14:00:12 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 23 14:00:12 2013 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:13 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:13 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:00:34 * randomuser yawns 14:00:42 * jhradilek waves. 14:00:49 * jjmcd 14:00:55 * zoglesby is here 14:01:00 * yruseva here 14:03:20 <randomuser> quorum? 14:03:26 * Sparks is here 14:03:43 * jreznik is around if needed by docs guys :) 14:04:36 <randomuser> I do have a question you might know the answer to, jreznik 14:05:23 <randomuser> #topic Action Items 14:05:41 <jreznik> randomuser: ok 14:05:43 <randomuser> I had two, one for tracking bugs for wildfly 14:05:53 <randomuser> #action randomuser to create RN tracking bug for WildFly Change 14:05:59 <randomuser> missed that one :/ 14:06:08 <randomuser> but I did publish technical notes 14:06:19 <randomuser> #topic Release Notes / Changes 14:06:36 <randomuser> #info Technical notes are available to help beat writers 14:07:21 <jreznik> do you have a link with technical notes? 14:07:29 * pbokoc is here 14:07:35 <randomuser> jreznik, I saw the alpha announcement reads that we have no default syslog, and that feature says no syslog in @standard,@core 14:07:45 <randomuser> #link http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora_Draft_Documentation/0.1/html-single/Technical_Notes/index.html 14:08:24 <randomuser> jreznik, and spins were deciding for themselves, but I haven't read anything about what the spins decided 14:08:56 <randomuser> it would be confusing to declare we dropped it only to only ship media that installs it by default 14:09:54 <jreznik> randomuser: well, I was thinking about it too how correct it is 14:10:16 <jreznik> it probably should be rephrased a bit 14:10:44 <jreznik> desktop spin does not ship it, not sure about others 14:10:47 <randomuser> i've been meaning to look at kickstarts but haven't had time 14:12:35 <randomuser> well, I'll still do so if I have time, unless someone gets to it first 14:13:00 <randomuser> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-20/f-20-docs-tasks.html 14:13:09 <randomuser> ^^that's our schedule for F20 14:13:26 <jreznik> randomuser: thanks, I'll look for reference too 14:13:51 <randomuser> at this point, we should have "alpha" release notes, according to the schedule 14:14:15 <randomuser> oh, and we should have notified -devel 14:14:47 <randomuser> that hasn't gotten any response when I've tried - Sparks, want to have a go at notifying devel about RNs? 14:16:03 <jreznik> randomuser: https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/spin-kickstarts.git/tree/fedora-desktop-packages.ks 14:16:46 <randomuser> good catch, jreznik 14:17:35 <randomuser> *anyone* want to talk about RNs on devel@ ? 14:19:03 * iWelcome here 14:19:12 <randomuser> welcome, iWelcome :) 14:19:19 <randomuser> i'll table the mail idea 14:19:50 <randomuser> So we have lots of beats to write, and tracking bugs to chase down 14:20:04 <randomuser> anyone have thoughts on the process, or should we move on? 14:22:33 <randomuser> hrm 14:22:50 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:23:51 <randomuser> I have a problem with the Technical Notes, something about mixed language teams, and I don't recall the fix 14:25:02 * lnovich is sorry so late 14:25:58 <jjmcd> randomuser, translation of the TNs is unique 14:26:17 <randomuser> jjmcd, I basically only pushed the POTs for the intro 14:26:26 <jjmcd> There is very little to actually be translated. rudi had some workaround but I never sorted it out 14:26:40 <jjmcd> Yeah, the intro needs to be translated, and then the table headings 14:26:51 <jjmcd> but the headings are the same for every section 14:27:00 <randomuser> jjmcd, this is a common issue that lots of guides have had to address 14:27:04 <jjmcd> so rudi had some hack he did 14:27:08 <randomuser> https://fedora.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora-technical-notes/resources/ 14:28:30 <randomuser> maybe I'll try to ping rudi about it 14:28:50 <lnovich> if you need help finding him let me know randomuser 14:29:31 <randomuser> ok, lnovich :) 14:30:48 <randomuser> any other guide news, then? 14:31:57 <lnovich> none from me - been busy on a work related project that is finally finishing so i can work on my guide 14:32:31 <lnovich> which is starting to look more and more like a white elephant 14:33:47 <randomuser> ok, thanks lnovich 14:33:55 <randomuser> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:34:03 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:34:14 <randomuser> A lot of bugs there 14:35:52 <randomuser> #info bug hunting is a good place for new writers to start 14:36:09 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor 14:36:51 <lnovich> is there anyone new in the audience today? 14:37:08 <pbokoc> I've got a stupid question: in the bug list, why are there tracking bugs for changes filed both under docs-requests and release-notes? 14:38:01 <randomuser> pbokoc, I made one specifically for writing content in the release notes, and one as a task to check to see if other guides need to be updated because of the Change 14:38:16 <pbokoc> randomuser, ah, right, I get it 14:39:08 <randomuser> hopefully less will slip though the cracks if we keep up with that process 14:41:29 <randomuser> i'll call it in 5 min if there's nothing else 14:45:16 <randomuser> ok, thanks for coming all 14:45:20 <randomuser> #endmeeting