14:00:35 <bcotton> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 27 14:00:35 2012 UTC. The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:44 <bcotton> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:52 <bcotton> #topic Roll Call 14:01:00 * Sparks is present and/or accounted for 14:01:07 * shaiton Kévin Raymond is around 14:01:17 * randomuser waves 14:02:27 * jjmcd 14:02:44 * claneys 14:02:52 <suehle> hi 14:05:06 * lnovich here! 14:05:18 <bcotton> let's go! 14:05:25 <bcotton> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 14:05:33 <bcotton> #action Sparks to add relevant git commands to QA procedures 14:05:42 * Sparks hasn't completed that 14:06:07 <bcotton> i'd shame you, but i have no credibility in that regard :-) 14:06:13 <Sparks> true 14:06:33 <bcotton> the good news is that jjmcd posted the RN process to the mailing list, so we can check that box 14:06:48 <jjmcd> :-) 14:06:57 <bcotton> #topic Release Notes 14:07:50 <bcotton> #info Alpha Release Notes (one page) due on Monday 3 September 14:09:21 <bcotton> So bckurera volunteered to run with the RN. jjmcd, have you had any out-of-band conversation about this? 14:09:41 <jjmcd> Nope - we have a few things that need to get going, too 14:10:04 <jjmcd> fortunately, they're easy so a good way to get him tarted 14:10:52 <bcotton> excellent. i guess we'll do the alpha RN by committee and work on getting bckurera spun up 14:11:15 <bcotton> #help Need someone to put Alpha RN together on the wiki 14:11:46 <bcotton> anything else on RN this week? 14:12:00 <jjmcd> not here 14:12:24 <bcotton> #topic Fedora 18 schedule 14:12:31 <bcotton> #link http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-docs-tasks.html 14:12:58 <bcotton> #info schedule has slipped by a week. Alpha release now 4 September 14:13:26 <bcotton> #info Alpha Release Announcement is "finished" and available for editing 14:13:47 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_Alpha_release_announcement 14:14:33 <bcotton> also, it's about time to start working on the F18 version of guides, so if you're a guide owner or contributor, start warming up 14:16:02 <bcotton> anything else on the schedule? 14:16:55 <bcotton> #topic Using koji to publish docs.fp.o 14:17:05 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Automating_publishing 14:17:07 <bcotton> hi, Sparks 14:17:17 <Sparks> I have no update 14:17:31 <Sparks> I think we are still waiting for releng 14:17:49 <bcotton> should we just sit on this until the post-F18 lull at this point? 14:18:00 <randomuser> is there a ticket somewhere on this? 14:18:29 <Sparks> bcotton: Perhaps. I'd like to have a test site up before F18 but that's not up to me. 14:18:45 <Sparks> randomuser: There is... maybe it is in the agenda? 14:19:13 <bcotton> Sparks: randomuser nope 14:19:22 <Sparks> :( 14:19:26 <Sparks> It's somewhere. 14:20:32 <bcotton> i'm just concerned about trying to switch publishing methods in the middle of the busy season 14:20:45 <Sparks> I agree. 14:20:56 <randomuser> #info https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5214 14:21:11 <bcotton> randomuser: awesome 14:21:34 <randomuser> no apparent action, i vote push back 14:21:49 <bcotton> any objections to backgrounding this? 14:22:30 <bcotton> crickets 14:22:42 <bcotton> #agreed we'll background this project until after the F18 release 14:22:54 <bcotton> #topic QA recap 14:23:03 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_QA_Procedure 14:23:31 <bcotton> #info crantila has volunteered to be the QA wrangler 14:24:22 <bcotton> that's all i've got. i think that finally wraps up the QA discussion for now 14:25:05 <bcotton> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:25:14 <bcotton> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:25:42 <bcotton> Yep, we still have bugs. F18 work should hopefully involve squashing some of them 14:26:06 <bcotton> #topic Open floor discussion 14:26:44 <bcotton> anything fun to discuss this week? 14:27:14 <Sparks> Ooo Ooo... me me me 14:28:07 <bcotton> Sparks: go ahead 14:28:23 <Sparks> I hear through the grapevine that there may be some movement on the releng ticket tomorrow. We won't speculate or point fingers but we should monitor the ticket for movement. 14:28:34 <Sparks> That is all... carry on 14:28:54 <bcotton> #huzzah 14:29:01 <lnovich> sorry everyone finally back in - wireless kicked me off.. 14:29:08 <bcotton> welcome back, lnovich 14:29:13 <randomuser> Sparks, had you mentioned publishing draft docs? 14:29:13 <Sparks> lnovich: Oh good, that hack I made worked. 14:29:40 <Sparks> randomuser: ? 14:30:52 <randomuser> it just occurred to me that the automated publishing process might take a bit of extra work for drafts 14:32:17 <randomuser> not that it's a problem, but folk do like defined specs 14:32:41 <Sparks> randomuser: We'll just have to create a new procedure for that. I haven't thought about it much, to be honest. 14:32:46 * randomuser nods 14:33:17 <randomuser> ...when we come to it 14:34:15 <Sparks> ya 14:34:20 <bcotton> anything else for this week's meeting? 14:34:34 <lnovich> not from me 14:36:33 <bcotton> okay, well thank you to everyone who continues to be awesome! 14:36:46 <bcotton> (that's all of you) 14:36:48 <bcotton> #endmeeting