was on purpose 17:05:22 <nb> bexelbie, shh no one can tell we are the same person, since we have different cloaks :) 17:05:33 <dustymabe> #chair nb 17:05:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie chandankumar dustymabe jbrooks jzb kushal linuxmodder nb nzwulfin smdeep trishnag 17:05:34 <kushal> #chair nb 17:05:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie chandankumar dustymabe jbrooks jzb kushal linuxmodder nb nzwulfin smdeep trishnag 17:05:39 <bexelbie> nb, I forgot about our super poewrs 17:05:54 <kushal> nb, it was just a miss. 17:06:02 <nb> oh ok 17:06:24 <kushal> #topic Action items from last meeting 17:06:29 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 17:06:29 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 17:06:42 <kushal> * maxamillion will write a SOP for 2WA release 17:06:42 <kushal> * kushal to release an updated Cloud image with help from everyone :) 17:06:42 <kushal> * maxamillion will update #147 17:07:09 <kushal> There was some random failures in the images last week (on the vagrant image particularly), but all seems good today. 17:07:10 <dustymabe> #chair rtnpro 17:07:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie chandankumar dustymabe jbrooks jzb kushal linuxmodder nb nzwulfin rtnpro smdeep trishnag 17:07:38 <kushal> I will have to find out corresponding AMI ids, and then ask the website/rel-eng team for the release. 17:08:55 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 17:08:56 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 17:08:57 <kushal> Here he is 17:08:59 <kushal> #chair maxamillion 17:08:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie chandankumar dustymabe jbrooks jzb kushal linuxmodder maxamillion nb nzwulfin rtnpro smdeep trishnag 17:09:04 <dustymabe> maxamillion: here were items from last meeting: 17:09:07 <maxamillion> sorry I'm tardy ... trying to get Layered Image Build Service issues resolved 17:09:10 <dustymabe> * maxamillion will write a SOP for 2WA release 17:09:15 <kushal> maxamillion, no problem :) 17:09:15 <dustymabe> * kushal to release an updated Cloud image with help from everyone :) 17:09:19 <dustymabe> * maxamillion will update #147 17:09:47 <maxamillion> I updated 147, totally failed to write SOP for 2WA .... been lost in the depths of layered image stuff 17:09:56 <kushal> maxamillion, so just adding it again? 17:09:59 <maxamillion> it's still on my TODO list though 17:10:03 <maxamillion> kushal: adding what? 17:10:10 <kushal> maxamillion, the action item. 17:10:43 <maxamillion> oh yeah 17:10:56 <kushal> #action maxamillion will write a SOP for 2WA release 17:11:22 <kushal> #action kushal to release an updated Cloud image based on 2016-03-09 F23 compose 17:11:30 <dustymabe> kushal++ 17:11:33 <zodbot> dustymabe: Karma for kushal changed to 9 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:11:42 <kushal> Moving to tickets. 17:11:48 <jzb> (Why is zodbot still on f23 release cycle?) 17:11:51 <dustymabe> kushal: when do we expect that to happen? 17:11:52 <kushal> https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/report/9 17:11:58 <kushal> jzb, it always is iirc :) 17:12:06 <kushal> dustymabe, hopefully by tomorrow. 17:12:15 <dustymabe> kushal: ok, should we prepare a blog post about it? 17:12:24 <dustymabe> and put in Fedora Mag 17:12:27 <kushal> dustymabe, yes. 17:12:33 <jzb> Imma suggest we start with Cloud FAD 17:12:42 <jzb> skimming the tickets that seems to be the most important thing 17:12:50 <kushal> jzb, yes, first ticket anyway 17:13:05 <kushal> #topic Fedora Cloud FAD (late 2015/early 2016) https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/115 17:13:14 * roshi lurks 17:13:16 <maxamillion> +1 17:13:30 <kushal> I will have to convert maxamillion's suggestions. 17:13:34 <kushal> Not yet done. 17:13:36 <maxamillion> kushal: ? 17:13:44 <kushal> maxamillion, in the wiki page. 17:14:10 <kushal> So that we have the goals set properly. 17:14:16 <maxamillion> kushal: I'm not sure that I follow, what do you mean by "maxamillion's suggestions"? 17:14:21 <kushal> I will have to add my travel details too. 17:14:27 <dustymabe> maxamillion: maybe he meant my suggestsion? 17:14:33 <kushal> maxamillion, dustymabe yes, sorry. 17:14:40 <dustymabe> I did a brain dump in the wiki page 17:14:40 <maxamillion> I don't recall adding any suggestion(s) 17:14:43 <kushal> It was dustymabe. 17:14:47 <maxamillion> ohhhh ok 17:14:47 <dustymabe> not very clear or formatted, but just some ideas 17:14:49 <maxamillion> rgr 17:14:50 <kushal> maxamillion, Yes, my fault. 