23:13:19 <jjmcd_> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting 23:13:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 20 23:13:19 2011 UTC. The chair is jjmcd_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:13:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:13:28 <jjmcd_> #topic roll call 23:13:34 * jjmcd_ 23:13:42 <Sparks> #meetingname Fedora Docs 23:13:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 23:13:47 * Sparks 23:14:13 <pkovar> Hi! 23:14:29 * mprpic is here 23:15:39 <jjmcd_> #topic follow up on last week's action items 23:15:57 <jjmcd_> OK, I reported on min on the list. Anyone want more than that? 23:16:25 <jjmcd_> rudi to continue to follow up on FOP issue 23:16:26 * jhradilek was not paying attention for a second, but is here indeed. 23:16:31 <jjmcd_> rudi, any progress? 23:16:57 <Sparks> rudi_: ^^^ 23:17:28 <rudi_> Sorry; haven't circled back to FOP 23:17:40 <jjmcd_> * Sparks to work with OLF folks to figure out a good time for the event 23:17:47 <jjmcd_> I assume we are set for Sunday? 23:17:50 <Sparks> Sunday 23:17:52 <Sparks> Yep 23:18:00 <Sparks> AFAIK 23:18:04 <jjmcd_> * Sparks to work on teleconference setup for OLF 23:18:09 <jjmcd_> How are we on telecon? 23:18:24 <Sparks> I believe jsmith has got everything available 23:18:35 <jjmcd_> * Sparks to look for an Python expert for OLF 23:18:42 <Sparks> We still need to figure out the network connectivity at OLF. 23:18:57 <jjmcd_> uh oh 23:19:00 * Sparks hasn't had a chance to talk with stickster_afk. 23:19:10 <jsmith> Sparks: I've got an Asterisk server, and can bring an IP phone or two 23:19:16 <jjmcd_> Last time there was wifi pretty much everywhere it seems 23:19:21 <jsmith> Sparks: Anything else you need from me? 23:19:24 * Sparks has a couple IP phones, too 23:19:37 <Sparks> jsmith: Were you going to look at a PTSN line? 23:19:42 <jjmcd_> speakerphones? 23:19:48 <Sparks> jjmcd_: Yes 23:20:21 <jsmith> Sparks: PSTN line at OLF, or PSTN connectivity to the Asterisk server? 23:20:34 <Sparks> via the Asterisk server 23:20:56 <jsmith> The Asterisk server will have a real-world PSTN number you can dial to get into the conference, yes. 23:21:13 <Sparks> cool 23:21:23 <jjmcd_> uitstekend 23:21:49 <jjmcd_> OK, does that finish that action item? 23:21:55 <Sparks> I'd say yes 23:22:02 <jsmith> WORKSFORME 23:22:03 <jjmcd_> #action rudi to continue to follow up on FOP issue 23:22:15 <jjmcd_> gotta put that one back, Oh, and 23:22:18 <Sparks> we just need to publish the configuration so others can use it 23:22:29 <jjmcd_> #action Sparks to look for an Python expert for OLF 23:22:36 <Sparks> it == Asterisk 23:23:23 <jjmcd_> OK, do we need to go into a FAD topic or are we covered? 23:23:37 <Sparks> Probably a FAD topic 23:23:46 <jjmcd_> #topic FAD @ OLF 23:24:14 <jjmcd_> As reported. I still haven't heard from the Robotics SIG 23:24:31 <Sparks> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_@_OLF_2011 23:25:34 <VileGent> jjmcd_:wireless at OLF not that i know of 23:26:08 <jjmcd_> VileGent, OK. I thought I remembered having it, but I also thought I remembered it not being very good 23:26:43 <jjmcd_> So Sparks really needs to follow up on the connectivity issue 23:26:59 * Sparks is waiting to hear back from the OLF folks on this. 23:27:15 <jjmcd_> #action Sparks to ensure connectivity from FAD@OLF 23:27:37 <jjmcd_> Sparks, what else do we need to cover here? 23:27:54 <VileGent> the drury is the better hotel 23:28:15 <Sparks> I'm only showing six people on the attendance list... 23:28:18 <jjmcd_> VileGent, definitely +1 to Drury 23:28:43 <Sparks> if people are going to be in attendance then they should put their name... 23:28:55 <Sparks> on the page and let me know if they will need funding. I'll be updating... 23:29:15 <jjmcd_> Sparks, perhaps you should start a table like FUDcon 23:29:20 <Sparks> the wiki page so that people can mark whether or not they will be needing... 23:29:23 <Sparks> funding. 23:29:26 <Sparks> jjmcd_: Yes. 23:31:06 <jjmcd_> Do we have any adds to the possible guides? 23:31:18 <Sparks> We can add anything we want........ 23:32:12 <jjmcd_> Since we have some collected gray cells here I thought we might come up with some bright ideas 23:33:09 <jjmcd_> ANything else on FAD? 23:33:18 <Sparks> Not from me 23:33:36 <jjmcd_> #topic FUDcon Blacksburg 23:34:00 <VileGent> hotel registration is open 23:34:21 <jjmcd_> Oh, for Columbus or Blacksburg? 23:34:29 <VileGent> both 23:34:44 <jjmcd_> cool ... when will we get the word on Milan? 23:35:21 <VileGent> jjmcd_: i am the on ground person for blacksburg 23:35:35 <jjmcd_> Ahhh, you get around 23:35:47 <jjmcd_> rbergeron, any word on Milan? 