14:01:44 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:01:44 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 22 14:01:44 2014 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:44 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:44 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:01:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:01:44 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:02:35 * sclark is here but might have to leave early 14:03:49 <randomuser> hi sclark 14:04:04 <sclark> hello randomuser 14:04:48 <randomuser> looks like we might have a short meeting today 14:05:05 <sclark> looks that way 14:05:34 <randomuser> #chair sclark 14:05:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: randomuser sclark 14:05:49 <randomuser> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 14:06:08 <randomuser> there was one declared, and I didn't do it. So now I will. 14:06:31 <randomuser> #action randomuser to ask for working group liaisons on the list 14:06:52 <randomuser> #topic Publican/Publishing 14:07:13 <randomuser> I had sort of a realization about this recently 14:07:29 <randomuser> It may not be sane to continue expecting a pure RPM-deployed site 14:08:05 <randomuser> so I started looking at this, ahem, as it is, and not as I want it to be 14:08:36 <randomuser> the fedwatch script that pulls in packages needed minor adjustments 14:09:33 <randomuser> and, it appears that untagging a package from koji doesn't work like we thought it did, so that bears investigation 14:10:39 <randomuser> it should be untag -> remove and I spent a frustrating few hours finding that the package was still present before I realized that it was getting added right back at the end of the mash compose 14:11:12 <randomuser> so, we need a smarter script for adding packages from the koji repo 14:11:40 <randomuser> and, what things don't come from RPMs now, should just come from ansible already 14:12:13 <randomuser> Questions? 14:12:58 <sclark> randomuser: I have to admit that I'm a little out of my depth on this topic. Is it something that the infrastructure folks can help with? 14:13:21 <randomuser> sclark, the koji thing, yes, they can probably help 14:13:43 <randomuser> the publican specific stuff, I think only jfearn really knows how to do it :P 14:14:23 <sclark> randomuser: is publican unique to the Fedora / Red Hat community? 14:15:20 <randomuser> sclark, I've observed it somewhat widely used in open source projects, but somewhat rarely as the website frontent 14:15:26 <randomuser> s/t$/d/ 14:15:35 * randomuser lunges for the coffeepot 14:15:59 <randomuser> the traffic on publican's mailing list does suggest non-RH use 14:16:43 <sclark> randomuser: I was wondering about other projects experience of website use 14:17:09 <randomuser> sclark, I also wonder about that 14:18:40 <randomuser> #info plan is to provide with ansible what RPMs do not, and just get on with it 14:19:00 <randomuser> #topic New Writers 14:19:10 * randomuser went out of order, oops 14:19:55 <randomuser> have any new writers joined us, or not new people with general questions, or seasoned people with reports from their mentoring adventures? 14:20:23 * zoglesby is late 14:21:14 <randomuser> morning, zoglesby 14:21:45 <sclark> hello, zoglesby 14:22:58 <randomuser> #topic fedora.next product updates 14:23:30 <randomuser> #info volunteers needed to cover the deliverable-oriented working groups 14:23:43 <randomuser> zoglesby, do you still want to cover Server? 14:24:38 <randomuser> eh, I don't have to put you on the spot. Mostly just wanted to get the #info into the meeting logs 14:24:57 <randomuser> #topic Zanata Migration 14:25:26 <zoglesby> randomuser: sure 14:25:41 <randomuser> as noted on our mailing list today, the migration to Zanata will begin in early january 14:25:52 <randomuser> zoglesby, +10 14:25:59 <zoglesby> brb 14:26:44 <randomuser> Unfortunately, they can't allow maintainers as an FAS group, per se 14:27:22 <randomuser> so I need to reply to that mail about who the maintainers are so pkovar doesn't end up getting badgered with everyone's requests, or worse, being the only one that can push strings 14:28:27 <randomuser> I think I will ask that a handful of active folks be added to all guides, so that requests for maintainership can more easily be filled 14:29:01 <randomuser> also, the documentation guide needs to be updated with the zanata workflow 14:29:39 <randomuser> #help help needed updating the Documentation Guide for Zanata workflow 14:30:09 <randomuser> #help help needed updating docs l10n related wiki content 14:30:22 <randomuser> (it isn't *really* #halp right?) 14:31:23 <sclark> :-) 14:32:05 <randomuser> #info Zanata team would like people available in #fedora-docs for questions week of Jan 5 14:32:10 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:32:24 <randomuser> we haz guides 14:33:33 <randomuser> Anyone want to share their progress, plans, or needs for a specific one? 14:33:52 <randomuser> #info randomuser would like help reviewing and completing the multiboot guide 14:34:30 <sclark> randomuser: I made a very small start on the firewall guide by bringing in the firewalld text from the security guide. 14:34:47 <randomuser> progress! 14:35:41 <randomuser> sclark, what's the next step? 14:35:43 <zoglesby> back 14:37:01 <sclark> randomuser: next step is to reorganise the text to a better order for a standalone guide and then add fedora.next firewall stuff 14:37:14 <randomuser> cool 14:37:53 * sclark has to leave now 14:38:17 <sclark> Christmas greetings to all 14:38:38 <randomuser> zoglesby, I facepalmed reading the last comment on that powershell bug. 14:38:53 <zoglesby> randomuser: yep 14:38:53 <randomuser> bye, sclark, happy holidays 14:39:18 <randomuser> so I'll probably go back and change it again 14:39:30 <zoglesby> randomuser: indeed 14:39:40 <zoglesby> or someone will report it again 14:40:38 <randomuser> and crap, I was going to update the pxe section as well 14:42:12 <randomuser> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:42:21 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:43:10 <randomuser> any bugs of particular concern? 14:45:13 <randomuser> Yeah, I think we just need to keep on them in general 14:45:20 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor Discussion 14:46:39 <zoglesby> I have no other topics 14:47:49 <randomuser> nor do I 14:48:13 <randomuser> #endmeeting