14:00:14 <bcotton> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 30 14:00:14 2012 UTC. The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:19 <bcotton> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:23 <bcotton> #topic Roll Call 14:00:36 <randomuser> 14:00:51 * Capesteve waves 14:02:14 * pkovar is here 14:02:57 * Sparks is here 14:03:12 * shaiton lurks 14:05:34 <bcotton> shall we get this party started? 14:05:35 <bcotton> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 14:06:28 <bcotton> Sparks, ianweller poke 14:06:50 <bcotton> Sparks to take man page website to mailing list 14:07:02 <bcotton> i dont think i saw that, unless it happened in the last few days 14:07:06 <Sparks> I haven't. 14:07:16 <Sparks> I'll do so now, though. 14:07:31 <bcotton> awesome. i'll leave it on the minutes for this week then 14:07:35 <bcotton> #action Sparks to take man page website to mailing list 14:07:52 <bcotton> ianweller to ask the guys behind the packages app if man pages is a thing they can do 14:08:50 <bcotton> okay, no ianweller 14:08:53 <bcotton> #action ianweller to ask the guys behind the packages app if man pages is a thing they can do 14:09:10 <bcotton> and finally, i know i didnt do my item 14:09:15 <bcotton> #action bcotton to send call for volunteers for QA Wrangler to mailing list 14:09:25 <bcotton> moving on 14:09:27 <bcotton> #topic Using koji to publish docs.fp.o 14:09:34 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Automating_publishing 14:09:38 <bcotton> any updates, Sparks 14:09:58 <Sparks> No updates. I think rudi is waiting for releng. 14:10:20 <bcotton> okay, cool 14:10:38 <bcotton> #topic Publish man pages 14:10:50 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=828669 14:11:19 <bcotton> so i guess this is waiting for a determination from the group (by way of the mailing list) if this is a reasonable thing to do 14:12:27 <bcotton> anyone else have things to say on this topic before we move on? 14:13:53 <bcotton> #topic QA recap 14:13:59 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_QA_Procedure 14:14:55 <bcotton> so i QAed some changes for Sparks last week. the procedure works well for individual issues. hopefully once we have a point person for QA, we can scale it a little better 14:16:25 * bcotton hears crickets 14:16:33 <bcotton> must have been a rough weekend for everyone :-) 14:16:40 <Capesteve> Step 3.1 says "Patch is applied to current release and master. " 14:16:40 <randomuser> bcotton, i noticed you guys had an effective dialog on irc, but if needed it could happen in the bug ticvket too 14:16:57 <Capesteve> and 8 says: Owner applies the fix to the master branch. 14:17:11 <Capesteve> is "master" getting updated twice? 14:17:37 <bcotton> randomuser: yeah, that's a good point. if I were doing it The Right Way[tm], i would have done it in the ticket comments for posterities sake, but i was trying to be quick so i could go to bed 14:17:56 <bcotton> there is some value to having the feedback in a more recorded medium 14:18:27 <randomuser> bcotton, it was just something i was pondering after reading a couple package reviews. posterity aside, that's how the review process can scale 14:18:43 <bcotton> randomuser: very true 14:19:29 <bcotton> Capesteve: that's a really good point. i think 3.1 should better read that the patch is made against current and master 14:19:46 <Capesteve> I now understand that 3.1 is an exception 14:20:26 <bcotton> since the patch isn't actually being applied until 8 14:20:35 <Capesteve> oh 14:20:42 <randomuser> should we have a 'push after $TIMEFRAME" convention if the guide owner isn't responsive? 