13:01:03 <Sparks> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 13:01:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 17 13:01:03 2011 UTC. The chair is Sparks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:06 <Sparks> #meetingname Fedora Docs 13:01:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 13:01:18 <Sparks> #topic Roll Call 13:01:35 * jhradilek is here. 13:01:37 * Sparks 13:01:41 * jjmcd 13:01:58 * fnadge is here 13:02:00 <shaiton_> HI there, Kevin Raymond is looking around 13:02:03 <pkovar> hi! 13:03:34 <pkovar> shaiton: hey, great to have you here 13:03:58 <shaiton_> :) 13:04:46 <Sparks> Well, wonders never cease 13:05:43 <Sparks> Okay, lets get started. 13:06:11 * Sparks isn't going to follow up on last week's action items as he doesn't know what they are. 13:06:17 <Sparks> #topic F16 Schedule 13:06:27 <Sparks> #link http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-16/f-16-docs-tree-tasks.html 13:06:33 <jjmcd> Sparks, minutes were posted 13:06:39 <pkovar> Sparks: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-10-10/fedora-meeting.2011-10-10-13.03.html 13:06:48 <jjmcd> Most actions items done except yours we dont know 13:07:23 <Sparks> jjmcd: The wiki wasn't updated 13:07:33 <jjmcd> no it wasn't 13:07:46 <Sparks> Okay, we'll come back to that 13:08:21 <Sparks> #info Doesn't appear that we have any scheduled items for the F16 release this week. 13:08:29 <Sparks> Anyone have any questions? 13:09:31 <Sparks> #topic Last week's action items 13:09:40 <Sparks> #action Sparks to send a message to the Docs list discussing the QA discussion at OLF 13:09:49 <Sparks> #action Sparks to work on the Docs QA wiki page to start with goals, then process, then tools 13:09:52 <jjmcd> hmmm, kinda stale 13:10:04 <jjmcd> i mean olf 13:10:15 <Sparks> stale and yet still needs to be done. :/ 13:10:18 <Sparks> jjmcd: Prepare GA Release Notes 13:10:24 <jjmcd> done 13:10:33 <jjmcd> Tho I will prolly do one more 13:10:37 <Sparks> #action zoglesby to send message to list about a qa day for docs validation 13:10:47 <Sparks> jjmcd: correct Overview section 13:10:51 <jjmcd> done 13:11:14 <Sparks> pkovar: look into language code mapping 13:11:31 <jjmcd> I think we got that straightened out 13:11:41 <jjmcd> problem turned out to be tx version 13:11:46 <Sparks> jjmcd: post link to list on F16 release note RPM on Bodhi 13:11:50 <pkovar> jjmcd: so are rn now using proper lang codes? 13:11:53 <jjmcd> done 13:11:56 <jjmcd> correctr 13:12:02 <pkovar> great! 13:12:06 <Sparks> jjmcd: track down status of Installation Guide 13:12:13 <jjmcd> Not done 13:12:17 <pkovar> shaiton_ ^ :-) 13:12:23 <Sparks> #action jjmcd to track down status of Installation Guide 13:12:47 <Sparks> Okay, that's all from there. 13:12:54 <Sparks> #topic FUDcon Blacksburg 13:13:01 <Sparks> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Blacksburg_2012 13:13:08 <Sparks> #info Docs is sponsoring two classes at FUDCon Blacksburg: Introduction to Docs and DocBookXML/Publican 13:13:22 <Sparks> Anyone have any questions on FUDcon Blacksburg? 13:13:33 <jjmcd> Who was it doing each session? 13:13:45 <jjmcd> I recall jsmith-away and someone else on Publican 13:13:51 <jjmcd> don't recall Docs 13:14:02 <Sparks> I *think* I'm doing the intro and you and jsmith-away are donig the Publican 13:14:14 <Sparks> s/donig/doing 13:14:16 <jjmcd> OK, I'm good with that 13:14:35 <jjmcd> the Milan pres went well, whether jsmith-away can do as well as jhradilek remains to be seen 13:14:47 <Sparks> I guess we'll see 13:14:53 <jjmcd> I suspect he will! 13:15:03 <Sparks> Okay, anything else? 13:15:37 <Sparks> #topic Guide Status 13:15:50 <Sparks> Anyone have anything guide-related they want to talk about? 13:16:53 <Sparks> Anyone? No one? 13:17:02 <jjmcd> What about IG? 13:17:09 <jjmcd> Is shaiton_ the guy on that? 13:17:23 * Sparks doesn't know. 13:17:27 <shaiton_> jjmcd, not me, 13:17:37 <jjmcd> Seems like there was concern about systemd 13:17:51 <pkovar> the guide table says ke4qqq, rudi 13:18:12 <jjmcd> OK, perhaps I should poke rudi some evening 13:19:19 <pkovar> as for the packager's guide, i', working on a spec file reference chapter now 13:20:18 <pkovar> will publish a draft as soon as the basic chapter is there 13:22:02 <Sparks> Oh, I'm planning on adding an additional section to the docs.fp.o website for CSI (Community Services Infrastructure) documentation. 