14:00:35 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 10 14:00:35 2014 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:35 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:35 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:00:52 * Capesteve waves 14:01:41 <randomuser> oh, crap, why do I wait until *now* to look at the action items I wrote for myself 14:02:37 * zoglesby is here 14:03:17 <Southern_Gentlem> randomuser, life happens 14:04:00 <randomuser> Southern_Gentlem, yeah, but usually not this early :P 14:05:32 <randomuser> hrm.. quiet today; shall we carry on, zoglesby and Capesteve, or give them a few minutes 14:06:26 <zoglesby> randomuser: I am just here for you 14:06:31 <Capesteve> let me see ......JH is in another meeting 14:06:57 <randomuser> aww, thanks z 14:06:57 <Capesteve> pbokoc: is not at his desk 14:07:11 <pbokoc> oh, hello 14:07:18 <Capesteve> a gost ^ 14:07:29 <Capesteve> ghost, sorry 14:07:36 <randomuser> I think we can assume Sparks is afk, looking for a berth to the south 14:07:44 <pbokoc> yeah, I got hit by a truck while driving to work 14:07:52 <randomuser> ! 14:07:52 <Capesteve> bad weather again? 14:07:54 <pbokoc> so now I'm gonna haunt Freenode 14:08:05 <zoglesby> randomuser: is he moving? 14:08:07 <Capesteve> pbokoc: sorry to hear that 14:08:17 <Capesteve> pkovar1: yay 14:08:25 <pkovar1> hey 14:08:38 <randomuser> zoglesby, not that I know of, but he isn't here to defend himself - maybe that'll teach him! 14:09:13 <zoglesby> randomuser: okay, we will start the rumor 14:09:24 * randomuser nods solemnly 14:09:44 <randomuser> #topic Action Items Review! 14:10:03 <zoglesby> #info Sparks is moving to Antarctica 14:10:06 <randomuser> first up, zoglesby, writing about server ? 14:10:11 <randomuser> heh 14:10:15 <zoglesby> I am going to do that 14:10:23 <randomuser> excellent 14:10:38 * jsmith shows up late to the party 14:10:39 <zoglesby> I did not get it done last week, but I got that out of my system 14:10:53 <zoglesby> (that being hours and hours of Call of Duty) 14:10:59 <randomuser> ha! 14:11:16 <randomuser> okay, carrying it forward 14:11:33 <randomuser> #action zoglesby to finalize Server product stuff in RNs 14:11:48 * randomuser also has some notes on server 14:12:07 * rkratky is sorry for being late 14:12:07 <zoglesby> I also need to make some changes to the Big Data stuff that I asked the SIG to add 14:12:31 <randomuser> cool 14:12:43 <randomuser> welcome, rkratky 14:12:58 <randomuser> aaand jsmith - Cloud product? 14:13:12 <jsmith> Didn't get it done last week, working on it this week 14:13:18 * jsmith hangs his head in shame 14:13:36 <randomuser> I like the 'still working on it' part. No shame there. 14:14:14 <randomuser> jsmith, i'm uncertain if we're considering atomic good-to-go for this release 14:14:30 <jsmith> randomuser: From what (little) I understand, it's a "technology preview" 14:15:00 <jsmith> randomuser: My understanding is that it'll be an official "feature" of F22-ish 14:15:40 <randomuser> jsmith, do you think we should still write about it? if yes, we can maybe recruit someone instead of you doing it all 14:15:57 <jsmith> randomuser: Wouldn't hurt to write about it -- and yet, I'd prefer someone else wrote about atomic 14:16:10 <randomuser> i have the same sentiments 14:16:20 * jsmith doesn't yet grok it well enough to fully articulate it 14:16:23 <randomuser> does anyone here want to explain atomic? 14:17:17 <jsmith> Isn't this where we volunteer Sparks? 14:17:37 <randomuser> no, we can 14:17:56 <zoglesby> https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=define:+atomic 14:18:10 <zoglesby> done 14:18:11 <randomuser> ...we can't. Sparks will be stuck in the doldrums for 4-6 weeks, on his way to the southern pole for winter 14:18:39 <Southern_Gentlem> randomuser, correction summer 14:18:41 <zoglesby> randomuser: no, its summer time in the south 14:18:57 <randomuser> you people and your spheres 14:19:52 <randomuser> how about this - anyone want to ask around in #fedora-cloud, cloud@lists.fp.o, or in #fedora-devel of someone named 'walters' for copy on atomic ? 