14:00:29 <randomuser`> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 8 14:00:29 2013 UTC. The chair is randomuser`. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:29 <randomuser`> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:30 <randomuser`> #topic Roll Call 14:00:33 * Capesteve is present 14:00:58 * Sparks is here 14:01:00 * bcotton is here 14:01:08 <randomuser`> #chair bcotton 14:01:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton randomuser` 14:01:18 * bcotton sits 14:01:49 * jhradilek is here. 14:01:53 <randomuser`> heh 14:02:01 * pkovar is here 14:05:33 <randomuser`> Welcome, all 14:05:34 <randomuser`> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 14:05:46 <randomuser`> #info Participants are reminded to make liberal use of #info #link #help in order to make the minutes "more better" 14:06:03 <randomuser`> so, we had one action item - to talk about the changes process on the list 14:06:12 * jreznik is around 14:07:00 <randomuser`> I didn't bring it up outside of the mail containing the minutes, but the thread was bumped 14:07:18 <randomuser`> hrmm 14:07:22 <jreznik> one more topic - f19 alpha release announcement 14:07:38 <randomuser`> thanks, I was looking for the next topic :) 14:07:46 <randomuser`> #topic F19 alpha release announcement 14:08:25 <randomuser`> do you have a link to the schedule handy, jreznik ? 14:08:55 <randomuser`> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-docs-tasks.html 14:08:55 <jreznik> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-all-tasks.html 14:09:28 <randomuser`> wow, we're not keeping up. 14:09:41 <jreznik> it's probably not yet in schedule for docs, but I remember the deal between docs team and marketing to produce announcement 14:09:58 <randomuser`> so, we should be well into the beats by now, and writing the announcement 14:10:32 <jreznik> randomuser`: well, this schedule is outdated - bcotton sent me for f18 patch but it should be revisited I'd say (and sorry that merge took so long, actually never happened during crazy f18) 14:10:55 <randomuser`> it could still get more visibility, at least at my desk 14:11:11 <randomuser`> so, any volunteers for the announcement? 14:12:00 <randomuser`> meh, worth a try 14:12:36 * nb 14:12:44 * nb is here (/me is not volunteering) 14:12:46 <randomuser`> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F19_Alpha_release_announcement 14:12:48 * nb guesses he should clarify :) 14:12:54 * randomuser` shakes a fist at nb 14:13:41 <randomuser`> some shuffling of info to do then; I suppose I can handle that 14:13:49 * jreznik could help, want's to be sure we won't end without announcement :) 14:14:06 <jreznik> at least a review of features ready to be announced etc. 14:14:28 <randomuser`> it would be nice if someone more experienced would get involved; I didn't pay attention to announcements in previous releases 14:15:01 <bcotton> randomuser`: they're pretty easy to just jump in to. 14:15:31 <bcotton> randomuser`: i can't take on writing the RA right now, but i can offer guidance if you need it 14:15:38 * randomuser` nods 14:15:48 <randomuser`> I always appreciate guidance 14:16:29 <randomuser`> we'll put this on the table and poke at it over the next week; I suspect everyone that would contribute idles in irc 14:16:49 <randomuser`> I need to push an alpha release notes RPM too, i think 14:17:26 <randomuser`> #topic Release Note Beats 14:17:30 <randomuser`> How are we on beats? 14:17:58 * randomuser` checks 14:18:34 <randomuser`> there's not a lot there yet 14:19:03 <randomuser`> #info The discussions around features on the devel mailing list are a great place to pick up info 14:19:21 <randomuser`> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/ 14:21:13 * randomuser` coughs 14:21:29 <randomuser`> #topic Outstanding BZ tickets 14:21:39 <randomuser`> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:21:54 <randomuser`> we've got some bugs there 14:22:05 <randomuser`> some folks have been working on them 14:22:37 * zoglesby is here (was looking at meeting-1 trying to figure out where everyone was) 14:22:39 <zoglesby> :( 14:22:45 <randomuser`> Anyone have bugs they'd like to discuss? 14:22:54 <pkovar> yes 14:23:35 <pkovar> there are some old (as in very old) bugs filed against the user guide 14:23:42 <pkovar> nobody seems to be working on them 14:24:10 <pkovar> so i'd propose to close them all and probably also deprecate the guide 14:24:15 <pkovar> what do you think? 14:24:40 <randomuser`> hmm 14:24:56 <pkovar> i'm not quite sure it is worthy to update a guide that pretty much duplicates... 14:25:00 <pkovar> DE's help 14:25:04 <randomuser`> yeah 14:25:08 <pkovar> for kde, gnome, etc. 14:25:15 <pkovar> and desktop apps 14:25:35 <randomuser`> that level of info addresses a user base that really isn't our target - plus, nobody wants to maintain the guide 14:25:55 <pkovar> yes 14:26:42 <randomuser`> let's bring it up on the list on the off chance that someone feels strongly against it, and review at the next meeting 14:27:04 <pkovar> sounds good 14:27:05 <randomuser`> one more week of it's lingering death won't be tooo unmerciful 14:27:14 <pkovar> sure 14:27:27 <randomuser`> can you send the mail, pkovar ? 