14:00:11 <bcotton> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 18 14:00:11 2012 UTC. The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:23 <bcotton> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:28 <bcotton> #topic Roll Call 14:00:34 * jhradilek ✓ 14:01:35 * jsmith is here 14:01:56 * pkovar is here 14:02:04 * _logan is here 14:03:00 * jjmcd (sort of here) 14:03:57 <bcotton> okay, well let's get the party rolling and see who else sneaks into the back row 14:04:04 <bcotton> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 14:04:08 <bcotton> i failed to do mine 14:04:21 <bcotton> #action bcotton to draft QA Wrangler role description 14:04:36 <bcotton> Sparks: you had three. 14:05:50 <bcotton> apparently my threatening gaze has scared him away. let's jsut pretend he hasn't done any of them 14:06:04 <bcotton> #action Sparks to follow up to mailing list about using koji to publish docs.fp.o 14:06:14 <bcotton> #action Sparks to file the ticket re: publishing with koji 14:06:36 <bcotton> #action Sparks to take man page website to mailing list 14:06:36 * Sparks is here 14:06:49 <bcotton> oh hey, just in time :-) 14:06:57 <bcotton> any updates on your action items, my good man? 14:06:59 <Sparks> The second action item was complete. I'm hoping to have time to catch up on the other two today. 14:07:21 <bcotton> #info Sparks has completed to file the ticket re: publishing with koj 14:07:30 <bcotton> we now continue the Sparks show 14:07:38 <bcotton> #topic Using koji to publish docs.fp.o 14:07:51 <bcotton> Sparks: question 14:07:59 <Sparks> bcotton: answer 14:08:18 <bcotton> If we switch to koji, will we continue to use the docs-publishers group or will there be another ACL? 14:08:58 <Sparks> Because koji hasn't met FAS we won't need a group. 14:09:32 <Sparks> We will have to work out ACLs with Infra 14:10:16 <bcotton> okay, i was going to bring up changing the docs-publishers group to remove docs-writers as a prerequsite, but i guess it will soon be a moot point 14:10:49 <pkovar> we use the docs-publishers group for translation publishing requests, btw 14:11:20 <Sparks> pkovar: We will have to add the translators to the new ACL list, whatever that will be. 14:11:40 <pkovar> ok 14:11:43 <Sparks> bcotton: soon, perhaps, but I'm not sure when. 14:12:11 <bcotton> okay, cool 14:12:56 * Sparks needs to talk with Rudi about this. 14:13:06 <Sparks> We will also need to upgrade/change our backend process. 14:13:25 <bcotton> yeah, this will probably be a big change for us :-) 14:13:38 * Sparks hopes it will make it easier for people to publish 14:14:06 <lnovich> anything in particular you want me to ask Rudi about? 14:14:07 <bcotton> and save several terabytes of disk space around the world :-) 14:14:17 <Sparks> lnovich: Sure... 14:14:37 <lnovich> send me your questions, I will bring it up tomorrow 14:14:43 <Sparks> lnovich: What else do we need other than the koji instance and if Publican is ready for the changes. 14:14:54 * Sparks just isn't on IRC in the evenings as much. 14:15:07 <lnovich> As I just got online, I missed the complete thread 14:15:28 <lnovich> publican was being tested I think this past weekend 14:15:39 <lnovich> if you're referring to V3 14:18:03 <Sparks> lnovich: Ummm... I can't remember what version we are running in Fedora 14:18:57 <lnovich> well it can't be 3 it hasn't been released yet 14:20:40 <Sparks> lnovich: Heh. So I guess another question would be "do we need v3 to use koji?". 14:21:11 <Sparks> bcotton: That's all I have on this topic 14:21:19 * Sparks will send words to the list later today 14:21:32 <bcotton> anyone else have anything to say about using koji to publish? 14:21:32 <lnovich> i will let you know on that one 14:21:53 <daydrim> i've got question about SELinux User Guide ) 14:24:15 <jhradilek> mprpic: <daydrim> i've got question about SELinux User Guide 14:24:20 <mprpic> daydrim: what's your question? 14:24:45 <mprpic> daydrim: btw, I still have your email open but haven't found the time to respond, sorry :( 14:25:11 <bcotton> sorry, folks, got distracted by $dayjob 14:25:15 <daydrim> what's the situation with SELinux User Guide. Is the project still alive? Could I help you with this project as a member of Docs team? I’ve posted an email to mail-list - http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/docs/2012-June/014376.html about my ideas ) 14:25:24 <bcotton> mprpic, daydrim can we save that for the end of the meeting, please? 