04:02:24 <ryanlerch> #startmeeting Fedora Design APAC chapter meeting 04:02:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 26 04:02:24 2016 UTC. The chair is ryanlerch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:02:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:02:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_design_apac_chapter_meeting' 04:02:32 <ryanlerch> #topic roll call! 04:02:38 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 04:02:43 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 04:03:04 <ryanlerch> #topic rollcall 04:03:20 <ryanlerch> ah topic does not seem to work in this channel :/ 04:03:37 <kgough> hmmm 04:03:38 <gnokii> ryanlerch: should be right now but I cant this and next week I have a class to run 04:03:49 <ryanlerch> #chair kgough ryanlerch 04:03:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: kgough ryanlerch 04:03:56 <gnokii> except you need something from me 04:04:02 <ryanlerch> gnokii: all good! 04:04:10 <ryanlerch> any thoughts on agenda? 04:04:33 <ryanlerch> #chair gnokii 04:04:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: gnokii kgough ryanlerch 04:07:17 <gnokii> just one thing to say rest of the team did meet yesterday and talked about the f25 wallpaper still waiting for logfile from mizmo 04:07:42 <ryanlerch> so welcome kgough! 04:08:09 <kgough> thanks ryanlerch 04:08:21 <ryanlerch> thanks for organising this meeting! 04:08:37 <kgough> no worries, happy to help 04:09:24 <ryanlerch> so this is the current ticket queue we have: 04:09:26 <ryanlerch> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/report/1 04:09:27 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- ryanlerch linked to more information in the "Fedora Design APAC chapter meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/report/1" 04:10:20 <kgough> got it, have been looking at it when I get the chance 04:10:31 <kgough> anything that you need help with ryanlerch 04:11:31 <ryanlerch> so the big item at the moment on the Design Team's radar is the Wallpaper for F25. 04:12:20 <ryanlerch> kgough: not sure if you saw the thread on the list about this, but it seems the consensus is to try to have a bit of a theme for each wallpaper each release 04:13:10 <ryanlerch> back when fedora used to have codenames, be used to use the codenames to base the wallpaper off. 04:13:10 <kgough> ryanlerch, yeah I did see that. I am looking at the tickets, is there one related to this task? 04:13:18 <kgough> gotcha 04:13:25 <ryanlerch> kgough: i don't think there is actually! 04:13:41 <ryanlerch> that is a good idea! we should make one now! 04:13:46 <ryanlerch> :D 04:14:08 <kgough> cool! 04:14:40 <kgough> havent added a ticket before, so if you do this one that would be great since you know the specifics ryanlerch 04:14:54 <ryanlerch> kgough: not a problem, adding it now 04:15:02 <ryanlerch> just digging up the mailing list posts 04:20:59 <kgough> excellent. can you post a link here when done? 04:21:19 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.new -- ryanlerch opened a new ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/473 04:21:46 <ryanlerch> kgough: oh! it did it for me automatically! 04:21:54 <ryanlerch> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/473 04:21:54 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- ryanlerch linked to more information in the "Fedora Design APAC chapter meeting" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/473" 04:21:56 <kgough> nice 04:22:33 <ryanlerch> i just tried to summarize the threads and some of the ideas. 04:23:15 <kgough> yeah its pretty clear. so you need some backgrounds created? have we got any designs created yet? 04:24:13 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- ryanlerch updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/473 04:24:38 <ryanlerch> kgough: nothing is created yet -- AFAIK 04:25:00 <kgough> ok 04:25:03 <ryanlerch> we typically go through a phase of brainstorming and trying out ideas 04:25:29 <ryanlerch> this is typically our most collaborative task every release :) 04:25:50 <kgough> cool 04:26:12 <ryanlerch> if you are up for it, we could do a bit of brainstorming now, and then maybe move onto some of the fedora-bootstrap stuff i have in the pipeline? 04:26:47 <kgough> sure, sounds like a plan 04:27:36 <kgough> im new to how the team does things so apologies if I ask a heap of questions 04:28:19 <ryanlerch> kgough: no problems! 04:28:47 * ryanlerch is not very good at wallpaper creation, sadly 04:29:11 * kgough isn't either 04:29:34 <kgough> i'll help where I can though 04:30:14 <ryanlerch> i wonder if something like a shape repeated on an achehmedian spiral might be ok. 04:31:18 <kgough> possibly. i'll spend some time over the next few days looking at stuff for inspiration. is there somewhere where I can comment/report on stuff or is it all mailing list? 04:33:42 <kgough> spirals do sound like a good idea thinking about it, having a visual way to represent the inventor's work helps 04:34:40 <ryanlerch> kgough: i think the ticket might be a good place to post ideas. it's easier to track than the mailing list 04:34:49 <ryanlerch> and i think all ticket updates go to the list anyway 04:42:48 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- ryanlerch updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/473 04:43:25 <ryanlerch> just did a quick idea up then, sorry for not responding! 04:43:28 <ryanlerch> :) 04:44:15 <ryanlerch> #endmeeting