14:02:04 <randomuser`> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:02:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 10 14:02:04 2015 UTC. The chair is randomuser`. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:04 <randomuser`> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:02:04 <randomuser`> #topic Roll Call 14:02:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:02:18 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:02:19 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:02:27 * zoglesby is here 14:02:38 * rkratky here 14:02:56 * kirsti is here 14:04:36 <randomuser`> lively crowd this morning 14:04:48 * grundblom here 14:06:12 <randomuser`> #topic Follow up on action items 14:06:29 <randomuser`> #info zoglesby did follow up with randomuser about open beats announcement, and the announcement was sent 14:07:03 <randomuser`> #info zoglesby arranged a time window for remote meeting around flock, which is: 14:07:10 * lnovich is here 14:07:16 <zoglesby> Wed at 1PM EST 14:07:46 <zoglesby> We need to figure out the method for this (irc, etc) 14:07:58 <randomuser`> #info 1PM EST on 12 AUG, there will be a meeting 14:08:40 <zoglesby> randomuser`: can you a jsmith work out a location @flock for people to meet? 14:08:41 <randomuser`> I'm tempted to say we could take sparks up on Bluejeans, but with my luck the first 1/2hr will be spent on codecs and whatnot 14:09:08 <randomuser`> yeah, I don't think it will be hard. I had meant to ask spot about that, but it slipped my mind 14:09:08 <zoglesby> randomuser`: is just a browser plugin 14:09:23 <bexelbie> randomuser`, if we take up the bluejeans option we should send it out ASAP so people can fix that 14:09:27 * lnovich needs to run - have workstuff to do - is there anything that I need to know - Wed Office hours as usual this week - canceled next week and the week after - PTO and return to Israel 14:09:57 <randomuser`> lnovich, you had an action item about reviewing RN wiki pages? 14:09:59 <zoglesby> #action zoglesby to talk to sparks about bluejeans access 14:10:56 <lnovich> randomuser - when do you need them by? 14:11:11 <randomuser`> lnovich, I don't have the whole context, it's your action item 14:11:55 <randomuser`> whatever it was, we want it yesterday :) 14:12:02 <lnovich> OH ok that was about reviewing the wiki page for the RN process - I'll update that today/tomorrow 14:12:09 <randomuser`> ok, cool 14:12:39 <randomuser`> let's carry on then 14:12:44 <randomuser`> #topic New Writers 14:13:13 <randomuser`> would anyone like to talk about their experience with or as a new writer? 14:13:53 * zoglesby needs to ping kelvar to see if he still wants to help 14:14:34 <kelvar> zoglesby: I'm here 14:14:37 <randomuser`> good show 14:14:44 <kelvar> yes I would like to help, I've been a bit busy past few weeks 14:15:05 <kelvar> and I got hardly any replies from you or random when I was asking about my issues with the email 14:15:25 <kelvar> so I put the whole thing on semi-hold for a bit because I had some abdominal issues 14:15:43 <randomuser`> the thing about spoofing your mail config to use the fp.o alias? 14:16:07 <kelvar> no no, I didn't receive any emails from the docs list after changing my email address in FAS 14:16:14 <randomuser`> oh 14:16:20 <kelvar> one docs user then advised me after a few days I should just make a new account 14:16:37 <kelvar> and it still seems I'm getting way fewer emails than I used to 14:16:39 <randomuser`> yeah, each mailing list has it's own configuration and none know about fas 14:16:44 <kelvar> or maybe it's because the summer is on 14:16:51 <zoglesby> kelvar: sorry I did not see that question 14:16:53 <randomuser`> also, you can look at the archives to see if you are missing any 14:17:49 <kelvar> by the way, is it a problem if I switch the distro on this laptop to centos regarding my contribution to fedoraproject? 14:18:33 <bexelbie> kelvar, the only issue you may run into is the speed with which some tools like publican are available - but you can run them in a VM or container 14:18:38 <bexelbie> as far as I know 14:18:39 <randomuser`> Well, it will make it more difficult for you to directly follow your own writing to validate it, but we don't mind personally :) 14:19:23 <kelvar> randomuser`, bexelbie, yeah I was thinking more in terms of being a fedproj member and not using fedora, that's all 14:19:43 <kelvar> damn microsoft and it's monopoly on gpu drivers 14:19:47 <bexelbie> kelvar, on the internet no one knows you're on windows until they examine your web headers :P 14:20:01 <kelvar> if I could get my game running on linux, I would insta switch to fedora on my desktop and never look at anything MS again 14:20:35 <randomuser`> kelvar, it's more about your capabilities than our requirements; we can talk about it in -docs or wherever if you run into trouble. 