14:20:42 <bcotton> we could probably stand to fine-tune that wording a bit 14:20:48 <Sparks> It might be a good idea to put in the commands for using git as git will do a lot of the work for you, now. 14:20:53 <Capesteve> I see, thanks 14:21:06 <bcotton> Sparks: good idea. want to do that? 14:21:36 <Sparks> Yeah, I'll see if I can do that. I found it a lot easier letting git do the work so I could also send that information to RHEL since the SG is there, too. 14:22:17 <bcotton> #action Sparks to add relevant git commands to QA procedures 14:22:31 <bcotton> randomuser: 8.1 says 2 weeks 14:22:58 <randomuser> bcotton, i'm referring to the converse case 14:23:19 <bcotton> randomuser: oh, right. that might be a good addition 14:23:24 <randomuser> where a patch is submitted and QA'd but the Owner doesn't act on it 14:23:45 <lnovich> maybe 8.1 should be if after 10 days there is no QA action, owner contacts QA wrangler? 14:23:50 <Capesteve> two weeks is a long time 14:24:21 <randomuser> lnovich, +1 14:24:37 <lnovich> and change 8.1 to 8.2 14:24:45 <bcotton> Capesteve: depends on the bug 14:25:48 <bcotton> lnovich: +1 14:28:17 <bcotton> anything else on QA this week? 14:29:29 <lnovich> bcotton - want me to add the bit I suggested? 14:29:34 <bcotton> lnovich: sure thing 14:29:38 <bcotton> #topic Open Help Conference 14:29:49 <bcotton> #link http://openhelpconference.com 14:29:56 <bcotton> #info Open Help Conference is Aug 11-15 in Cincinnati, OH 14:30:17 <bcotton> more of a reminder that this point. i expect most people who are going have already made the necessary arrangements 14:30:54 <bcotton> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:32:43 <randomuser> there are bugs. 14:32:51 <bcotton> #info now would be a good time to get bugs fixed before we start working on F18 14:34:27 <bcotton> #topic Open floor discussion 14:34:36 <bcotton> okay, who has things not on the agenda? 14:34:58 <Capesteve> me 14:35:05 <bcotton> Capesteve: go ahead 14:35:15 <Capesteve> (04:00:15 PM) zodbot: Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:35:24 <Capesteve> see 3rd command 14:35:29 <Capesteve> halp 14:35:40 <Capesteve> what is that? 14:35:51 <bcotton> i believe it's LOLspeak for 'help' 14:35:58 <Capesteve> hmmmmm 14:36:02 <Capesteve> grrrrr 14:36:05 <jhradilek> #halp 14:36:09 <jhradilek> zodbot: #halp 14:36:14 <shaiton> .misc halp 14:36:16 <shaiton> ;) 14:36:20 <Capesteve> #halp mr zodbot 14:36:29 <nirik> it's the same as #help. It's there for typos. 14:36:47 <Capesteve> OK, I believe you, thousands would not 14:36:57 <shaiton> it does not really halp in fact 14:36:57 <nirik> #help - Add a "Call for Help" to the minutes. Use this command when you need to recruit someone to do a task. (Counter-intuitively, this doesn't provide help on the bot) 14:36:59 <shaiton> :p 14:37:01 <lnovich> #agreed 14:37:23 <jhradilek> Nice. :-D 14:37:38 <bcotton> nirik: that's good to know, thank you 14:37:39 * nirik thinks your meeting summary will be interesting. 14:37:57 <Capesteve> nirik: thank you 14:38:20 <bcotton> nirik: is #h[ae]lp an everyone command, or only #chair? 14:38:26 <nirik> http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot/ and http://meetbot.debian.net/Manual.html 14:38:46 <bcotton> nirik: that answers my question, thank you 14:39:08 <bcotton> okay, anything else for today's meeting? 14:39:21 <jhradilek> bcotton: Yeah, ohm. :) http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/479951_427930110593187_262036982_n.jpg 14:39:36 <jhradilek> (Sorry, I couldn't help it.) 14:39:47 <bcotton> jhradilek: i loled 14:39:48 <Capesteve> I think the colour code is Brown = 1, Black =0, Orange= 10Ex3, Yellow=4% tolerance. So looks like just made up. 14:39:58 <Capesteve> Standard tolerance was 5%, the 2 then 1 14:40:21 <bcotton> okay, well since we're talking about resistors now, i guess the meeting is complete 14:40:25 <bcotton> thanks, everyone! 14:40:40 <jhradilek> Thank you, bcotton. :) 14:40:46 <bcotton> #endmeeting