#fedora-diversity: Fedora Diversity Meeting
Meeting started by tatica at 13:16:58 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- roll call (tatica, 13:17:08)
- Fedora Women Day - July (tatica, 13:20:32)
- ACTION: add a wiki
page for the activity (tatica,
- Fedora Women Day - July (tatica, 13:21:37)
- https://thegnomejournal.wordpress.com/2009/11/
- ACTION: Create
article about female participans of GSoC (Mentors and
Students) (tatica,
- Magazine Article (tatica, 13:32:41)
- ACTION: pull a list
of females to interview for the GSoC experience article (tatica,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Riecatnor
- ACTION: women to ask
to write articles: mizmo, Amita, tatica, labbott, reicatnor,
emily (marinaz,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Diversity_Adviser#Current_Activities
- flock (tatica, 13:52:17)
- ACTION: Amita will
lead the Fedora Women talk proposal for Flock and email us her
abstract to provide feedback (tatica,
- ACTION: start a mail
thread for discussing talk submission in flock (Amita,
- Survey (tatica, 14:05:40)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Riecatnor
is my favorite (Amita,
- ACTION: email the
list to reach potential speakers for the diversity panel
- Open Floor (tatica, 14:11:10)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GSOC_2016/Student_Application_bee2502
- ACTION: tatica wrote
an email to diversity list about Diversity Panel, please share
up! (tatica,
- ACTION: decause
create limesurvey account for OSAS with jzb (decause,
- AGREED: Amita and
marinaz will start working on the Fedora Women article of GSoC
participation (jflory7,
- AGREED: flock: amita
send us the abstract for feedback - email about panel is up, waiting
for response and submit proposal (jflory7,
- AGREED: leave Fedora
Women Day planning for next week once we finish flock tasks
Meeting ended at 14:27:38 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- add a wiki page for the activity
- Create article about female participans of GSoC (Mentors and Students)
- pull a list of females to interview for the GSoC experience article
- women to ask to write articles: mizmo, Amita, tatica, labbott, reicatnor, emily
- Amita will lead the Fedora Women talk proposal for Flock and email us her abstract to provide feedback
- start a mail thread for discussing talk submission in flock
- email the list to reach potential speakers for the diversity panel
- tatica wrote an email to diversity list about Diversity Panel, please share up!
- decause create limesurvey account for OSAS with jzb
Action items, by person
- Amita
- women to ask to write articles: mizmo, Amita, tatica, labbott, reicatnor, emily
- Amita will lead the Fedora Women talk proposal for Flock and email us her abstract to provide feedback
- decause
- decause create limesurvey account for OSAS with jzb
- mizmo
- women to ask to write articles: mizmo, Amita, tatica, labbott, reicatnor, emily
- tatica
- women to ask to write articles: mizmo, Amita, tatica, labbott, reicatnor, emily
- tatica wrote an email to diversity list about Diversity Panel, please share up!
- add a wiki page for the activity
- Create article about female participans of GSoC (Mentors and Students)
- pull a list of females to interview for the GSoC experience article
- start a mail thread for discussing talk submission in flock
- email the list to reach potential speakers for the diversity panel
People present (lines said)
- tatica (139)
- Amita (114)
- marinaz (62)
- jflory7 (46)
- mizmo (26)
- decause (25)
- zodbot (22)
- meskarune (19)
- mieko (12)
- cialu (3)
- mailga (1)
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