14:00:18 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 13 14:00:18 2014 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:18 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:18 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:00:39 * pbokoc 14:01:22 * jjmcd 14:01:24 <randomuser> pbokoc, *facepalm* I distracted myself yesterday and forgot to publish for you 14:01:36 <randomuser> I can still do it, though 14:01:51 <pbokoc> hehe, yeah, I noticed :) 14:02:16 <pbokoc> go ahead. Did you see the info yesterday? Which branch to use, etc.? 14:02:30 <randomuser> yes, I did 14:03:58 <pbokoc> allright. Everything still applies 14:04:43 <pbokoc> also I'm finally pushing POTs to Zanata 14:05:00 <randomuser> cool 14:05:00 <pbokoc> and I just updated https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Installation_Quick_Start_Guide_files 14:05:13 <pbokoc> so when the push finishes I'll send that e-mail to trans@ with information 14:06:32 <randomuser> i'm working on publishing in the background, right now 14:07:19 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:07:28 <randomuser> seems like a good place to start 14:07:53 <randomuser> #info pbokoc has updated IG for f20 and is prepping POTs now 14:08:54 <randomuser> Do we have any other guide owners today? 14:09:38 <pbokoc> wait a sec :) 14:09:45 <pbokoc> Capesteve is joining now 14:09:53 <pbokoc> and jhradilek bought a weird keyboard again 14:09:55 <Capesteve> hello 14:10:01 <pbokoc> and he can't switch channels :3 14:10:04 <randomuser> heh 14:10:25 * yruseva *ahem* 14:10:26 <yruseva> me? 14:10:26 <jhradilek> Ha, it only took me 2 minutes. 14:11:00 <randomuser> yruseva, you? 14:11:14 <yruseva> yes, I look after the Power Management Guide :) 14:11:28 <yruseva> and I haven't release the files for translation yet 14:11:33 <yruseva> *released 14:12:03 <randomuser> yruseva, good that you published, though! can we help with the POTs ? 14:12:07 <Capesteve> There is an emty repo now for a Networking Guide, I will try to have a beta version ready by next Monday 14:12:42 <Capesteve> I will remove Networking chapters from the Sysadmin guide 14:12:47 <yruseva> I think I will ask jhradilek again for help :) 14:13:16 <yruseva> there wasn't a problem last time, I think it should be fine 14:13:27 <yruseva> not that anyone translated a line :D 14:13:55 <randomuser> yruseva, really? usually the translators are very proactive 14:14:03 <randomuser> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Docs_Project_tasks?rd=Docs_Project_tasks 14:14:15 <randomuser> #info If you have or want tasks, use the tasks page 14:15:33 <yruseva> ok, thanks 14:15:48 <yruseva> randomuser, and I'd better update the table, too :) 14:16:30 <randomuser> yruseva, you might enjoy a script sparks put together. `yum install create-tx-configuration` 14:17:00 <yruseva> randomuser, what does it do? 14:17:08 <yruseva> sounds like my thing :) 14:17:34 <randomuser> yruseva, you do `publican update_pot; tx init; create-tx-configuration; tx push -s 14:18:05 <randomuser> ` - so it creates the .tx/config file, with mappings for your resource and the lang_maps thing we need, etc 14:18:55 <randomuser> which brings me to another thing I've been trying to remember to bring up 14:19:26 <yruseva> randomuser, great, thanks 14:19:34 <randomuser> if we log into the tx dashboard for the guides we manage, you can set a source URL for a resource 14:20:07 * Sparks i shere 14:20:39 <randomuser> for example, we could map https://fedora.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora-power-management-guide/resource/ALPM/ to https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/docs/power-management-guide.git/tree/en-US/ALPM.xml 14:21:08 <randomuser> well, https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/docs/power-management-guide.git/plain/en-US/ALPM.xml 14:21:16 <randomuser> note the "plain" 14:21:48 * pkovar is late 14:21:51 <randomuser> aanyway, once a day tx will check the given URL for updates automatically 14:22:10 <randomuser> so if you want, there is the option of tx pulling, instead of pushing to tx 14:22:51 <randomuser> Sparks, pkovar - welcome, nothing but the weird jelly-filled donuts left 14:22:57 <pbokoc> randomuser, so that eliminates the need to generate POTs - they'd be updated automatically in TX, right? 