17:00:15 <trishnag> #startmeeting fedora_cloud_wg 17:00:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 28 17:00:15 2016 UTC. The chair is trishnag. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_wg' 17:00:25 <trishnag> #topic Roll Call 17:00:28 <jberkus> .hello jberkus 17:00:29 <zodbot> jberkus: jberkus 'Josh Berkus' <josh@agliodbs.com> 17:00:29 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 17:00:29 <sayan> .hellomynameis sayanchowdhury 17:00:31 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <mail@kushaldas.in> 17:00:34 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 17:00:37 <trishnag> .hello trishnag 17:00:38 <zodbot> trishnag: trishnag 'Trishna Guha' <trishnaguha17@gmail.com> 17:00:43 <jberkus> note that I'm logging in from a conference, so laggy/flaky 17:00:47 <akahat> .hello amolkahat 17:00:48 <zodbot> akahat: amolkahat 'Amol Kahat' <amolkahat@gmail.com> 17:00:52 <kushal> akahat, welcome :) 17:01:03 <akahat> hi kushal :) 17:01:08 <trishnag> akahat: welcome 17:01:28 <trishnag> #chair jberkus kushal sayan akahat 17:01:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: akahat jberkus kushal sayan trishnag 17:01:29 <akahat> trishnag, thanks :) 17:01:41 <trishnag> we will wait for few minutes :) 17:02:03 <kushal> Anyone else for the first time? 17:02:52 <jberkus> sayan: you did last meeting, right? 17:03:01 <sayan> jberkus: yep 17:03:05 <jberkus> sayan++ 17:03:07 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 17:03:08 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 17:03:12 <jberkus> hmm 17:03:19 <trishnag> #chair maxamillion 17:03:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: akahat jberkus kushal maxamillion sayan trishnag 17:03:20 <jberkus> apparently I don't have any more karma to give out 17:03:30 <trishnag> jberkus: :) 17:03:48 <bowlofeggs> .hello bowlofeggs 17:03:49 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <randy@electronsweatshop.com> 17:03:59 <trishnag> #chair bowlofeggs 17:03:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: akahat bowlofeggs jberkus kushal maxamillion sayan trishnag 17:04:15 <tflink> .hello tflink 17:04:18 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 17:04:19 <imcleod> .hello imcleod 17:04:22 <zodbot> imcleod: imcleod 'Ian McLeod' <imcleod@redhat.com> 17:04:30 <imcleod> I have another meeting at the half hour. 17:04:34 <trishnag> #chair tflink imcleod 17:04:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: akahat bowlofeggs imcleod jberkus kushal maxamillion sayan tflink trishnag 17:04:35 <nzwulfin> .hello mmicene 17:04:36 <zodbot> nzwulfin: mmicene 'Matt Micene' <nzwulfin@gmail.com> 17:04:47 <trishnag> #chair nzwulfin 17:04:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: akahat bowlofeggs imcleod jberkus kushal maxamillion nzwulfin sayan tflink trishnag 17:04:53 <trishnag> #topic Action items from last meeting 17:05:05 <trishnag> * Kushal will work on moving to Pagure from Trac 17:05:05 <trishnag> * jbrooks to send out an email to the list regarding Test Day 17:05:22 <trishnag> kushal: any update on this? ^ 17:05:30 <maxamillion> imcleod: I have a meeting now *and* at the half hour ... :D 17:05:40 <trishnag> looks like jboorks is not here. 17:05:43 * kushal still has to work on this, was away for PyCon. 17:05:57 <kushal> trishnag, please readd 17:06:11 <trishnag> kushal: ok I will action is once again. 17:06:24 <trishnag> s/this/is 17:06:43 <trishnag> #action kushal will work on moving to Pagure from Trac 17:07:00 <trishnag> #action jbrooks to send out an email to the list regarding Test Day 17:07:12 <trishnag> moving to meeting items 17:07:16 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 17:07:18 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:07:27 <trishnag> #chair dustymabe 17:07:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: akahat bowlofeggs dustymabe imcleod jberkus kushal maxamillion nzwulfin sayan tflink trishnag 17:07:44 <trishnag> #topic vagrant boxes fixups https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/136 17:07:54 <trishnag> imcleod: ^ this is for you. 17:08:20 <sayan> imcleod replied on the ticket 17:08:23 <imcleod> trishnag: I just updated it, in anticipation of this moment :-). 17:08:36 <sayan> should we remove the meeting tag for now? 17:08:41 <imcleod> trishnag: I thought this was simply enabling a feature. It is not. Apologies. 