14:20:13 * randomuser thinks it's ok to ask the cloud sig to explain themselves sometimes 14:20:57 <randomuser> #halp someone needed to ask around in #fedora-cloud, cloud@lists.fp.o, or in #fedora-devel of someone named 'walters' for copy on atomic 14:21:03 <randomuser> #help someone needed to ask around in #fedora-cloud, cloud@lists.fp.o, or in #fedora-devel of someone named 'walters' for copy on atomic 14:21:13 <randomuser> one of those works, I'm sure of it 14:21:36 <randomuser> uhm... still on action items, now mine 14:21:52 <randomuser> I still need to do all of these, I think 14:22:05 * randomuser randomuser to start nightly builds with fail reports for l10n 14:22:17 <randomuser> #action randomuser to start nightly builds with fail reports for l10n 14:22:24 <randomuser> #action randomuser to write about rolekit 14:22:34 <randomuser> #action randomuser to write powershell checksum instructions for IG, maybe more 14:22:44 <randomuser> #action randomuser to add explanation of deliverables to RNs; there is no universal netinstall or DVD image 14:23:18 <randomuser> on that first one - I did *start* at least, and I can say with confidence that es-ES is broken 14:24:12 <randomuser> If someone fluent in Spanish wanted to take a look, it'd probably help quite a bit 14:25:12 <randomuser> #topic New Writers 14:25:24 <randomuser> Any new writers today? 14:26:37 <randomuser> we're late in the meeting and early in the schedule, so I'll probably cut this section short 14:26:52 <randomuser> #topic Release Note Beats 14:27:13 <randomuser> I *think* we covered the majority of the TODOs in the action items section 14:27:57 <randomuser> I don't at all feel like I have to scramble to get the thing done this time around :) 14:28:21 <zoglesby> #action zoglesby to incorporate Big Data SIG changes 14:28:29 <randomuser> pkovar1, would you be able to publish sometime soon? 14:29:21 <randomuser> ...someone needs to, anyway. Whoever gets there first. 14:29:51 <pbokoc> hang on, the RNs aren't published? 14:30:39 <randomuser> yes, not published 14:31:49 <pbokoc> well, that sucks 14:31:58 <randomuser> anything else that needs to be added? Anyone notice any "This should be covered in the release notes!" stuff on lists lately? 14:32:18 <pbokoc> I can't recall anyone except pkovar being able to publish. We really need a better process 14:33:04 <zoglesby> pbokoc: +1, or we need a version of publican that we can use to publish in a supported version of Fedora 14:33:14 <randomuser> we could all set up the tools - but pkovar's so *good* at it! 14:33:28 <pbokoc> I hear he loves having to do that, too 14:34:20 <randomuser> well, let's move on to talking about publishing, I guess 14:34:28 <randomuser> #topic publican/publishing 14:34:35 <randomuser> NEEDSWORK 14:34:46 <zoglesby> #agree 14:35:00 <zoglesby> also NEEDSTOWORK 14:35:28 <pbokoc> ^ what he said 14:35:50 <randomuser> I feel like there's all square pegs and round holes when trying to set up a publican site 14:36:47 <zoglesby> I really don't want to say it, but we may need to talk about seeting up a repo with builds of the last version of publican we can build with for F20 and F21 14:37:04 <randomuser> it gets a little better when you start moving files around, creating symlinks, manually dropping in css or html files, but the whole idea was that we could just use RPMs for everything 14:37:08 <zoglesby> s/seeting/setting 14:38:11 <randomuser> zoglesby, how would that work, just something crudely approximating `mv %files $files-legacy` in %post ? 14:40:14 <zoglesby> randomuser: Fedora 20 ship with 4.X which we can't use to build the current site, I think we need to backport 3.X in a repo so that we can still publish until this whole issue is resolved 14:40:22 <jsmith> I guess my question is this -- did we ever get complete instructions on what we *should* be doing to setup a new site, etc? 14:40:36 <randomuser> zoglesby, 2.x - publican3 doesn't work either 14:41:30 <randomuser> jsmith, jfearn clarified some things on the list recently, but also mentioned some undocumented requires and new changes that would ambiguously make things easier 14:41:43 <pkovar1> so what was it that you wanted me to publish? 14:41:55 <jsmith> randomuser: ACK 14:42:11 <randomuser> pkovar1, release notes, please. And sorry to keep doing this to you, your patience is commendable 14:42:32 <zoglesby> my only point is that we keep thinking this issue is going to be fixed soon, and we never get that far 14:42:38 <randomuser> yeah, agreed 14:43:00 <randomuser> this has drug on for too long 14:43:03 <pkovar1> randomuser: ok, np. you want them published now? 14:43:14 <randomuser> pkovar1, at your convenience 14:43:40 <zoglesby> We should not be running years old unsupported version of Fedora just to publish 14:43:55 <pkovar1> randomuser: i will try to do it today then, are we publishing from master? 