13:22:42 <Sparks> This is being developed from within the Infrastructure team but, in my opinion, deserves a good home. 13:23:48 <pkovar> Sparks: that documentation was converted from fedora wiki? 13:24:01 <Sparks> pkovar: I don't think so. 13:24:17 <pkovar> ok 13:24:37 <Sparks> Anything/anyone else? 13:25:08 <Sparks> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 13:25:17 <Sparks> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 13:25:38 <Sparks> Everyone should be going through their tickets to make sure they patch any problems that people have seen. 13:25:46 * jjmcd whacked quite a few last week. 13:25:51 <Sparks> +1 13:25:59 <Sparks> #topic Open floor discussion 13:26:00 <jjmcd> Still a few f14/15 left there 13:26:08 <Sparks> Okay, anyone have anything else? 13:26:51 <pkovar> anybody wants to step in and continue working on nathant's guide? 13:27:11 <Sparks> pkovar: What is Nathant's guide? 13:27:13 <pkovar> AFAIK it's officially unmaintained now 13:27:24 <pkovar> the live i,ages guide 13:27:29 <pkovar> *images 13:27:39 <pkovar> see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_guides_table 13:28:12 <jjmcd> Someone came on channel the other day with a live images issue, left before I could ask him to file a bug 13:28:29 <pkovar> hrmm, too bad 13:28:31 <jjmcd> We have 3 or 4 new folks, perhaps one of them 13:29:07 <pkovar> ok, if they are around, let's talk to them 13:29:10 <jjmcd> LI is a good simple guide to get started on 13:29:20 <pkovar> yep, exactly 13:29:56 * shaiton_ is not one of them :) 13:30:23 <jjmcd> LoKoMurdoK, is on channel, prolly idling 13:30:41 <Sparks> Someone should take this to the list. 13:31:23 <jjmcd> At least 2 of the new folks were from Panama, so prolly at work right now 13:31:55 * LoKoMurdoK here 13:32:06 <jjmcd> hey a victim 13:32:09 * LoKoMurdoK late 13:32:09 * LoKoMurdoK sorry 13:32:15 <LoKoMurdoK> :o 13:32:42 <jjmcd> We were wondering whether you or potty_ were willing to take on the Live Image guide 13:32:54 <jjmcd> It is a small guide and in need of someone to look over it 13:33:07 <LoKoMurdoK> excellente 13:33:15 <LoKoMurdoK> ok 13:33:31 <jjmcd> good deal, Sparks you have a maintainer 13:33:32 <pkovar> LoKoMurdoK: some instructions for contributing are here: https://fedorahosted.org/readme-live-image/ 13:33:41 <LoKoMurdoK> I can work this guide 13:33:48 <jjmcd> LoKoMurdoK, Sparks or myself will be happy to help you get going 13:34:19 <LoKoMurdoK> jjmcd: ok 13:34:47 <jjmcd> LoKoMurdoK has Docs, I think may need Docs-Writers 13:35:56 <LoKoMurdoK> jjmcd: ok 13:38:44 * LoKoMurdoK git clone.... 13:39:08 <Sparks> Okay, anyone have anything else? 13:39:23 * bcotton is just saying something so there's a record he was here 13:39:31 * LoKoMurdoK if I have any questions I comment 13:40:08 <Sparks> bcotton: We wouldn't believe it otherwise 13:40:22 <Sparks> LoKoMurdoK: That's what the list is for! :) 13:40:31 <Sparks> Okay, anyone else? 13:41:06 <shaiton_> ! 13:41:13 <Sparks> shaiton_: Yes 13:41:16 <shaiton_> QEMU is written in CAPS 13:41:24 <shaiton_> qemu is the tool… 13:41:31 <shaiton_> RN are wrong… 13:41:45 <jjmcd> shaiton_, bug, please 13:41:47 * shaiton_ don't want to bother all translators for that… 13:42:17 <Sparks> It actually is QEMU 13:42:44 <Sparks> All uppercase, I mean. 13:42:54 <shaiton_> Sparks, yes, but not in the xml 13:43:01 <Sparks> Oh 13:43:16 <shaiton_> Virtualization.xml 13:43:28 <shaiton_> 3 times ;) 13:43:40 <Sparks> Yeah, anything like that needs to have a bug opened. 13:43:50 <shaiton_> ok, if you want I will create the tickt 13:43:59 <jjmcd> package is lowercase, however 13:44:05 <shaiton_> jjmcd, yes 13:44:13 <Sparks> shaiton_: It didn't happen if there isn't a bug on it. 13:44:19 <jjmcd> shaiton_, yes, bugs are the best 13:44:35 <shaiton_> I've seen that this morning 13:44:45 <pkovar> i guess just pinging the maintainer works too ;-) 13:45:07 <pkovar> for these kinds of small issues 13:45:08 <jjmcd> pkovar, problem is if he is tied up on other stuff it can get dropped 13:45:24 <jjmcd> If it's in BZ then it is on the to-do list 13:45:27 <pkovar> jjmcd: yeah, agreed 13:45:38 <Sparks> pkovar: Not really. 13:45:49 <jjmcd> Plus it gives the maintainer a warm fuzzy when he closes the bug 13:46:02 <Sparks> pkovar: Things haven't happened unless they are on the list or in a bug. 13:46:38 <pkovar> depends, i'd say things happened if people are aware of them 13:47:06 <pkovar> some might not prefer the bureaucracy arounf bugzilla 13:47:25 <pkovar> but anyway, just saying 13:48:54 <Sparks> pkovar: IRC isn't as public as we'd like. So in order to keep things transparent we need to do things on BZ and the list. BZ keeps a record of all issues so everyone can go there to see what happening with a particular problem. Can't do that with IRC, IRL,... 13:49:13 <Sparks> Okay, anything else? 13:49:22 <shaiton_> pkovar, for a translator, reporting on the doc chan is easy, finding the doc maintainer is not 13:49:48 <pkovar> that's why i said pinging :-) 13:50:34 * shaiton_ was fighting with BZ… 13:51:26 <Sparks> Okay, if no one has anything else we'll go ahead and close the meeting. 13:51:31 <Sparks> Everyone have a good day. 13:51:34 <Sparks> #endmeeting