17:09:04 <trishnag> imcleod: ahh thanks :) 17:09:12 <trishnag> sayan: yeah that would be nice 17:10:12 <trishnag> #topic design, deploy and document Fedora OpenShift Playground (FOSP) https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/153 17:10:46 <trishnag> jberkus: would you like to say anything on this? 17:11:02 <jberkus> trishnag: still waiting for the next work session. scollier? 17:11:31 <trishnag> scollier is not here. 17:12:09 <trishnag> jberkus: alright, thanks for the update :) 17:12:36 <trishnag> so we can move to the next ticket. 17:12:54 <trishnag> #topic make Fedora Atomic download page clearer https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/154 17:13:54 <trishnag> jberkus++ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/getfedora_update 17:13:54 <zodbot> trishnag: Karma for jberkus changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:14:42 <jberkus> so I just sent some new mockups to the list 17:14:56 <jberkus> one thing we need to determine: what's our "primary download"? 17:15:14 <jberkus> ISO or AWS? 17:16:17 <dustymabe> primary download for atomic? 17:16:23 <nzwulfin> jberkus: why not the QCOW? 17:16:41 <dustymabe> yeah I was thinking QCOW then cloud providers then ISO 17:16:43 <trishnag> nzwulfin: +1 17:16:51 <kushal> dustymabe, Yes. 17:17:10 <jberkus> so, can someone explain to me what qcow is used for and who would use it? 17:17:27 <dustymabe> it's basically our cloud image 17:17:37 <dustymabe> this cloud image could then be taken and used in cloud providers 17:17:48 <kushal> jberkus, To be used in any Openstack or other cloud providers. 17:17:49 <dustymabe> openstack is one 17:17:49 <nzwulfin> OpenStack, virt providers 17:17:59 <dustymabe> or whatever other one you want to import it into 17:18:03 <maxamillion> jberkus: it's a qemu image format that most virtualization platforms and cloud platforms either know how to work with or can convert from that image format to their native format 17:18:36 <jberkus> ok, is someone willing to write up how that works and how to use it? 17:18:46 <jberkus> because that documentation doesn't currently exist 17:18:46 <maxamillion> I don't follow 17:18:50 <maxamillion> yes it does 17:18:52 <maxamillion> everywhere 17:18:59 <nzwulfin> jberkus: most of the existing docs is around qcow images 17:19:13 <jberkus> example? and not vagrant 17:19:33 <maxamillion> jberkus: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/23/html/Virtualization_Getting_Started_Guide/index.html 17:19:34 <nzwulfin> http://www.projectatomic.io/docs/quickstart/ 17:19:37 <kushal> jberkus, Any document exampling how to use openstack. 17:19:43 <kushal> explaining 17:19:50 * kushal needs to learn typing again. 17:20:09 <maxamillion> jberkus: http://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/index.html 17:20:30 <nzwulfin> it's also the primary example on the PA.io download page 17:20:38 <jberkus> ok, so we need a paragraph which explains this and provides relevant links 17:20:48 <jberkus> can someone write that *today*? 17:21:17 <jberkus> basically 3 sentences 17:22:08 <trishnag> jberkus: do you mean in the wiki itself https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/getfedora_update ? 17:22:25 <jberkus> or email, what ever is convenient 17:22:35 <jberkus> I just want to get it to the designer today 17:22:39 <dustymabe> what three sentences do you want? would probably be faster to have people jump in on an etherpad 17:22:43 <dustymabe> http://piratepad.net/RwUDCbZfhR 17:23:10 <jberkus> dustymabe: I want someone to write a "this is a qcow image, this is what it's for, link link link 17:23:10 <jberkus> " 17:23:56 <trishnag> jberkus: I can. 17:23:57 <dustymabe> nzwulfin: maxamillion kushal can you all help him fill that out in the etherpad 17:24:03 <dustymabe> trishnag: ++ 17:24:06 <dustymabe> http://piratepad.net/RwUDCbZfhR 17:24:19 <trishnag> dustymabe: thanks for the link. will update it after the meeting 17:24:34 <nzwulfin> jberkus: similar to what's in the design proposal for say the AMI block? 17:24:35 <maxamillion> trishnag++ 17:24:35 <zodbot> maxamillion: Karma for trishnag changed to 14 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:24:38 <jberkus> yes 17:24:39 <dustymabe> will be better if we all do it collaboratively - maybe right after the meeting 17:24:55 <trishnag> dustymabe: +1 17:25:35 * nzwulfin nods 17:25:46 <trishnag> ok let's move to the next ticket :) 17:26:05 <trishnag> #topic Decide on post-GA update cadence for various deliverables https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/155 17:26:27 <trishnag> jberkus: Update for this? 17:27:43 <trishnag> looks like there is a proposal out to the releng list as dustymabe said. 17:28:05 <jberkus> trishnag: not my ticket 17:28:20 <trishnag> jberkus: sorry 17:28:34 <trishnag> jboorks is not here. moving to the next one 17:28:37 <sayan> maxamillion had to re-bump the thread 17:30:31 <trishnag> #topic Need complete Kickstart docs for Atomic Host https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/156 17:31:19 <jberkus> that's gotten held up behind work on the new downloads. essentially done, I just need to publish it 17:31:39 <trishnag> jberkus: awesome! thanks. 