14:10:31 <pkovar> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:10:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 13 14:10:31 2015 UTC. The chair is pkovar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:10:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:10:42 <pkovar> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:10:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:10:51 <pkovar> #topic Roll Call 14:10:56 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:10:57 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:11:05 * smccann is here 14:11:32 <pkovar> .hello pmkovar 14:11:33 <zodbot> pkovar: pmkovar 'Petr Kovář' <pkovar@redhat.com> 14:11:42 <pkovar> hmm, moce 14:11:55 <wdashley> is here 14:11:59 <pkovar> #chair bex 14:11:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: bex pkovar 14:12:03 <bexelbie> ack 14:13:13 <pkovar> okay, welcome everybody 14:13:17 <pkovar> #topic New Writer Check-in 14:13:23 <pkovar> new writers around? 14:14:11 <wdashley> Comtinueing to work on the Domains chapter 14:14:38 <wdashley> will be starting vacation on Thursday for 2 weeks 14:15:48 <pkovar> sounds good 14:16:08 <pkovar> wdashley: let us know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc, 14:16:20 <wdashley> ok, will do 14:16:34 <pkovar> great 14:16:36 <pkovar> #topic Publishing 14:17:08 <pkovar> randomuser is not around, so... 14:17:13 <pkovar> any news? 14:17:16 <pkovar> anybody 14:17:28 <pkovar> thoughts, suggestions? 14:17:49 <bexelbie> It sounds like with his $dayjob changes he hasn't made as much progress on his new platform concept 14:17:51 <pkovar> other than we need to move from publican 2 to XYz 14:17:53 <pkovar> :) 14:17:54 * bexelbie hasn't either for hte same reason 14:18:14 <bexelbie> pkovar, I thought we agreed on Capital-Z .. not lowercase-z 14:18:16 <bexelbie> :D 14:18:30 <pkovar> bexelbie: you are right, obviously :) 14:18:41 <bexelbie> mind if I ask a quick "strawpoll" question? 14:18:44 <bexelbie> related 14:18:55 <pkovar> go ahead please 14:19:09 <bexelbie> CentOS is developing a new docs platform as part of hte Google Summer of Code 14:19:25 <bexelbie> they are looking at using github.com with some mirroring magic to pagure running against their dist repos 14:19:45 <bexelbie> patches come in via github and are discussed in a mirrored way on both pagure and github 14:19:55 <bexelbie> they are trying to reduce friction (same goal as us) 14:20:00 <bexelbie> draw more contributors (same as us) 14:20:04 <bexelbie> amongst others 14:20:19 <bexelbie> I know there is traditionally a desire to avoid non-fedorahosted processes in our work 14:20:29 <bexelbie> however, if we could make a ready built system work, would we consider something like this 14:20:44 <bexelbie> it keeps everything avialable via fedorahosted (in our case not hteres) should github ever go poof 14:20:54 * bexelbie adds a few more typos for fun 14:21:18 <pkovar> hehe 14:21:20 <bexelbie> So, do we want to see about this? .. this is the front end - before pub 14:21:27 <bexelbie> I havne't seen their pub concept on the backend yet 14:21:32 <bexelbie> but there is that new project Daps ... 14:21:39 <bexelbie> and what hte python folks do 14:21:43 <bexelbie> both are docbook 14:22:09 <pkovar> personally, i like the idea of using an infrastructure / tool chain similar to centos 14:22:11 <bexelbie> but if we really think we need to "do our own thing" that will allow me to stop thinking broadly 14:22:28 <bexelbie> wdashley, smccann ? 14:22:39 <bexelbie> Bueller? 14:22:46 <smccann> heh 14:23:00 <wdashley> it sounds interesting, but would need to do some research 14:23:00 <smccann> I don't know enuf about the backends/frontends/inbetweens to say much 14:23:18 <pkovar> not sure if there is a fedora policy not to use "non-free tools", though 14:23:18 <smccann> other than the general idea that if another related opensource project is trying it out, it's probably worth poking deeper 14:23:22 <pkovar> would need to check on that 14:23:30 <bexelbie> from the perspective of a writer/contributor - does using github.com as a front end sound like a non-starter? 14:23:37 <bexelbie> pkovar, agreed 14:23:42 <bexelbie> on checking on that 14:24:00 <wdashley> I would be afraid og that 14:24:16 <bexelbie> wdashley, afraid of what specifically? 14:24:26 <wdashley> using github 14:24:33 <smccann> I don't know it, but I assume could learn it etc. so not worried about github in my complete ignorance :-) 14:24:53 <bexelbie> wdashley, because it is non-FOSS? or because it is github? 14:25:07 <bexelbie> #info https://github.com/fedora-cloud is already on github 14:26:03 <wdashley> after the fiasco with SourceForge I am afraid of all hosting entities 14:26:10 <bexelbie> wdashley, good point 14:26:26 <smccann> true 14:27:08 <bexelbie> pkovar, where would you suggest I start if I wanted to research that policy? 14:27:09 <dgilmore> haraldh: are we having a baseWG meeting? 14:27:16 <smccann> when you say github is the frontend, does that mean users looking for our docs see a page like this https://github.com/fedora-cloud/docker-image-docs 14:27:18 <pkovar> well, if fedora-cloud is already on github... 