14:23:00 <pkovar> heh 14:23:12 <randomuser> d'oh 14:23:23 * Sparks likes the jelly-filled donuts 14:23:23 <randomuser> right, it would have to point at the POTs 14:23:35 <pbokoc> oh! 14:23:39 * pbokoc gets it 14:23:39 * randomuser narrows eyes at Sparks 14:23:48 <randomuser> pbokoc, good catch 14:24:41 <randomuser> so we could do a pre-push hook or so, to make it a bit streamlined 14:25:49 <pbokoc> it should probably be pointed at a branch (like f19), not master 14:26:04 <randomuser> #info Capesteve is creating a Networking Guide, starting with Networking content from Sysadmin guide 14:26:22 <pbokoc> https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/docs/power-management-guide.git/plain/pot/ALPM.pot?h=f19 14:26:24 <randomuser> pbokoc, if you point it at the mostly static branch, there's little benefit over just pushing 14:26:51 <randomuser> the idea is to give translators the chance to keep pace with us 14:27:04 <pbokoc> randomuser, right, I didn't realize Transifex doesn't use branches 14:27:20 <pbokoc> Zanata has a separate branch for each release 14:27:52 <randomuser> there's the concept of a "release" but I'm not really sure what it is 14:29:03 <randomuser> anything else on Guides? 14:29:23 <randomuser> Sparks, you have guides 14:29:39 <Sparks> randomuser: I do but I haven't done anything with them as of late. 14:29:42 <randomuser> do you need help updating in any specific way? 14:30:01 <Sparks> randomuser: I need some time to look through and see what's gotten old and crusty. 14:30:14 <Sparks> randomuser: If anyone sees anything old or wrong pls file a bug. 14:30:21 <randomuser> fair enough 14:30:28 <Sparks> randomuser: In other news, I have time to work on the whole Publican 4 thingy. 14:30:36 <randomuser> oh! 14:30:43 <randomuser> #topic Publican4 thing 14:30:56 <pbokoc> :)) 14:30:57 <randomuser> #chair Sparks 14:30:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks randomuser 14:31:13 <randomuser> Sparks, go on :) 14:31:40 <randomuser> what is this publican4 ? will it be in my repos soon? 14:31:59 <Sparks> I honestly don't know when it will be coming to Fedora but... 14:32:03 <lnovich> nothing from me 14:32:37 <Sparks> Publican 4 came out right before Christmas. I think the plan is to skip over Publican 3 and move to 4 for docs.fp.o. I still need to talk with Rudi about this thought. 14:32:41 <Sparks> s/thought/though 14:33:09 <randomuser> it would not be good to move from requiring an EOL version of publican to requiring an unshipped version of publican 14:33:17 <randomuser> s/unshipped/unpackaged/ 14:33:21 <Sparks> But because this is impacting some of the documentation that we want to publish from within my RH team I've been given time to make all this happen. 14:33:37 <Sparks> randomuser: Well, I suspect we'll ship it before requiring it. 14:33:41 <randomuser> :) 14:34:00 <randomuser> Sparks, that's very exciting news, thanks to you and those enabling you 14:34:27 <Sparks> Yeah, well, I've yet to receive instructions for doing anything just yet so... here I sit. :/ 14:34:30 <lnovich> sparks that seems to be the plan 14:35:16 <randomuser> Sparks, you might have to drive this yourself 14:36:16 <Sparks> randomuser: I can drive it but I just need to know where to go! :) 14:36:22 <randomuser> hehe 14:36:33 <randomuser> well, again, thanks and keep us in the loop 14:36:40 <randomuser> #topic Docs FAD 14:36:46 <randomuser> so, the docs fad 14:37:34 <randomuser> scheduling: should I be making an executive decision on this? it's looking like 7MAR-9MAR is the most open for everyone 14:38:25 * Sparks goes to look at his calendar one...more... time 14:38:56 <lnovich> any news on funding? 14:39:17 <Sparks> lnovich: We've got ~$5k to play with. 14:39:54 <Sparks> randomuser: Yeah, that seems to work for me. 14:40:13 <lnovich> for every one and everything? 