17:32:20 <trishnag> moving to the next ticket 17:32:24 <trishnag> #topic Ship fedora-motd in F24 atomic image https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/160 17:32:32 <trishnag> rtnpro: kushal ^ 17:32:45 <kushal> rtnpro, has to update on that. 17:32:52 <sayan> rtnpro needs to update 17:33:13 <trishnag> ok he is not here in the meeting today 17:34:11 <trishnag> #topic Decide a process about failed tests for Autocloud https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/167 17:34:23 <trishnag> kushal: update on this one? 17:34:25 <kushal> trishnag, I should update this ticket. 17:34:43 <kushal> #action will update #167 after meeting with details 17:34:49 <kushal> #undo 17:34:49 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by kushal at 17:34:43 : will update #167 after meeting with details 17:34:56 <kushal> #action kushal will update #167 after meeting with details 17:35:12 <trishnag> This looks nice https://pagure.io/atomic-images/issues 17:36:03 <trishnag> #topic Finish new Fedora Cloud PRD https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/170 17:36:51 <jberkus> trishnag: so I'll be taking that after we get the getfedora.org page redesigned 17:36:56 <jberkus> with mattdm's help 17:37:26 <jberkus> of course, if someone else wants to take it on, I'm happy to yield it 17:38:29 <trishnag> jberkus: ok thanks. 17:40:08 <trishnag> we can probably move to open floor if nobody has anything to say on this item. :) 17:40:46 <trishnag> #topic Open Floor 17:41:07 <sayan> what about making the Atomic WG? 17:41:08 <kushal> Few items. 17:41:29 <kushal> Our atomic images are failing to boot (F25) as rpm-ostree is broken. 17:41:53 <kushal> We will have to update our test case (or find the actual cause) for F25 base image failing testcase. 17:42:12 <kushal> We will also have to discuss the idea of merging the working groups. 17:42:45 <jberkus> sayan: I assumed that was a given 17:42:47 <dustymabe> so the images are failing to boot, does anyone know what the issue is? 17:42:52 <dustymabe> is someone working on it? 17:43:21 <sayan> dustymabe: dgilmore replied to the rel-eng mailing list that they are working on it 17:43:34 <kushal> Correct. 17:43:34 <dustymabe> ok - how long ago was that? 17:43:45 <sayan> An hour 17:43:47 <dustymabe> ok cool 17:43:49 <dustymabe> thanks 17:44:00 <dustymabe> did jbrooks ever propose a test day? 17:44:25 <trishnag> dustymabe: jboorks is not around today. 17:44:49 <sayan> dustymabe: afaik, nope 17:44:54 <dustymabe> i'll ping him on it 17:45:31 <sayan> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/7XJMBMMBDOZDGDY4ABCUE4GM2TXIWX2T/ 17:47:19 <kushal> Any other comment related to merging all the working groups? 17:48:42 <gholms> Merging? 17:49:16 <nzwulfin> kushal: has a proposal been put together for the server WG to look at re: taking on the cloud base? 17:49:32 <kushal> There is a mail in the list with subject line "Cloud Atomic Server WGs" 17:49:49 <kushal> Please have a look. 17:50:00 <kushal> nzwulfin, I think yes, but no details in my mind right now. 17:50:14 <kushal> nzwulfin, I have asked matthew to look at it. 17:50:21 <nzwulfin> kushal: nice 17:51:46 <kushal> Anything else for today? 17:51:59 <sayan> nothing from my side 17:52:14 <gholms> Oh, that one. 17:52:28 <kushal> gholms, sorry for using the word "all" 17:54:51 <akahat> hi i have something to discuss. 17:54:58 <sayan> akahat: go ahead 17:56:07 <akahat> I sent one PR in tunirtests : https://github.com/kushaldas/tunirtests/pull/43 17:56:43 <dgilmore> dustymabe: rpm-ostree is not working in rawhide or f25 17:57:42 <dustymabe> dgilmore: kushal just said that 17:57:53 <dustymabe> said you were looking at it? 17:59:22 <kushal> trishnag, I guess we can end the meeting. 17:59:29 <trishnag> kushal: okay 17:59:40 <jberkus> trishnag++ 17:59:40 <zodbot> jberkus: Karma for trishnag changed to 15 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:59:41 <trishnag> #endmeeting