14:04:30 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:04:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 20 14:04:30 2015 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:04:31 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:04:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:04:32 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:04:43 * pbokoc 14:05:11 * bexelbie is here 14:05:20 <pkovar> /me is here 14:06:34 <grundblom> Hello! 14:06:54 * Capesteve waves 14:07:41 <randomuser> hi, everyone 14:07:50 <randomuser> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 14:08:08 <randomuser> #action randomuser still needs to mark beats closed on wiki, already 14:08:25 <randomuser> #topic New Writers 14:08:44 <randomuser> grundblom, I guess that's you today, how are things going? 14:09:50 <grundblom> Hi there randomuser 14:10:10 <grundblom> Getting busy as the semester winds down, but I think I am pretty much done with the Boxes Chapter 14:10:19 <grundblom> unless anyone sees grammer mistakes that I cannot 14:10:26 * randomuser nods 14:10:32 <grundblom> and I need to further refine the entertainment beat 14:10:48 <randomuser> grundblom, will you be around for the office hours on Thursday? 14:11:13 * jreznik is lurking 14:11:27 <grundblom> probably not.. 14:11:59 <randomuser> ok. I'll look over the stuff in your branch and get in touch if it doesn't look ready to merge, then. 14:12:40 <randomuser> #info grundblom's boxes branch is probably ready to merge into virt quick start guide 14:12:49 <randomuser> #topic Release Notes 14:13:10 <randomuser> Beta release is tomorrow, time to publish what we have 14:13:47 <randomuser> jreznik, anything you need from us? 14:14:14 <pbokoc> I think we're in a good shape. I'm typing up the info I got from the Anaconda team for the installer section 14:14:21 <jreznik> I don't have anything specific, just looking what's going on as it's Beta time and if you need anything from me :) 14:14:46 <pbokoc> randomuser, are you going to build and publish the thing for tomorrow? 14:16:02 <randomuser> I will, yes 14:16:06 <randomuser> #action randomuser to build and publish release notes before Beta announcement 14:16:22 <pbokoc> randomuser++ 14:16:59 <randomuser> #info thanks to everyone who helped write RNs so far, especially pbokoc 14:17:46 * pbokoc swoons 14:17:58 <randomuser> :) 14:18:10 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:18:44 <randomuser> Capesteve, iirc you were taking on DNF for the sysadmin guide, how goes it? 14:18:52 * Capesteve is working on DNF chapter, still nned to test dnf config-manager 14:19:17 <Capesteve> the plugin section will be harder, lots of changes 14:19:40 * randomuser notes, anecdotally, that dnf repoquery is frustratingly different 14:19:47 <randomuser> Capesteve, how can we help? 14:21:08 <Capesteve> try to figure out what plugin are just not implemented vs, those functions now in plugin core 14:22:34 <Capesteve> I have add some "security issues" last week which have put me behind where I was hopping to be with this task 14:23:01 <randomuser> hmm, ok. you have a pad or wiki page running, right? 14:23:15 <Capesteve> http://piratepad.net/fO3wDDEf2I 14:24:09 <randomuser> alright, I'll try to catch up with you in the next few days 14:24:19 <Capesteve> ta 14:24:27 <randomuser> #info Capesteve is working on DNF content for sysadmin guide, ping him to assist 14:24:44 <randomuser> any other guides we should review today? 14:26:28 <randomuser> #chair pbokoc 14:26:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: pbokoc randomuser 14:27:26 <randomuser> ok, we'll move on then 14:27:36 <randomuser> #topic Publishing 14:27:45 <randomuser> an ever-popular topic 14:27:54 <bexelbie> :) 14:28:23 <randomuser> I've been looking for feedback on the metadata proposal and the proposal to only publish relatively current releases 14:28:41 <randomuser> last meeting we were going to take the discussion to the list, but nobody showed 14:29:03 <randomuser> are there any new thoughts? 14:29:39 * pbokoc forgot 14:29:57 <bexelbie> I’d say my dog ate my email .. but htat is too lame 14:30:01 <bexelbie> it was just a busy week 14:30:15 <bexelbie> regarding metadata 14:30:16 <pbokoc> sharktopus ate my mail 14:30:22 <Capesteve> archive anything older than Fed20 unless there is nothing to replace it ? 14:30:26 <bexelbie> I know that we have been talking about using jenkinscat or something similar — at times 14:30:34 <bexelbie> it has a metadata file that may contain some of what we need ... 