14:20:48 <randomuser`> let's talk about publishing 14:20:51 <kelvar> bexelbie: I'm going to use CentOS as my main OS for the Internet connection computer 14:20:56 <randomuser`> #topic Publican and Publishing 14:21:13 <randomuser`> I've made some marginal progress on code 14:21:22 <bexelbie> kelvar, I am also considerig the same switch, so we may be in this boat together :) 14:21:29 <randomuser`> ... not going to boast in detail, just want you all to know that I'm working on it 14:21:48 <kelvar> bexelbie: let's continue this on #fedora-docs after the meeting, I don't wanna interrupt the bosses 14:21:48 <bexelbie> randomuser`, maybe we can find some time at flock to do a sprint on it together 14:21:51 <zoglesby> randomuser`: be ready to talk in detail later this week 14:22:10 <randomuser`> also, this week we have a ... strategy meeting on wednesday, bexelbie and I are doing a talk, and later jsmith is driving a hackfest session 14:22:23 <randomuser`> zoglesby, come with questions! 14:23:10 <zoglesby> Sparks is going to get us that bluejeans setup 14:23:13 <kelvar> randomuser`: strategy about future projects regarding the new F? 14:23:13 <randomuser`> any points we want to cover today, or planning for the aforementioned? 14:23:39 <randomuser`> kelvar, strategy for our future docs publishing workflow and tools 14:24:02 <zoglesby> I would just like to note that this meeting wed needs to be to get a plan, not to talk about what is broken again 14:24:08 <zoglesby> be ready for tasks! 14:24:09 <kelvar> ah ok good, I hope you can add more info about time in the summary mail 14:25:37 <randomuser`> I can take tasks, and give tasks :) 14:26:07 <zoglesby> I want to action-item this meeting to death 14:26:23 <randomuser`> #info plan for meetings around publishing this week to be *productive* - focused on actionable tasks instead of past woes 14:26:47 * randomuser` nominates zoglesby as the Docs Focus Czar 14:26:51 <zoglesby> #link https://bluejeans.com/752806277 14:27:16 <randomuser`> nice 14:27:23 <randomuser`> I'll test that later on 14:27:28 <zoglesby> I will send that out in an email as well 14:27:38 <randomuser`> Let's get on to RNs 14:27:39 <zoglesby> #action zoglesby to email out bluejeans link 14:27:49 <randomuser`> #topic Release Notes 14:28:05 <randomuser`> we have done very little for the Release Notes so far 14:28:13 <randomuser`> ...which is about normal pre-alpha 14:28:53 <randomuser`> but I want to remind everyone how unpleasant it is when I end up stringing together all-nighters during the week before GA... 14:29:15 <grundblom> GA? General Announcement? 14:29:21 <randomuser`> so, tackle it in pieces 14:29:29 <randomuser`> erm... general availability, I think? 14:29:36 <randomuser`> gold announcement? 14:30:16 <zoglesby> goldne availability? :P 14:30:22 <zoglesby> typing fail! 14:30:27 <grundblom> Gold as in album sales? 14:30:45 <randomuser`> many permutations :) 14:30:45 <grundblom> I think I am confused or led myself into an inside joke 14:30:46 <kelvar> (off-topic, but wouldn't it be a good idea to use your Fedora status to maybe suggest linking FAS and list? Or should I just use my fedproj email and then changem y main email address on FAS?) 14:30:50 <kelvar> @random 14:31:20 <randomuser`> kelvar, My status isn't "person capable of writing the code to do that" so I don't think I have leverage for it 14:31:38 <kelvar> randomuser`: but you probably know the main Fedora guys 14:31:57 <kelvar> I doubt they would listen to some newbie like me 14:32:00 <randomuser`> and we also have many Changes that need to be claimed 14:32:33 <randomuser`> kelvar, it's not a "decision" kind of thing - someone has to do the work to create that capability from scratch 14:33:12 <kelvar> ok. I just thought this would simplify the process in case someone has similar issues like I had. 14:33:43 <randomuser`> ... back to RNs, it would be cool to see some kind of summary of how many changes there are for F23, and how many we have claimed the Docs Contact slot for, etc 14:34:07 <randomuser`> an idea for anyone that's been itching to play with the bugzilla api :) 14:34:24 <grundblom> If I remember correctly release notes are if you did them last release then you are assumed for doing them for this release? 14:34:33 <randomuser`> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-23/f-23-docs-tasks.html 14:34:44 <randomuser`> grundblom, no assumptions 14:35:34 <grundblom> randomuser`, ok so I need to re-sign up for them? 14:35:35 <randomuser`> according to the schedule, tomorrow is "write unclaimed wiki beats" time, we have some catching up to do 14:36:29 <randomuser`> grundblom, there's some notation on the beats table about unverified beats - but the important part is the writing, the claiming less so. You can write about things claimed by others and not claimed at all and we're all happy unless no writing gets done. 14:36:52 <potty> randomuser`: +1 14:37:10 * potty was about to ask the same claiming thing 14:37:15 <Southern_Gentlem> randomuser`, is there going to a a fast track to fedora docs at flock? 