14:27:39 <pkovar> randomuser`: sure, will do 14:28:05 <randomuser`> thanks 14:28:10 <pkovar> np 14:28:21 <randomuser`> #action pkovar to email docs list about depricating user guide 14:28:27 * randomuser` to learn to spell 14:28:59 <randomuser`> we should think about where to drop in references to DE documentation as well 14:29:41 <randomuser`> anything else on bugs? 14:31:40 <randomuser`> quiet group today 14:31:51 <randomuser`> #topic Open floor discussion 14:31:57 <randomuser`> Okay, what did I miss? 14:33:00 <jreznik> for the change/release notes tracking thing - do you have any idea? if I missed it, sorry... not sure right now 14:33:46 <randomuser`> jreznik, personally, I don't have a lot to say about it. It looks like a solid plan. 14:34:30 <jreznik> there's one part we have not solved yet - the status/tracking one 14:34:36 <jreznik> how do you do it now? 14:35:55 <randomuser`> we have a wiki table ; beat writers mark complete, reviewed, docbookized, reviewed, published iirc 14:36:13 <randomuser`> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Documentation_beats?rd=Docs/Beats 14:36:17 <randomuser`> no, too many 14:36:40 <randomuser`> as you can imagine, wiki tables are not a fun to use tracking tool 14:37:26 <jreznik> indeed 14:38:00 <jreznik> it's more like beats are more "area oriented", changes process is more "change" oriented 14:38:17 <randomuser`> jreznik, at the scale we're using now, an individual usually knows where they are in the process, and can easily ask one of the other individuals involved about their sork 14:38:19 <jreznik> so the question how much this will "blend" together 14:38:24 <randomuser`> *work even 14:39:37 <randomuser`> i would think the docs team would make a judgement call about what category a change belongs in, and that writer would take on the docs role in the change 14:40:32 * j_dulaney broke his g string last night 14:40:37 <j_dulaney> Wrong channel 14:40:52 <j_dulaney> That's on an instrument, btw 14:41:27 <jreznik> randomuser`: so maybe I could add mapping to Beats to the change, reviewed/edited by docs 14:41:57 <randomuser`> sure 14:42:38 <jreznik> ok, I'll try it 14:44:02 <jreznik> seems like the best mapping we can get, in a style of bug tracker for devels and not touching current process/big changes 14:44:46 <randomuser`> yeah, i think we talked about tracker bugs last week too 14:45:01 <randomuser`> I wonder how the group feels about just moving to BZ for process tracking 14:45:14 <bcotton> ugh 14:45:17 <randomuser`> lol 14:45:50 <bcotton> i mean, it's a tool. but tracking bugs isn't necessarily tracking process, and bugzilla is definitely geared toward the former 14:45:58 <bcotton> not that i necessarily have a better suggestion 14:46:58 <randomuser`> I'm not sure it's better than the table, tbh 14:47:29 <randomuser`> since we're not passing info outside of assignments and "ready/not ready" 14:47:53 <Capesteve> process makes me think of gnatt charts 14:48:17 <Capesteve> gantt 14:48:28 <Capesteve> (not the insect) 14:48:56 <randomuser`> charts are fun 14:50:24 <bcotton> taskjuggler might be useful for this 14:50:55 <randomuser`> that *does* look useful 14:51:01 <bcotton> but it would be a challenge for jreznik to make it editable without people stomping on each other 14:51:11 <jreznik> well, not sure tj is a good tool for that 14:51:35 <bcotton> tj is probably as bad as bz but for different reasons 14:52:17 <jreznik> well I'm not happy about BZ neither, but probably the best option we had... 14:52:55 <randomuser`> we could do it all in trac 14:52:57 * randomuser` ducks 14:53:01 <bcotton> i guess the first step would be to figure out what we'd want from an ideal solution. and then see what best meets our needs 14:53:15 <bcotton> can anyone say "weighted scoring matrix"?! 14:54:13 <randomuser`> bcotton, how do you suggest we proceed for now, then? 14:54:28 <bcotton> keep trucking, i suppose 14:54:46 <jreznik> randomuser`: the reason for bz was simple - everyone knows it/could be used to track blockers etc and another is - I want to process more lightweight - combining wki, trac, bz... whatever = mess 14:55:24 <randomuser`> yeah, the blocker feature especially would be relevant 14:56:50 <randomuser`> #action randomuser to mail docs list about using bz to track release notes process 14:57:04 <randomuser`> bcotton, your guidance would be great here too 14:57:10 <jreznik> randomuser`: thanks 14:57:32 <bcotton> randomuser`: oh i'm not an idea guy. i'm just a critic ;-) 14:58:22 <randomuser`> bcotton, if you keep up this kind of critique, you're going to de-soil the reputation of project managers everywhere 14:59:13 <randomuser`> alright, we're out of time 14:59:17 <randomuser`> thanks for coming, everyone 14:59:21 <randomuser`> #endmeeting