17:14:57 <kushal> dustymabe, I will convert in full points. 17:14:58 <maxamillion> kushal: no worries, I was just really confused :) 17:15:12 <kushal> May be I am just sleepy. 17:15:13 <kushal> :) 17:15:19 <kushal> jzb, anything you want to add? 17:15:55 <jzb> just we need to get any budget request in front of council sooner than later 17:16:06 <jzb> I am looking at the page, are we all agreed on deliverables? 17:16:11 <jzb> and is that the full scope? 17:16:22 <bexelbie> should docs and where we want to encourage users to explore be part of this FAD? 17:16:28 <kushal> jzb, I will have to add the point for docs 17:17:09 <kushal> bexelbie, we should, but we will not be able to provide fund for everyone. 17:17:23 <bexelbie> kushal, it isn't a question of more people, imho, but setting objectives 17:17:46 <bexelbie> docs will almost surely not be able to be written during the FAD 17:17:47 <kushal> bexelbie, docs is important, and I am yet to add that. 17:17:54 <linuxmodder> sc/me back 17:18:15 <kushal> bexelbie, but we should discuss the end results we want for our cloud users. 17:18:34 <linuxmodder> bexelbie, got ideas for a pre-fad article docs & or commops could likely throw that out 17:18:39 <kushal> Every day we do not have enough docs for Fedora Atomic, every day some other distro wins. 17:18:56 <bexelbie> 100% agree 17:19:07 <bexelbie> we are talking a bit more on the atomic-devel list about that ... 17:19:24 <jbrooks> do we have a list of needed docs? 17:19:29 <nzwulfin> /win 2 17:19:29 <linuxmodder> kushal, if someone wants to start a draft copy I can surely proof / add to and push for commops posting 17:19:51 <kushal> nzwulfin, hi irssi user :p 17:20:00 <bexelbie> perhaps we could focus docs this way - we have goals for what we think FAH solves - so lets get those known and then collab upstream on the actual docs 17:20:01 <nzwulfin> kushal: yeah sorry :) 17:20:05 <kushal> bexelbie, I saw it, I will reply :) 17:20:10 <jzb> jbrooks: 3 node run guide, Cockpit + Atomic runbook, and OpenShift + Atomic runbook 17:20:13 <kushal> nzwulfin, no problem, just joking :) 17:20:30 <jzb> that would be a good start 17:20:41 <jzb> three runbooks for our suggested use cases. 17:20:45 <kushal> jbrooks, Practical production ready things which people can deploy. 17:21:14 <linuxmodder> mattdm, kushal could you point me toward a draft outline for cockpit ? 17:21:25 <linuxmodder> I could start on that whis week /weekend most likely 17:21:25 <tflink> what's a runbook? 17:21:33 <linuxmodder> ansible mostly 17:21:37 <jbrooks> Right, and are we tracking these in trac or github, or bugzilla? 17:21:44 <linuxmodder> akin to a playbook in footbal 17:21:50 <kushal> linuxmodder, I am not the right person for that. 17:22:01 <kushal> I thought we call them playbook only. 17:22:13 <linuxmodder> mattdm, cockpit is your baby so let me know what oyu wanna showcase pls 17:22:17 <maxamillion> what's a runbook? 17:22:43 <maxamillion> tflink asked but it wasn't answered, I am also not familiar ... was hoping for clarification 17:22:45 <bexelbie> playbook will confuse with ansible 17:22:55 <linuxmodder> cronjob +ansible is how i understood it 17:23:02 <bexelbie> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runbook 17:23:25 <maxamillion> alright 17:23:28 <mattdm> linuxmodder: it's really stefw's baby. I just like it :) 17:23:51 <linuxmodder> from LISA I'd swore it was your baby :) 17:24:07 <stefw> heh heh 17:24:09 <kushal> bexelbie, jbrooks we can provide direct ansible playbooks which our users can use to deploy. 17:24:15 <stefw> actually now we have a cockpit kubernetes UI container 17:24:23 <bexelbie> kushal, I see no reason not too 17:24:26 <jzb> tflink: documentation to get someone up and running 17:24:27 <stefw> that actually runs in kubernetes or openshift 17:24:30 <stefw> but we need a script to get it running 17:24:31 <jzb> tflink: how to run something 17:24:35 <linuxmodder> stefw , feel free to ping or email me showcse items 17:24:44 <tflink> jzb: thanks 17:24:44 <jbrooks> kushal, I use ansible for bringing up my clusters now 17:24:46 <stefw> or some sorta easy way to get it started 17:24:53 <bexelbie> stefw, could we launch it with atomic CLI? 17:24:56 <stefw> linuxmodder, sure, maybe tomorrow 17:25:03 <kushal> jbrooks, I remember, and I will ping you about the same after the meeting 17:25:04 <stefw> bexelbie, i've thought about that 17:25:06 <linuxmodder> stefw, would a quick start guide style article work? 17:25:09 <nzwulfin> kushal: we shouldn't mix documentation with deployment scripts 17:25:14 <stefw> bexelbie, it would basically be a container that does nothing but launch another container 17:25:17 <jzb> tflink: random example https://docs.jivesoftware.com/jive_sbs/3.0.7/admin/Runbook_Linux.pdf 17:25:20 <kushal> anyway, let us come back to point 17:25:24 <stefw> i guess that's what atomicapp does 17:25:24 <kushal> FAD 17:25:27 <bexelbie> stefw, that is what atomic app is :) 17:25:31 <stefw> so maybe that's the good place to start 17:25:41 <kushal> nzwulfin, True, I am just asking for things which can help our users. 