23:36:14 <jjmcd_> OK, we have 2 topic if I recall for Blacksburg, is that correct? 23:36:33 <Sparks> Yes 23:36:41 <Sparks> Plus a hackfest 23:37:16 <jsmith> jjmcd_: Hotel for Milan was decided last Friday... subsidies are open, but there's not a lot of money for international subsidy requests 23:37:40 <VileGent> http://noname.math.vt.edu/FUDCon/FUDCon%20Blacksburg%20Working%20Schedule.pdf 23:37:53 <jjmcd_> jsmith, I was just looking to make reservations, save the travel budget for others 23:39:19 <jjmcd_> Should we be doing something at Milan esp. now that we have a more EU-friendly meeting time? 23:39:37 <Sparks> When is Milan? 23:40:02 <jhradilek> jjmcd_: fnadge, pkovar and me are going to be at Milan in person. 23:40:17 <jjmcd_> and gomix if he can get funding 23:40:50 <jjmcd_> Sparks, relatively soon ... shortly after OLD I think 23:40:56 <jjmcd_> s/OLD/OLF 23:41:02 <Sparks> :/ 23:41:36 <jhradilek> September 30 through October 2, 2011 23:41:50 <jjmcd_> there ya go, I knew it straddled months 23:42:07 <Sparks> OLF was a little late in the schedule for Docs 23:42:16 <Sparks> Milan will be even later 23:42:33 <jjmcd_> Sparks, but some sort of Docs intro thing @ Milan might be good 23:42:35 <rbergeron> jjmcd_: did jsmith cover your question? :) 23:42:47 <Sparks> jjmcd_: agree 23:43:05 <jjmcd_> rbergeron, well, he said it was decided, but when I checked the page the other day it wasn't there 23:43:40 <rbergeron> it was decided that milan was happening? or .. 23:43:50 * rbergeron isn't sure - Milan has been decided for a while, but the Hotel was what needed nailed down 23:43:56 <Sparks> jjmcd_: an Intro class and a Publican/DocBook class would be appropriate 23:43:59 <jjmcd_> Yeah 23:44:11 <jjmcd_> and the page still says undecided 23:44:17 <jjmcd_> on hotel 23:44:40 <jjmcd_> Anyone up for the Docs Intro at Milan? 23:45:46 <jjmcd_> crickets ;-) 23:46:13 <jjmcd_> Well, if jhradilek wants to do the DocBook I suppose I could do the Intro 23:46:36 <jjmcd_> Sparks, who is doing what for Blacksburg? 23:46:49 <Sparks> jjmcd_: I'll probably be doing something. 23:46:57 <jhradilek> Huh, I am not sure I am the right person to do such a thing. :) 23:47:04 <Sparks> jjmcd_: jsmith will be doing some of the DocBook thing... stickster_afk too 23:47:16 <jjmcd_> I know I came away thinking I would do the DocBook, oh yeah, with jsmith 23:47:22 <jjmcd_> double - teaming 23:47:26 <jjmcd_> we did talk about that 23:48:10 <jjmcd_> So prolly Sparks is doing the intro 23:48:40 <jjmcd_> So, for Milan, I guess I can do the DocBook again, maybe with some help, so who is doing the intro 23:49:04 <jjmcd_> jhradilek, why do you think you might not be good for that? Uncomfortable with groups? 23:49:36 <rbergeron> jjmcd_: if that's your interest, you might want to make sure you get a subsidy ticket filed, etc, unless you're paying for it yourself, so you can be in that queue. 23:49:39 <jjmcd_> I figure for an intro like that you don't want an old grump like me 23:49:43 <rbergeron> lol ;) 23:49:49 <rbergeron> you're not an old grump :) 23:50:18 <jjmcd_> rbergeron, I'm assuming its coming out of my pocket. I'm taking baby girl and we will be taking a few more days to take in Milan 23:51:17 * jjmcd_ suspects baby girl is older than rbergeron 23:51:26 <jhradilek> jjmcd_: Something like that. :) Plus, since English is my second language, my pronunciation would probably scare people off. :) 23:51:52 <jjmcd_> jhradilek, for almost everyone there english will be a second language 23:51:56 * Sparks notes that his first language is English and still scares people off 23:52:42 <jjmcd_> jhradilek, it is a good opportuinty to get experience at speaking in english in a non-career threatening environment 23:53:01 <jjmcd_> SO think about it, no biggie if it doesn't happen 23:53:34 <jhradilek> I will think about it, but no promises. I am a bit shy in front of too many people. :-) 23:53:48 * jjmcd_ remembers that .... got over it 23:54:07 <jjmcd_> FUDcon is a pretty friendly environment 23:54:21 <jhradilek> That's what I heard. :-) 23:54:37 <Sparks> The usually don't heckle 23:54:42 <jjmcd_> My first public presentation was in front of a bunch of PhD chemists ... that was scary 23:55:26 <jjmcd_> OK, anything else we need to cover about FUDcon ... we are getting short on time 23:56:59 <jjmcd_> OK, lets to the bottom of the agenda 23:57:11 <jjmcd_> #topic Open floor discussion 23:57:32 <jjmcd_> Anything else for the benefit of this august body? 23:57:44 <jhradilek> Nothing from me. :) 23:59:08 <jjmcd_> OK, shall we shut it down? 23:59:17 <Sparks> Shut it down! :) 23:59:18 <jhradilek> Tear down the wall! :) 23:59:32 <jjmcd_> Thanks everyone. I think we did some good 23:59:37 <jjmcd_> #endmeeting