14:44:06 <zoglesby> If the new site is still going to take time we need to have a short term solution as well 14:44:10 <randomuser> pkovar1, that will work for now 14:44:19 <pkovar1> randomuser: kk 14:45:05 <zoglesby> randomuser: what was the last version of publican that works on the site? 14:45:13 <pbokoc> I agree with zoglesby. Making publican 2.8 available on F20 would solve a lot of the problems we have now 14:45:14 <randomuser> zoglesby, I've looked at it - I wasn't confident I could repackage and have it coexist peacefully and still work 14:45:15 <pbokoc> short-term 14:45:29 <randomuser> zoglesby, whatever was right before the publican 3 release 14:45:30 <pbokoc> no idea how feasible that is though 14:45:56 <randomuser> oh, and is publican out of el5 completely now? 14:46:30 <randomuser> sorry for the tangent, i have publican-fedora acls now and it complains that publican is missing there 14:46:47 <zoglesby> randomuser: I don't know that we can get them to coexist, but if we can't publish why write? 14:47:00 <randomuser> fair enough 14:47:29 <randomuser> uhm... I'll look at repackaging, that's what you're getting at, right? 14:47:49 <zoglesby> I think we should try and setup and copr repo for 2.X and see what we can get working 14:48:06 <randomuser> who is we specifically? 14:48:19 <pkovar1> one could also create a docker image with 2.8 so that people with p4 don't have to downgrade... ;) 14:48:35 <pkovar1> everyone loves docker these days 14:48:36 <zoglesby> randomuser: you, me, anyone who wants to help 14:49:31 <randomuser> okay 14:49:42 <zoglesby> I know its nontrivial, but the current state of affairs is just sad 14:49:45 <randomuser> #info randomuser is setting up publican2x copr, ask for perms 14:50:19 <randomuser> #topic Guides 14:50:27 <zoglesby> "Fedora the bleeding edge distro that can't even use its own tools to publish docs" 14:51:05 <randomuser> zoglesby, well, if fedora as a whole got behind the docs publishing toolchain, we'd be in a better situation ... 14:51:20 * zoglesby has to run to another meeting 14:51:23 <zoglesby> randomuser: indeed 14:51:26 <randomuser> what do we need for guides? 14:53:20 <pbokoc> writing :) 14:53:41 <randomuser> #info guides need writing 14:54:14 <randomuser> I just went out to start a vehicle - the thing was fully covered in 5mm of clear ice 14:54:18 <pbokoc> I'm gonna have to finish the Anaconda GUI chapter in the Install Guide this week so it can get on install media in time 14:54:50 <randomuser> however did you make that happen anyway, pbokoc ? I checked, there was nothing on their list about it 14:55:29 <pbokoc> randomuser, it was a feature originally proposed for the RHEL installer, we decided to try it with Fedora first 14:55:55 <pbokoc> also it's about 55F here, hehe 14:56:28 <randomuser> #link http://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/immanetize/publican2/ 14:56:39 <pbokoc> oh and the communication is mostly over IRC or in person, the guy who made the conversion script and added the help buttons to spokes in from Brno, too 14:56:40 <randomuser> go there and ask for perms 14:56:48 <randomuser> cool 14:57:12 <pbokoc> randomuser, so wait, that will actually allow me to install publican-2.x on F20? 14:57:43 <randomuser> pbokoc, that's the idea, once the work is done 14:57:58 <pbokoc> why didn't we do this a year ago?! :-D 14:58:13 <randomuser> it's hard 14:58:32 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor 14:58:44 <randomuser> I want to get one thing out while we have... a minute 14:59:15 <randomuser> The new leadership restructuring has an "elected positions cover Fedora's subprojects not under the engineering or outreach banners (Documentation, Translation, etc.)" 14:59:27 <randomuser> and I've thrown my name in the hat for it 14:59:35 <pbokoc> cool 14:59:52 <randomuser> so if you want to avoid the fate that will result, you have maybe 12 hours to get someone else nominated :) 15:00:42 <randomuser> and that's our hour 15:00:46 <pbokoc> nah, you're not getting out of that 15:00:51 <randomuser> #endmeeting