14:40:29 <randomuser> okay, i'll try and make it work for me 14:40:44 * jjmcd can't do the first part of that, would have to travel on 8th prolly means I wouldn't be there except Sunday 14:41:12 <randomuser> this will probably require sending out several emails to explain the concept of 'implied consent' 14:41:42 <randomuser> jjmcd, do you have an alternative date suggestion? 14:41:52 <jjmcd> Although, if I could get connections late on the 7th.... 14:41:55 * Sparks is good for all of March it would appear. 14:42:10 <jjmcd> All my remaining March weekends are good or moveable 14:42:19 <jjmcd> Feb is crap tho 14:42:33 <randomuser> agreed on feb 14:42:54 <randomuser> nb can't do 14 mar, or 2nd week of any month as i recall 14:43:02 <nb> hi 14:43:19 <jjmcd> I have a thing the first Sat each month but I can blow it off occasionally 14:43:24 <Sparks> Oh, is nb coming? 14:43:25 <nb> 2/8 and 3/15 i can't do 14:43:49 <randomuser> lnovich, how do you feel about 21MAR-23MAR ? 14:44:34 <lnovich> let me check 14:44:39 <nb> Sparks, idk how useful i will be about docs, but i am willing to come 14:44:49 <nb> i could help if we have any infra/packaging/etc things at least 14:47:04 <randomuser> in other news 14:47:33 <lnovich> that should be ok 14:47:42 <randomuser> it's election season coming up; so if you'd like to nominate anyone for the docs lead, you should do so 14:47:54 * nb nominates randomuser 14:47:58 <randomuser> heh 14:48:07 <jjmcd> I thought last time we elected randomuser as docs lead for life 14:48:09 <nb> #info nb nominates randomuser to continue as docs lead 14:48:43 <randomuser> I'm happy to continue, but you deserve the chance to get rid of me if you want 14:49:38 <Sparks> jjmcd: +1 14:49:44 <Capesteve> +1 to randomuser 14:49:51 <randomuser> #action randomuser to send mail to list regarding 21MAR-23MAR FAD scheduling 14:50:56 <randomuser> thanks, everyone, I appreciate it 14:51:03 <pbokoc> all hail the king! 14:51:12 <randomuser> let's not get carried away 14:51:18 <pbokoc> :3 14:51:21 <randomuser> #topic bz tickets 14:51:30 <randomuser> take a look at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1044541 14:52:10 <randomuser> I've been periodically looking for bugs that say authoritatively that this guy should have enabled SELinux for the upgrade, or bugs that say that he should not have had to 14:53:03 <randomuser> I have the general impression that he should have been able to complete the upgrade, and we should close this ticket saying that if there are incidental issues with preupgrade that QA will flag them as commonbugs 14:53:12 <misc> well, if selinux is disabled, then enabling it may break unless you relable the disk 14:53:20 <randomuser> s/preupgrade/fedup/ 14:53:20 * gomix here 14:53:21 <misc> now, if this is in permissive, than that's ok 14:53:53 <randomuser> misc, so you don't want to work disabled, re-enable, then attempt an upgrade without relabeling first? 14:54:24 <misc> randomuser: yes 14:54:44 <misc> well, i think it could break 14:54:52 <randomuser> pbokoc, perhaps we should advise permissive for upgrades, and suggest against disabled 14:54:53 <jjmcd> I wonder what the use case is. It has been years since I've had to turn off SELinux, but it seems to me that it shouldn't be a requirement. 14:54:59 <misc> depoend on what you did between 'disable" and "reenable" tep:) 14:55:00 <misc> step 14:55:04 <randomuser> jjmcd, people act by rote 14:55:38 <randomuser> there are too many howtos online where step #2 is "disable selinux" 14:55:59 <misc> yep :/ 14:56:06 <jjmcd> Yeah, pity 14:56:11 <pbokoc> well, if it's fine in permissive, then yeah, let's use that 14:57:10 <randomuser> pbokoc, mild warning to relabel with `fixfiles whatever` or `touch /.autorelabel` if moving from disabled to permissive 14:57:36 <randomuser> i don't know why I'm telling you, after already assigning the work to myself 14:57:56 <randomuser> or, I thought I did. I could. 14:58:07 <pbokoc> hah 14:58:30 <pbokoc> well, if you have time, I'll be glad if someone takes it off my hands 14:58:50 <randomuser> done 14:59:35 <pbokoc> cool, thanks 14:59:38 <randomuser> we're coming up against the end of our block of time, any last minute interjections? 14:59:56 <randomuser> gomix, glad you could make it :) 15:00:17 <randomuser> #endmeeting