14:27:34 <haraldh> dgilmore, haven't announced one 14:28:01 <bexelbie> smccann, more like we might have a https://github.com/fedora-docs where they would look 14:28:05 <haraldh> dgilmore, would be on #fedora-meeting-2 if 14:28:18 <wdashley> got to go, another meeting 14:28:22 <bexelbie> smccann, the repo you are looking at is a fork of a docker.com repo that is needed to update things in their registry 14:28:31 <smccann> bexelbie - i 14:28:32 <pkovar> bexelbie: maybe getting touch with https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Engineering_Steering_Committee ? 14:28:44 <smccann> bexelbie - I'm more interested in the UI/UX aspect 14:28:44 <bexelbie> pkovar, ok 14:28:56 <pbokoc> not sure what exactly this conversation is about but we don't need no stinkin' github: https://pagure.io/ 14:28:57 <pkovar> * getting in touch, rather 14:29:00 <smccann> if we can clean up/ prettify the experience, I'm cool 14:29:09 <smccann> if that page I pointed to is as good as it gets? meh 14:29:12 <bexelbie> pbokoc, pagure is involved 14:29:30 <bexelbie> pbokoc, strawpoll/concept discussion around trying to leverage the work CentOS is doing in GSoC 14:30:10 <bexelbie> I am not actually proposing anything, just trying to determine if we should even bother to really look into how they are doing their work 14:30:59 <bexelbie> ok, I've had 12 minutes for this "strawpoll" 14:31:03 <bexelbie> I suggest we move on :) 14:31:21 <smccann> lol well I'm in favor of you digging deeper :-) 14:31:59 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie will look further into CentOS' GSoC efforts around a doc toolchain 14:33:46 <bexelbie> I'll move us to the next topic - but I don't know which agenda pkovar was following 14:33:59 * lnovich is here 14:34:04 <lnovich> did I miss anything? 14:34:40 <bexelbie> #topic Release Notes Beats 14:34:57 <smccann> we covered new writers, publishing update, and the strawpoll on github so far I think 14:35:10 <bexelbie> I think zodbot is dead 14:35:15 <lnovich> what's the poll about? 14:35:32 <smccann> alas, poor zodbot 14:35:32 <bexelbie> lnovich, was looking at opinions around github.com in relationship to work CentOS is doing 14:35:43 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:35:44 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:35:48 <bexelbie> .chairs 14:36:13 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie will look further into CentOS' GSoC efforts around a doc toolchain 14:36:26 <bexelbie> ok, so he answered one thing but not the other 14:36:56 * kirsti1 is here 14:37:03 <bexelbie> I think it is because pkovar put my fas account and not my irc nick 14:37:14 <lnovich> ok bex carry on then -thanks for the update 14:37:20 <bex> #action bexelbie will look further into CentOS' GSoC efforts around a doc toolchain 14:37:40 <bexelbie> ok, I give up on zodbot 14:37:51 <bexelbie> so, Release Notes/Beats 14:37:58 <bexelbie> F23 is in the offing 14:38:05 <bexelbie> is anyone working on RN/Beats? 14:38:13 <lnovich> As usuall I'll take the Virt part 14:38:48 <pbokoc> I think it's too soon - beta comes out in late September 14:38:48 <lnovich> and I'll talk to Cole and get his input 14:39:03 <pbokoc> we haven't even had an alpha freeze yet 14:39:03 <bexelbie> pbokoc, pete emailed about it to Fedora-Join a few days ago 14:39:33 <bexelbie> 29 June 14:39:37 <lnovich> now is the time to get new writers to take part in Beat Writing 14:39:44 <pbokoc> well, it might not be too early to start luring in contributors :) 14:39:50 <lnovich> but it may not be time to get the material yet 14:39:57 <pbokoc> exactly 14:40:03 <pkovar> it's never too early , right 14:40:42 <pkovar> #chair bexelbie 14:40:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: bex bexelbie pkovar 14:40:45 <bexelbie> pkovar, I've been unable to advance zodbot can you? 14:41:00 <pkovar> #topic Guide Status 14:41:03 <bexelbie> #info https://github.com/fedora-cloud is already on github 14:41:08 <pkovar> seems to work for me 14:41:24 <bexelbie> he isn't acknowledging me at all :D 14:41:25 <lnovich> bex killed zodbot details at 11 14:41:41 * bexelbie is glad he is bexelbie and not that bex guy 14:41:58 <pkovar> the bot is such an ignorant :) 14:42:33 <lnovich> hey just because it's a bot, doesn't mean it does not feel ... 14:43:19 <Southern_Gentlem> the bot is only as smart as the person sending it commands 14:43:22 <lnovich> ok if we're all set I need to jump to another meeting 14:43:30 <smccann> (oooo snap) 14:43:55 <pkovar> alright, any news on guides? 14:43:59 <lnovich> I felt that burn from here! 14:44:13 <lnovich> oh wait - it's the broken A/C.... 14:45:10 <lnovich> ok so my office hours as usuall on wed. 14:45:20 <lnovich> see you all then 14:45:26 * lnovich needs to run 14:48:31 <pkovar> #topic Open Floor 14:48:41 <pkovar> anything else to discuss? 14:48:53 * bexelbie is good 14:49:55 <pkovar> bexelbie: thanks for bringing up the docs platform agenda 14:50:10 <bexelbie> yw 14:50:32 <pkovar> looks like we've covered it all today 14:50:55 <pkovar> 2 more mins....... 14:52:27 <smccann> tic...toc... 14:52:56 <pkovar> hehe 14:53:07 <pkovar> thanks everybody 14:53:10 <pkovar> this is the end 14:53:10 <pkovar> #endmeeting