17:25:50 <bexelbie> stefw, I'd need to see what you are doing, but a RUN label would seem to do the trick .. assuming existing k8s 17:26:07 <kushal> Can we please come back to our FAD discussion? 17:26:12 <kushal> #chair stefw mattdm 17:26:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie chandankumar dustymabe jbrooks jzb kushal linuxmodder mattdm maxamillion nb nzwulfin rtnpro smdeep stefw trishnag 17:26:19 <kushal> #chair tflink 17:26:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie chandankumar dustymabe jbrooks jzb kushal linuxmodder mattdm maxamillion nb nzwulfin rtnpro smdeep stefw tflink trishnag 17:26:22 * stefw has to runaway 17:26:33 <bexelbie> stefw, you mean atomic runaway stefw 17:26:42 <stefw> sudo atomic runaway stefw 17:26:47 <gholms> Heh 17:27:07 <maxamillion> how does the current line of discussion pertain to the FAD planning? 17:27:19 <kushal> maxamillion, no clue :( 17:27:21 <maxamillion> I think I missed something or a transition somewhere 17:27:28 <kushal> Can we please come back to our FAD discussion? 17:27:29 <maxamillion> kushal: alright 17:27:36 <bexelbie> kushal, sounds like the fad wiki could collect doc ideas for vetting in June? 17:28:11 <kushal> So, I will update the wiki page tomorrow, after that we still have to figure out staying and travel details 17:28:18 <kushal> as the money will be dependent on that. 17:29:08 <kushal> So everyone please start thinking about the travel plan. 17:29:56 <tflink> are you looking for participation from outside groups for this? 17:30:56 <kushal> tflink, yes, though depending on the how much they want to help us (the WG). 17:32:06 <kushal> Moving to next ticket? 17:33:02 <kushal> #topic Proposals for F24 features https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/143 17:33:30 <kushal> Change owners, please share your knowledge :) 17:34:08 <kushal> nzwulfin, rtnpro ? 17:34:37 * rtnpro looks up 17:35:07 <nzwulfin> i think we're down to testing for acceptance? 17:35:51 <rtnpro> kushal, right now, I am working on building a F23 cloud image by patching the motd related changes in the ks file 17:35:57 <nzwulfin> getting some repeated "containerize it" comments, but none of the prework is done yet to do so 17:36:14 <rtnpro> kushal, apart from that, I have no blocker 17:36:34 <kushal> nzwulfin, rtnpro Thanks for the updates, feel free to write these up in the ticket. 17:36:43 <rtnpro> kushal, I will 17:37:35 <kushal> Moving next 17:37:47 <kushal> #topic Container "Packager" Guildelines and Naming Conventions https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/148 17:38:21 <kushal> maxamillion, I guess you go ahead with the docs 17:38:32 <maxamillion> kushal: alright 17:39:00 <kushal> maxamillion, no one else commented, so I think it is fine. 17:39:09 <jzb> maxamillion: we might get more eyeballs if we declare what we have alpha and post about them on Project Atomic 17:40:53 <maxamillion> jzb: that's fine, I need to make a few updates as I find time but then that'd be alright 17:42:45 <kushal> #topic Docker container refresh cadence https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/150 17:42:54 <kushal> mattdm, anything you want to say? 17:43:41 <mattdm> kushal: amanda summarized my points I think :) 17:44:04 <mattdm> maxamillion complained that this is wishy-washy and I want things both ways 17:44:08 <mattdm> This is a fair complaint :) 17:44:14 <kushal> :) 17:44:24 <maxamillion> correct, I did do that 17:45:38 <kushal> 2 weeks is okay, but we surely need way more automation for that. 17:45:53 <maxamillion> the problem with the docker base image in the hub is it can not be automated 17:46:14 <maxamillion> someone has to open a pull request against the docker library official images 17:46:59 <kushal> maxamillion, Yes, dgilmore complained many times about how broken the tooling on the other side is. 17:47:27 <jzb> maxamillion: aside from manually opening a pull request - is there much more to the process? 17:47:27 <kushal> When are we expecting our own registry? 