14:25:30 <daydrim> yeap 14:25:32 <bcotton> #topic Publish man pages 14:25:33 <mprpic> bcotton: sure 14:25:40 <daydrim> kk 14:25:42 <bcotton> Sparks, still your floor 14:25:46 * sgordon is here, belatedly 14:27:13 <bcotton> Sparks: ping 14:27:54 <bcotton> anyone have any follow up discussion about creating a man pages website 14:28:02 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=828669 14:28:10 <sgordon> lnovich, pinged me about a question relating to the koji build issue if anyone wants to loop back to that at some point :) 14:28:39 <bcotton> sgordon: sure 14:29:06 * sgordon loads up his magic 8 ball 14:29:12 <ianweller> "ask again later" 14:29:22 <bcotton> okay, moving on then 14:29:24 <bcotton> #topic QA recap 14:29:44 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_QA_Procedure 14:31:25 <bcotton> anything more to discuss about QA? we still seem a little unsure of how to best make things work 14:31:35 * Sparks is back. 14:31:45 <bcotton> wb Sparks 14:31:56 <lnovich1> lnovich is back too..damn wireless 14:31:58 <Sparks> bcotton: I sent a SG update to QA last week. 14:33:51 <bcotton> Sparks: how'd it go? 14:36:41 <Sparks> bcotton: I haven't heard anything back, yet 14:38:12 <bcotton> hmph 14:39:22 * pkovar still thinks the qa procedure is too formal for a community project with limited resources 14:39:48 * jhradilek completely agrees with pkovar. 14:40:17 * Sparks thinks that QA is important enough to try to make it work 14:41:16 * bcotton agrees with pkovar, but is not sure an informal QA procedure is very helpful 14:42:00 <lnovich1> any procedure is helpful but will only work if followed 14:42:52 <lnovich1> to do that someone needs to be the "policeman" 14:44:20 <lnovich1> I question step #4 14:44:45 <bcotton> lnovich1: what about it? 14:45:05 <lnovich1> as it seems that in steps 5-6 is re-checking step 4 14:45:56 <bcotton> kind of. i see step 4 as the reporter confirming the _content_ is fixed. 5-6 are more about the style and syntax 14:46:19 <lnovich1> qa can do both, no? 14:46:35 <lnovich1> it doesn't have to go from person to person 14:46:52 <bcotton> sometimes, but only the submitter knows if the patch really fixes it or not. sometimes the bugs are a little vague 14:46:57 <lnovich1> but we can discuss this offline if you'd rather 14:47:35 * Sparks needs to run but doesn't know if there is anything else coming up that he needs to deal with. 14:47:55 <bcotton> Sparks: you're good. we'll need to wrap up in a few minutes anyway 14:48:00 <Sparks> Okay, thanks. 14:48:05 * Sparks will be back in a few hours 14:48:46 <bcotton> the QA discussion is tough. we talked about it for weeks before finally deciding to try _something_ 14:49:15 <lnovich1> tough but necessary 14:49:26 <bcotton> but that really only kicked the can down the road. now we need to figure out how to make it work 14:49:39 <lnovich1> do we have enough qa volunteers to make it work? 14:50:42 <pkovar> i don't think so 14:50:57 <bcotton> lnovich1: i'm not sure we do 14:51:00 <lnovich1> ok I will try to get us some.... 14:51:39 <bcotton> okay, so let's table this for now, perhaps continuing discussion on the ml and in #fedora-docs 14:51:50 <lnovich1> agreed 14:52:01 <bcotton> #topic Open floor discussion 14:52:32 <bcotton> daydrim, mprpic: now's the chance for the guide question 14:53:06 <mprpic> daydrim: to answer your question: 14:53:33 <mprpic> daydrim: it was a bit dead, the book that is, but I have been making a few fixes here and there and prepping it for f17 release 14:53:45 <mprpic> I'm aiming at July 1st 14:54:08 <mprpic> I still need to get some feedback from an SELinux dev 14:54:40 <mprpic> if you're interested in contributing, please file bugs, submit patches, or anything 14:54:45 <mprpic> help is always welcome 14:54:55 <mprpic> I need to revive the wiki page as well, it's on the todo list ;) 14:57:40 <daydrim> ok ) thank you for your answers ) so, after you make changes and fixes, i will translate them to Russian ) and i'll be very thankful if you change add me to the translators list ) 14:57:41 <bcotton> anything else before I clsoe the meeting? we're almost out of time 14:58:11 <lnovich1> not from me 14:58:20 <bcotton> okay, thanks everyone! 14:58:24 <bcotton> #endmeeting