14:30:36 <randomuser> (sorry, pkovar, I only just now saw your reply) 14:30:51 <pbokoc> randomuser has an instance running... did you make it public yet, btw? 14:31:04 <randomuser> bexelbie, I've been working on something similar to jenkinscat, only with buildbot, because java is scary 14:31:13 <bexelbie> agreed on java 14:31:25 <randomuser> pbokoc, I have not, because I want to get authentication into a semi-functional state first 14:31:25 <randomuser> but soon 14:31:25 <bexelbie> but perhaps we should take the file format if we can 14:32:20 <bexelbie> ugh … double meeting time for a few min sorry 14:32:24 <randomuser> I was looking over the stuff publican creates, and '--embed-toc' basically does an include of a generated toc.html 14:32:55 <randomuser> so I'll create the toc.html and drop it in :) 14:35:04 <randomuser> otherwise... I need some design ideas 14:35:15 <pbokoc> so then it's going to build something that looks like a docs website? :) 14:35:31 * bexelbie is back 14:35:37 <randomuser> building guides is good, but to generate a docs website, I need an idea of what we want a docs website to look like 14:35:42 <pbokoc> I mean, if you get that sorted, then it's just a matter of dressing it up a bit, right? 14:35:51 * randomuser was hoping ryanlerch would jump in there 14:35:57 <bexelbie> randomuser, that is a deep question 14:36:10 <bexelbie> it opens up issues related to the stronger variants we are seeing in Fedora … 14:36:11 <bexelbie> imho 14:36:45 * lnovich is here - sorry was busy 14:37:10 <randomuser> bexelbie, indeed. It's not something I'm enthusiastic about making an executive decision on, especially when there's an opportunity to unify the site design with other Fedora stuff 14:37:58 <bexelbie> randomuser, I suspect we won’t get it all done at once 14:38:13 <bexelbie> I suggest that we move forward with a listing of all current book editions and an archive area 14:38:18 <pbokoc> regarding design - couldn't we just reach out to the Fedora design team, or SIG, or whatever the name is? 14:38:23 <bexelbie> realistically taht is likely to come out if people like me ever bother to answer their email 14:38:41 <lnovich> they have some interesting things they are developing called hubs 14:38:48 <randomuser> #actiun bexelbie to bother to answer email 14:38:54 <pbokoc> as far as I'm concerned it could be a completely unstyled page, I'd be fine with that... or even just a directory listing 14:38:59 <bexelbie> :D 14:39:24 <randomuser> bexelbie, I'd like to at least have some of the categorization bits in place 14:39:29 <bexelbie> Building an unstyled page and then using whatever boostrapper the rest of Fedora is using would have significant advantages 14:39:40 <pbokoc> I even ran into something that actually had an Apache directory list instead of a documentation splash page :-D 14:39:47 <lnovich> i think that when it comes to finding content we have enough to keep us busy for a long time - maybe we should get the design team to do their magic and give us a facelift? 14:40:30 <randomuser> I suppose I could do something more formal to ask for help from the design team, like a trac ticket 14:40:42 <bexelbie> +! 14:40:47 <bexelbie> s/!/1 14:41:10 <randomuser> #action randomuser to request design assistance for anerist via design team trac 14:41:10 <pbokoc> randomuser, did you ask them before? 14:41:32 <randomuser> yeah, I've discussed the ideas with mizmo and ryanlerch on IRC 14:41:40 <pbokoc> right 14:42:00 <randomuser> but please, help me iron out this metadata thing 14:42:17 <randomuser> I don't want to move forward with that not implemented 14:42:53 <randomuser> once we have a general template agreed on, we need to make up lists of acceptable values 14:43:32 <pbokoc> well, I'm not very creative, I'm afraid 14:44:14 <randomuser> oh, I should also see if puiterwijk can be cajoled into getting buildbot to work with FAS 14:44:47 <puiterwijk> randomuser: I am willing to. have already once offered to do that 14:45:02 <puiterwijk> but I was told that a new buildbot is going to be out real soon that rewrites a lot of the internals 14:45:38 <puiterwijk> so just let me know if you want the current one patched with FAS support 14:45:50 <randomuser> puiterwijk, awesome! what can I do to help make it happen? 14:46:10 <puiterwijk> randomuser: tell me you want it and some more info ;) 14:46:26 <puiterwijk> but looks like you're in a meeting, so you probably want to ask that in another channel ( don't want to take over the meeting) 14:46:33 <randomuser> I'll be in touch :) 14:49:41 <randomuser> maybe the best thing I can do to further this discussion is to make my work more accessible to everyone, so it can be better discussed 14:50:24 <randomuser> one step at a time... 14:50:34 <randomuser> #topic Outstanding BZ tickets 14:50:41 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:50:56 <randomuser> Any bugs you'd like to discuss specifically? 14:53:18 <pbokoc> I don't think there have ever been any :3 14:53:41 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor Discussion 14:54:28 <grundblom> gotta go, sorry to bail early 14:56:28 <bexelbie> grundblom, bye 14:59:52 <adamw> randomuser: can you #endmeeting ? 14:59:57 <pbokoc> #endmeeting