17:47:34 <maxamillion> eh, I don't know that it's broken so much as "not automation friendly" 17:48:12 <maxamillion> jzb: yes, currently you have to morph into the format they want which is manual (we might be able to automate this one), information here: https://github.com/fedora-cloud/docker-brew-fedora/blob/master/README.md 17:48:33 <jzb> maxamillion: thanks 17:49:03 <maxamillion> it takes normally about 10 to 20 minutes to get everything updated ... not a big deal it's still a manual process that requires a mental context switch if you're working on something else 17:49:23 <jzb> maxamillion: but it's kind of scripted and something that doesn't require tons of eng talent, yes? 17:49:38 <maxamillion> jzb: mind you it's ugly because we constantly overwrite history so that we're not carrying a bunch of multi-hundred MB tarballs in git history 17:50:21 <maxamillion> jzb: yeah, for the most part ... however, we should really have some validation testing steps to go in there ... right now we literally just do a local build, fire up an instance of the image and make sure we can dnf install something 17:51:05 <maxamillion> it could be a simple bash script or something, we just need to actually write it down and know what all we want to test to call the base image "good enough" 17:52:33 <kushal> maxamillion, do you know when are we expecting our own registry? 17:52:33 <jzb> OK 17:52:52 <jzb> maxamillion: my travel schedule is much lighter this year, so if I can lend a hand in doing this lemme know 17:53:08 <jzb> (loosely translated, this doesn't look like it would overwhelm my limited technical skills...) 17:53:35 <maxamillion> kushal: our own registry will only be for layered images and the rawhide base image ... we're not currently planning to try and replace the docker hub, that is the canonical source that all docker users go to 17:54:23 <maxamillion> jzb: we just added puiterwijk to the mix of docker base image maintainers so it's not just me anymore ... which is good, but we can add others as time goes on and we feel like it's needed 17:54:25 <kushal> maxamillion, Okay, but may be we can provide the image base image there too, but that can also be confusing. 17:54:52 <jzb> maxamillion: I'm happy to be added as well. 17:55:04 <jzb> will think about testing too 17:55:44 <kushal> Moving to open floor. 17:55:49 <kushal> #topic Open Floor 17:55:54 <maxamillion> kushal: we'll need to sort out permissions for that ... right now the ability to push to our docker hub requires access to a cert 17:56:02 <kushal> maxamillion, Okay. 17:56:03 <maxamillion> kushal: which only OSBS has 17:56:11 <jzb> quick comment 17:56:18 <jzb> I'm working on talking points for F24 17:56:37 <jzb> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_talking_points 17:56:44 <kushal> I will be in Singapore next week, means the meeting will be at 1am local time, can anyone please volunteer to run it next week? 17:56:49 <jzb> I'm not done with Cloud but if anybody else has stuff, feel free to chip in. 17:57:07 <maxamillion> jzb: +1 17:57:07 <kushal> jzb, I will add things to that page. 17:58:03 <kushal> Can someone please volunteer for the next week's meeting? 17:58:21 <jzb> kushal: I will be at Great Wide Open in ATL I don't know if I can commit. Sorry. :-/ 17:58:29 <kushal> dustymabe, maxamillion ? 17:58:31 <dustymabe> kushal: and I'll be in AMS 17:58:35 <dustymabe> for meetings 17:58:35 <kushal> hehe 17:58:40 <dustymabe> I'll try to attend 17:58:44 <dustymabe> but can't promise 17:58:55 <kushal> Okay, thanks. 17:59:05 <maxamillion> I'll run it 17:59:16 <kushal> also I think I need help with the cloud base image release work, too tired to think that clearly now 17:59:19 <kushal> maxamillion, thank you :) 17:59:28 <maxamillion> wait, going back ... what was the decision on the docker base image release cycle? 17:59:42 <bexelbie> kushal, what kind of help do you need? 17:59:53 <kushal> maxamillion, let us call for a vote on the ticket, for 2 weeks. 18:00:28 <kushal> bexelbie, someone needs to talk to rel-eng and website team to get every link updated, and anything else also if required from rel-eng team. 18:01:02 <maxamillion> kushal: alright 18:01:06 <bexelbie> kushal, can we talk briefly after the meeting about details so I can determine if I can make this commitment 18:01:08 <bexelbie> ? 18:01:25 <kushal> bexelbie, Okay, even I never did this before. 18:01:32 <kushal> maxamillion, did it for 2 week atomic. 18:01:39 <bexelbie> kushal, :) 18:01:43 <kushal> Time is up, ending in 5 18:01:47 <kushal> 4 18:01:49 <kushal> 3 18:01:51 <kushal> 2 18:01:52 <kushal> 1 18:01:56 <kushal> #endmeeting