14:03:22 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:03:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 17 14:03:22 2014 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:03:22 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:03:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:03:22 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:10:17 <randomuser> seriously? 14:10:37 <randomuser> It's not a good sign when I'm the only one awake enough for a morning meeting 14:10:40 <kushal> randomuser, No one? 14:11:01 * satellit listening 14:11:09 <randomuser> kushal, CZ holiday, maybe? 14:11:28 <kushal> randomuser, yeah, may be. 14:11:39 * randomuser assumes jreznik's birthday is a national holiday 14:11:56 <mizdebsk> randomuser: yes, public holiday in czech republic 14:12:17 <randomuser> ah, thank you mizdebsk 14:12:54 <randomuser> well then... 14:13:01 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor 14:13:27 <randomuser> I will skip right to this to give any observers a chance to ask questions, if they wish 14:15:04 <kushal> randomuser, can anyone from the community help me to organize an online docs training for Fedora? 14:15:23 <kushal> randomuser, means training over IRC on how to do patches for Fedora docs. 14:15:53 <randomuser> kushal, absolutely, we do that 14:16:16 <randomuser> kushal, how well organized should it be? 14:16:36 <kushal> randomuser, just need volunteers to help people/answer questions :) 14:17:25 <randomuser> kushal, okay. There is almost always someone in #fedora-docs, and we have an office hours session just for those questions on thursdays at 1800UTC 14:17:35 <kushal> Okay. 14:17:47 <kushal> randomuser, Thanks for the input. 14:17:53 <randomuser> ...or is it 19:00? they usually last a few hours anyway 14:18:28 <randomuser> kushal, thank you for the interest! 14:24:13 <randomuser> I think that's time enough, last call for questions 14:35:45 <randomuser> #endmeeting