16:31:18 <jlebon> #startmeeting fedora_coreos_meeting
16:31:18 <zodbot_> Meeting started Wed Aug 17 16:31:18 2022 UTC.
16:31:18 <zodbot_> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:31:18 <zodbot_> The chair is jlebon. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
16:31:18 <zodbot_> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:31:18 <zodbot_> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_coreos_meeting'
16:31:23 <jlebon> #topic roll call
16:31:42 <ravanelli> .hi
16:31:51 <lucab> .hi
16:32:26 <jlebon> #chair ravanelli lucab
16:32:26 <zodbot_> Current chairs: jlebon lucab ravanelli
16:32:49 <jlebon> feel free to tag tickets with the meeting label
16:33:01 <bgilbert> .hi
16:33:12 <jlebon> this might be a small meeting, there's devconf.us going on
16:33:20 <jlebon> #chair bgilbert
16:33:20 <zodbot_> Current chairs: bgilbert jlebon lucab ravanelli
16:35:25 <jlebon> hmm, we might not have quorum. let's wait another minute or two
16:38:54 <jlebon> ok, looks like that's it. we don't have quorum but could still discuss things if anyone present wants
16:39:21 <jlebon> otherwise i'll end the meeting in a few minutes
16:40:54 <lucab> I think everybody is busy with conferences. I personally don't have anything.
16:41:04 <ravanelli> me neither
16:41:27 <jlebon> #endmeeting