14:00:14 <bcotton> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 15 14:00:14 2012 UTC. The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:22 <bcotton> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:27 <bcotton> #topic Roll Call 14:01:06 * jjmcd sort of 14:01:42 <bcotton> ( LoKoMurdoK , lnovich , now's a good time for you to say you're here so you'll show up in the minutes) 14:02:24 * lnovich here 14:03:18 * randomuser` pops in 14:04:40 <bcotton> okay, let's get started. looks like this will be a short meeting 14:04:42 <bcotton> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 14:04:56 <bcotton> All items are done! Hooray! 14:05:04 <bcotton> #topic Guide slip proposal 14:05:09 <bcotton> #info Suggested that guides be branched 4 weeks before GA 14:05:18 <bcotton> #link http://bcotton.fedorapeople.org/docs_schedule/ 14:05:44 <bcotton> #info the only feedback i received was in favor 14:06:14 <bcotton> so i guess it's adopted 14:06:27 <bcotton> #agreed Guides will be branched 4 weeks before GA 14:06:37 <bcotton> #action bcotton to send schedule diffs to jreznik 14:06:42 <lnovich> will you send out a link or directions about this? 14:06:52 * LoKoMurdoK here 14:06:55 <bcotton> lnovich: what kind of link or directions? 14:07:12 <lnovich> who is doing the branching, the owner, or someone else? 14:07:24 <bcotton> lnovich: the guide owners are responsible for branching their guides 14:07:42 <lnovich> ok so are there directions for doing this? 14:07:59 <bcotton> yes, the Documentation Guide has some, as does the wiki 14:08:12 <lnovich> I've never branched in Git before - and don't want to mess anything up 14:08:54 <randomuser`> got is forgiving :) 14:09:35 <lnovich> when is the branch date? 14:10:19 <bcotton> for this release, it has passed, i believe 14:10:31 <bcotton> but it's never been a hard deadline 14:10:32 <lnovich> oh so we need to do this now then 14:10:36 <lnovich> right 14:10:43 <bcotton> in that we have no ability to crack people over the head :-) 14:10:59 <bcotton> if it's ready, branch it. if it's not ready, then wait until it's ready :-) 14:11:13 <bcotton> okay, so we're moving seamlessly into 14:11:19 <bcotton> #topic Fedora 18 schedule 14:11:26 <bcotton> #link http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-docs-tasks.html 14:11:33 <bcotton> #info Beta release slipped by a week 14:11:47 * sgordon slinks in 14:12:51 <bcotton> so the new schedule is updated with Beta released on 30 Oct and GA on 4 December 14:13:16 <lnovich> ok so Nov 4 is the branch date? 14:13:52 <bcotton> lnovich: for F18, the branch date is 2 October. The proposal is for future schedules 14:14:28 <lnovich> ok then I better get a move on 14:14:32 <bcotton> although i don't think any guides have actually branched yet :-) 14:15:09 <pkovar> fwiw, the branch dates for individual guides should more depend on the actual number of strings changed between releases, i think 14:15:42 <bcotton> pkovar: agreed, but that makes the schedule really complicated :-) 14:16:00 <pkovar> agreed :-) 14:16:30 <pkovar> just a remark re hard deadlines 14:17:07 <bcotton> anything else on the F18 schedule? 14:18:06 <bcotton> #topic Release Notes 14:18:41 <bcotton> anything on RN? 14:20:03 <sgordon> not really, probably about time i checked mine again 14:20:11 <sgordon> what dates are involved for the release notes? 14:20:48 <bcotton> well... the schedule says we should have frozen the wiki for beta RN on 1 october :/ 14:21:13 <sgordon> lulz 14:21:38 <bcotton> yeahhhhhhh 14:21:48 <sgordon> well, i will mark mine as good 14:21:57 <sgordon> but that i suspect still leaves a lot with wiki good 0 14:21:59 <jjmcd> I did get the ones that I had no asterisk for by then. But I think I may be asterisked on development tools and I never looked at that 14:24:23 <sgordon> there are a couple here where people removed the asterisk but havent marked as complete yet 14:24:28 <sgordon> maybe worth just prodding them 14:24:49 <bcotton> yeah, i think we need to make a push this week to try to play catch-up 14:25:30 <jjmcd> There were no changes to embedded or circuit so I struck those. I though Eric was going to do AR. He has a new package there I don't know much about 14:25:43 <jjmcd> I won't be able to do much until Thursday 14:27:38 <bcotton> anything else on Release Notes? 14:28:37 <bcotton> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:28:44 <bcotton> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:29:42 <bcotton> any discussion of BZ tickets? 14:31:15 <bcotton> #topic Open floor discussion 14:32:22 <bcotton> anything? 14:32:43 * bcotton bangs gavel 14:32:49 <jjmcd> FWIW - /me got JNOS 2.0j running on F17 ARM 14:32:50 <bcotton> thanks for coming everyone, keep up the good work 14:32:55 <bcotton> #endmeeting