14:05:46 <bcotton> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:05:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 19 14:05:46 2012 UTC. The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:05:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:05:54 <bcotton> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:05:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:06:03 <bcotton> #topic Roll Call 14:06:05 * jsmith is here 14:06:20 * randomuser wanders in 14:06:29 * jhradilek ✓ 14:07:41 <suehle> me 14:08:08 <bcotton> okay, let's rock 14:08:11 <bcotton> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 14:08:39 <bcotton> so suehle and i were both supposed to poke guide owners to make sure they're still around for F17. suehle, did either of us do that? 14:08:45 * jjmcd distracted 14:09:19 <suehle> um... yes! no, that's a lie. 14:09:25 <bcotton> heh 14:09:26 <suehle> sorry :( 14:09:41 <bcotton> suehle: it's okay, you've been southby'ing. i have no such excuse 14:09:46 <bcotton> #action bcotton to check on guide owners for F17 14:10:10 <bcotton> #topic Release Notes 14:10:20 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Notes_schedule 14:10:23 <jjmcd> OK, we are way behind 14:10:39 <bcotton> so i believe we were supposed to have a beat-writing party last week. how'd that go if at all? 14:10:52 <jjmcd> I will make the RPM tomorrow, so any beat content needs to be there today 14:11:09 <jjmcd> If you think your beat is soup, feel free to convert to xml 14:11:30 <jsmith> and if you need help converting to XML, let me know 14:11:30 <jjmcd> after the meeting I promised claneys I would walk through mw-render 14:11:36 <bcotton> #info jjmcd will make the RN RPM on Tuesday 14:12:07 * claneys is here 14:12:13 * pkovar is here too 14:12:40 <jjmcd> I will be using vyew for the mw-render walkthrough 14:13:16 <jjmcd> I know, not FOSS but at least platform agnostic 14:14:28 <jjmcd> I guess thats about it 14:15:01 <bcotton> jjmcd: from the schedule, it looks like we're doing pretty well. anything you need from the rest of the group? 14:15:15 <jjmcd> We're not doing that well 14:15:19 <jjmcd> we are way behind 14:15:29 <jjmcd> We still have a lot of empty beats 14:15:45 <jjmcd> on some, I have pasted the checkBeat output and chipping away at them 14:15:55 <jjmcd> But anyone who can grab a beat please do 14:16:02 <bcotton> hrm. okay. well i'll try to work on some tonight when i get home 14:16:13 <jjmcd> Oh 14:16:28 <jjmcd> and don't forget to mark the 1 in the table when it is soup 14:16:37 <jjmcd> I'll convert those first 14:16:38 * sgordon is late but here 14:16:48 <jjmcd> then get a little into the others and convert them 14:17:07 <bcotton> so we've got, what, 2 weeks until the GA RN freeze? 14:17:10 <bcotton> 3 weeks maybe 14:17:16 <jjmcd> something like that 14:17:21 <sgordon> i can probably take some more 14:17:28 <jjmcd> but L10N should have had the POs over a weeka go 14:17:30 <sgordon> i had picked up the xorg and security ones and done them 14:17:38 <jjmcd> and we don't even have the beats done 14:17:44 <jjmcd> sgordon, I saw that, thanks 14:18:15 <jjmcd> So the beta rpm will be en-US only 14:18:30 <jjmcd> Which has always been the case, but L10n wanted more this time 14:19:49 <bcotton> okay, so in the future we need to do a better job of getting beat contributors. perhaps a problem to figure out in the post-release lull? 14:20:01 <jjmcd> Yeah, it is always a challenge 14:20:20 <sgordon> i think we could be more aggressive about reminding the people who did it last time ? 