14:37:54 <randomuser`> Southern_Gentlem, I'm doing a talk, Jared has a hackfest; if that doesn't give what you're looking for, track me down 14:38:18 <Southern_Gentlem> when and when 14:38:55 <bexelbie> Southern_Gentlem, http://flock2015.sched.org/event/682d4ecb7cbf5ee9ee1166dc5de56e9b#.Vci3epMYreQ 14:39:04 <bexelbie> Southern_Gentlem, http://flock2015.sched.org/event/b493aa6d307a466191396da39d43c46d#.Vci3dZMYreQ 14:39:18 <randomuser`> thanks bexelbie 14:39:39 <randomuser`> Southern_Gentlem, you're also welcome to sit in on our tooling meeting wed afternoon 14:39:48 <kelvar> randomuser`: is the type of wiki editing I did so far useful at all? like I said, I don't really know how to contribute in any other way yet since I basically have little to no experience with coding/testing apps and similar 14:40:40 <Southern_Gentlem> randomuser`, will try to be at both 14:40:40 <randomuser`> kelvar, it's good for building experience, at least :) We can go over specific edits sometime if you like, I'm sad to say that I haven't been tracking you 14:41:10 <randomuser`> Anything else on Release Notes? 14:41:17 <kelvar> randomuser`: ok, feel free to poke me whenever you have time. 14:41:29 <randomuser`> kelvar, cool, noted 14:43:55 <randomuser`> OK, moving on then 14:44:00 <randomuser`> #topic Guide Status 14:44:17 <randomuser`> Anyone want to talk about their guide, or propose to work on a guide, etc? 14:44:40 <grundblom> The virt-getting started guide is in progress, 14:45:14 <grundblom> but other then that, I dont think the details would interest anyone 14:45:27 <randomuser`> grundblom++ 14:45:39 <zoglesby> randomuser`: can you talk to server people at flock about what they want for documentation? If we had an outline of what they are looking for it would make wiriting easier for 14:45:43 <zoglesby> us 14:45:55 <kirsti> in as much that I got caught up in the "what is a beginner", but could this be a persona discussion thing? 14:46:05 <zoglesby> (as I add more to your task list at flock) 14:46:48 <randomuser`> zoglesby, yeah, I can do that. There were a few ideas; API documentation, role creation docs, etc 14:47:24 <randomuser`> maybe we can drag sgallagh off somewhere 14:47:41 <sgallagh> ... 14:48:06 <randomuser`> just filling the funnel, sgallagh , don't stress about it :) 14:48:16 <sgallagh> randomuser`: For role creation stuff, come to my rolekit hackfest 14:48:28 <sgallagh> (Then I won't be lonely...) 14:48:46 <randomuser`> heh, ok 14:48:49 <sgallagh> I postponed putting that together because we've been retooling some of how that works upstream 14:49:03 <sgallagh> But we should have the beginnings of a plan 14:49:09 * smccann shows up rediculously late 14:49:17 <sgallagh> And I can think of worse ideas than writing the documentation first and then making the implementation match 14:50:23 <randomuser`> yes, that's as it should be :) 14:50:53 <randomuser`> and documentation gets the ideas from sales, so we know what the customer has purchased 14:51:24 <sgallagh> ... 14:51:40 <randomuser`> ...anyway 14:52:01 <zoglesby> just saying I would like to actually get something done for server before the next release... 14:52:26 <randomuser`> we can probably drum up a "this is cockpit, this is rolekit, here are some example rolekit configs" 14:54:02 <zoglesby> indeed, but we are about out of time so lets move on... 14:54:25 <randomuser`> #topic BUGS ! 14:54:44 <randomuser`> I missed my own bug smashing session :( 14:54:53 <randomuser`> did any get smashed? 14:54:57 <zoglesby> no 14:55:11 <zoglesby> I was in another meeting and answered a few questions about other stuff 14:55:19 <zoglesby> but did not do anything more 14:55:28 <randomuser`> #proposal the first office hours of every month is for bug smashing 14:55:44 <zoglesby> +1 14:56:15 <smccann> +1 14:56:58 <randomuser`> awesome 14:57:38 <randomuser`> although, I'm not sure this counts as a quorum... smccann, would you mind posing the question on docs@, at least so everyone knows about the idea? 14:59:17 <potty> +1 14:59:19 <randomuser`> ..or I can do that, just trying to keep y'all involved :) 14:59:26 <smccann> ok sure 14:59:36 <randomuser`> cool, thanks 14:59:51 <smccann> heh sorry. logged in late this am so am multitasking 14:59:58 <randomuser`> #action smccann to start discussion on first thursday bug smashing on list 15:00:04 <randomuser`> #topic Open Floor 15:00:04 <smccann> (aka more scatterbrained than usual) 15:00:28 <zoglesby> is qa not after us? 15:00:41 <randomuser`> smccann, I find coffee helps. Drip coffee. Although the IV stand gets funny looks 15:00:54 <smccann> heh... might need to try that! 15:00:59 <randomuser`> #endmeeting