14:00:14 <bcotton> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 20 14:00:14 2012 UTC. The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:27 <bcotton> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:35 <bcotton> #topic Roll Call 14:01:02 <nb> hi 14:01:13 * Sparks is here 14:01:16 * jjmcd 14:01:57 * jhradilek ✓ 14:02:12 * randomuser` pops in 14:05:34 <bcotton> okay, let's rock and/or roll 14:05:40 <bcotton> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 14:05:54 <bcotton> hey, i finally did my task. yay! 14:06:04 <bcotton> #action Sparks to add relevant git commands to QA procedures 14:06:32 <Sparks> I haven't done that yet. 14:07:00 <bcotton> i'm going to let ianweller's task drop off the agenda, since we're tabling (or at least backgrounding) the man pages website 14:07:24 <bcotton> Sparks: after the meeting if you have time, i'll help you get that knocked out 14:07:37 <Sparks> bcotton: Yeah, I just need to DO it 14:08:57 <bcotton> #topic Release Notes 14:09:08 <bcotton> #info jjmcd will not be able to handle the Release Notes this release. 14:09:37 <bcotton> #help We need a volunteer to take over the RN 14:09:48 <Sparks> I think there may have been a volunteer for this project? 14:10:21 <bcotton> Sparks: a random user? 14:10:38 <jjmcd> randomuser` agrees to do the tn's 14:10:44 <Sparks> cicku 14:11:03 * randomuser` gasps 14:11:15 <bcotton> excellent. i see that message now. 14:11:31 <bcotton> jjmcd: is the general process documented anywhere? 14:11:57 <jjmcd> Probably, but prob out of date 14:12:38 <jjmcd> I'll post the overall process to the list 14:12:42 <bcotton> can i #action you to update that so that cicku or someone else can take the reins 14:12:45 <bcotton> excellent 14:12:49 <jjmcd> at 50,000 feet, anyway 14:12:54 <bcotton> #action jjmcd to post the RN process to the mailing list 14:14:50 <bcotton> anything else on RN? 14:15:26 <bcotton> #topic Using koji to publish docs.fp.o 14:15:38 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Automating_publishing 14:16:00 <bcotton> Sparks: any updates? 14:16:32 <Sparks> bcotton: I have none. 14:17:10 <bcotton> okie dokie 14:17:25 <bcotton> #topic QA recap 14:17:43 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_QA_Procedure 14:18:08 <bcotton> so I just send the volunteer call, so there's not much else to say on this. other than hopefully we'll be able to go with it now 14:18:33 <bcotton> which is good, because... 14:18:39 <bcotton> #topic Fedora 18 schedule 14:18:43 <bcotton> #link http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-docs-tasks.html 14:19:06 <bcotton> #info Alpha RN are due on Friday 14:20:11 <bcotton> i need to check with suehle and rbergeron about the release announcement. there's no clear pattern as to when docs writes it vs marketing, but it's listed for both of us 14:20:21 <jreznik> bcotton: fesco is going to review incomplete features today, so after that we should have nearly final list of features going to f18 (for release notes) 14:20:45 * Sparks thinks the Alpha release notes are just features 14:20:53 <bcotton> jreznik: thanks! 14:20:59 <jreznik> bcotton: let me know who is in charge of announcements, I'll update schedules according to it 14:21:04 <bcotton> Sparks: that's true. it's basically a one page 14:21:18 <bcotton> jreznik: will do 14:21:36 <bcotton> also, everyone, if you haven't met our new FPM, say hi to jreznik 14:22:13 <Sparks> Hi jreznik 14:22:18 * randomuser` extends a figurative hand to jreznik 14:23:09 <jreznik> thanks :) 14:23:33 <bcotton> anything else on the schedule? we'll probably focus on it a bit more next week 14:23:59 <jreznik> btw. this leads to a question - I'm trying to settle down now, figure out what are my responsibilities - so if you can share some info about fpm vs docs. team releations, would be great :) 14:24:30 <bcotton> jreznik: sure, can do 14:24:56 <bcotton> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:25:06 <bcotton> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:25:19 <bcotton> we have bugs. yup. 14:25:34 <Sparks> We have bugs, yes we do, we have bugs, how about you?!? 14:26:33 <bcotton> oh, that Sparks 14:26:39 <bcotton> #topic Open Floor Discussion 14:27:19 <bcotton> anyone? bueller? 14:27:26 * randomuser` raises hand 14:27:52 <randomuser`> moving backwards, now that i'm back to a real kbd 14:28:28 <bcotton> randomuser`: go ahead 14:28:43 <randomuser`> jjmcd, i suspect the first step in release notes wrangling is a nag email to the list for beat writers; will your process overview cover that, or should we be more proactive? 14:28:59 <jjmcd> Well, sked review first 14:30:07 <randomuser`> jjmcd, if there's anything i can do to help in the short term, without taking responsibility for the whole doc, let me know 14:30:25 <jjmcd> i got a couple of quick hits need done 14:31:19 <randomuser`> sure, you can email me oa todo list or we can catch up in -docs 14:31:29 <jjmcd> wilco 14:31:53 <randomuser`> same goes for any guide owner, i'm just picking up bits of work as i find them 14:34:40 <bcotton> anything else for this week's meeting? 14:34:52 <lnovich> nothing from me 14:35:11 <bcotton> oh hi, lnovich 14:35:27 <bcotton> okay, well if nobody has anything to talk about... 14:35:31 <lnovich> hey... 14:35:35 <bcotton> thanks, everyone! 14:35:38 <bcotton> #endmeeting