14:20:21 <jjmcd> It happens when the folks who know are thinking about anything but documentation 14:21:04 <jjmcd> sgordon, we really should, and that is mostly my fault we haven't 14:21:21 <bcotton> jjmcd: i don't think anyone would accuse you of a lack of effort :-) 14:21:25 <sgordon> just commenting because we have so many entries with a name, but starred 14:21:34 <sgordon> indicating they didnt confirm or deny for this release 14:21:53 <jjmcd> sgordon, yes. I know one or two have had significant real life issues 14:23:02 <jjmcd> After this meeting, http://vyew.com/room#/995445/mw-render 14:23:26 <bcotton> #link http://vyew.com/room#/995445/mw-render 14:23:50 <bcotton> #undo 14:23:50 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x2406e290> 14:23:53 <bcotton> #link http://vyew.com/room/995445/mw-render 14:24:06 <bcotton> the # in jjmcd's link seems to break things 14:24:13 <bcotton> okay, anything else on RN? 14:24:20 <jjmcd> intellesting 14:24:23 <jjmcd> not from me 14:24:31 <randomuser> jjmcd, how long do you have for the mw-render tutorial? 14:24:44 <jjmcd> Prolly only take 15-20 minutes 14:24:54 <randomuser> i can manage that 14:24:56 <bcotton> jjmcd: it added it when i went to the page, but the direct link was broken. or maybe konsole's interpretation of it was wrong 14:25:05 * bcotton shrugs 14:25:08 <jjmcd> depends on questions I suppose 14:25:24 <jjmcd> I can see you moving your pointer around 14:25:28 <bcotton> #topic Guide Status 14:25:38 <bcotton> #link http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-17/f-17-docs-tree-tasks.html 14:26:22 <bcotton> so we have about a month left until the string freeze for all guides. I will poke owners *today* 14:26:44 <claneys> the # don't work for me either 14:26:47 <bcotton> we're probably well behind where we should be for this. i will accept all blame and rotten vegetables 14:27:37 <sgordon> i am going to pick up the virt beat, then confirm with rbergeron before taking the cloud one as well 14:27:45 <sgordon> looks like it will be pretty chunky, lots of openstack 14:28:17 <bcotton> does anyone have anything to say about Guides? 14:28:30 <bcotton> (other than "i'm massively contributing to them as we speak") 14:28:42 <jsmith> The Cloud Guide is all but dead at this point 14:29:03 <jsmith> Sparks and I haven't had time to update it, and nobody in the Cloud SIG has stepped forward to contribute more material 14:29:13 <jsmith> I should have a bit more time now, but I'm no cloud expert 14:29:15 <claneys> I complete User Guide as quick as I can 14:29:30 <jsmith> If we can get people to help build content, I'll get it converted to DocBook and into the guide 14:29:36 <claneys> It is slow but still 14:29:38 * randomuser has been poking at the install guide 14:30:05 <bcotton> claneys: how can the group help? 14:30:56 <claneys> You can't help :/ sorry. It's just that I spend my time with some irl stuffs 14:31:30 <bcotton> claneys: understandable. if you need additional help updating or adding content, please let the list know. i still need to update the printing chapter for gnome 3 14:32:20 <claneys> I never use printing capabilities. 14:32:48 <bcotton> randomuser: how's the IG work going? 14:32:53 <claneys> So I don't know well about that 14:33:43 <claneys> jjmcd: Can't connect to vyew room for now, it is normal? 14:33:58 <randomuser> bcotton, i'm expanding on the network installation sections, i hit a wall on my understanding of cobbler I'm working through, and an anaconda bug for manual installation directions that i'm waiting to see how it plays out 14:34:08 <jjmcd> claneys, you should be able to. There is something between room and room# 14:35:12 <bcotton> randomuser: okay. is it under control or do we need to drum up some help for you? 14:35:42 <randomuser> i should be able to pound out a well rounded contribution in the next week or so 14:38:02 <bcotton> randomuser: awesome 14:38:05 <bcotton> anything else on Guides? 14:41:35 <nb> hey, i'm actually here for a meeting for once! 14:41:37 <bcotton> #topic Open floor discussion 14:43:10 <nb> has anyone heard anything from rudi about his work on making the website automatically build itself? 14:43:19 <nb> instead of being in cron? 14:43:46 <nb> well i mean, instead of being built locally and just shoved in a git repo? 14:45:56 <bcotton> i've not heard of anything 14:48:34 <bcotton> anything else? 14:51:00 <bcotton> okay, well thanks to everyone who showed up at the new old time :-) 14:51:02 <bcotton> #endmeeting