14:02:25 <randomuser`> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings
14:02:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 17 14:02:25 2015 UTC.  The chair is randomuser`. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:02:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:02:26 <randomuser`> #meetingname Fedora Docs
14:02:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs'
14:02:26 <randomuser`> #topic Roll Call
14:03:17 <bexelbie_> .hello bex
14:03:28 <zodbot> bexelbie_: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com>
14:03:43 * rkratky here
14:03:43 * zoglesby is here
14:03:51 <bexelbie> .hello bex
14:03:52 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com>
14:04:28 * Capesteve waves
14:05:12 <jsmith> .hellomynameis jsmith
14:05:13 <zodbot> jsmith: jsmith 'Jared Smith' <jsmith.fedora@gmail.com>
14:05:40 <pkovar> /me is here
14:08:00 <randomuser`> #topic New Writers
14:10:29 <wdashley> sorry I am late
14:11:47 * Corey84 in late
14:11:53 <randomuser`> hey wdashley
14:12:04 <wdashley> The first draft of my doc is ready. David Michael has volunteered to prrof read it
14:12:34 <randomuser`> I plan on reading it as well
14:12:49 <wdashley> great, the more the merrier
14:13:11 * randomuser` is excited about it too
14:13:24 <Corey84> I have some  stuff for  late  in networking  guide
14:13:49 <randomuser`> Corey84, cool, you probably want to sync up with Capesteve about it
14:13:55 <Corey84> kk
14:14:20 <Capesteve> ..
14:14:32 <randomuser`> Okay, let's talk release schedules
14:14:47 <randomuser`> #Topic Release Prep
14:14:55 <randomuser`> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/23/Schedule
14:15:08 <randomuser`> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Documentation_beats?rd=Documentation_Beats
14:15:19 <wdashley> I have to leave, another meeting
14:15:24 <randomuser`> We're past alpha release!
14:15:29 <randomuser`> wdashley, see you around
14:16:03 <randomuser`> this part of the official schedule for docs is "scramble to write all the things"
14:16:14 * jsmith is stuck in a $DAYJOB meeting as well, but will try to multi-task
14:16:24 <randomuser`> #info spare cycles at this stage should go into release notes
14:17:13 <zoglesby> randomuser`: when is the scheduled freeze?
14:17:16 <randomuser`> #info If you have time to help with release notes but don't know how, please reach out
14:17:50 <randomuser`> #info Wiki freeze is 31 August
14:17:53 <Corey84> waht all still needs work on the  h/w  doc
14:18:11 <randomuser`> Corey84, making a list of things that need to be covered for h/w docs
14:18:19 * randomuser` shrugs
14:18:40 <zoglesby> randomuser`: Let set office hours for the 27th for last push?
14:18:41 <Corey84> roger  I'll have  time  late this week and  next to  work on if  you like
14:19:29 <randomuser`> zoglesby, sure, that works nicely
14:19:56 <randomuser`> #action randomuser` to announce release notes sprint day for August 27th
14:20:39 <randomuser`> Anything specific on this we should discuss?
14:21:14 <Corey84> I'm still a bi new to the docs  stuff but  will reach out if needed
14:21:15 <zoglesby> other than the fact that this topic is not on the adgenda?
14:21:30 <zoglesby> s/adgenda/agenda
14:21:32 <randomuser`> hey! I was just paraphrasing
14:21:55 <zoglesby> okay, allowed
14:22:03 <randomuser`> thank you
14:22:09 <zoglesby> :)
14:22:32 <randomuser`> #topic Publican/Publishing
14:22:58 <randomuser`> We were able to bring a lot of visibility to our publishing situation at flock, and also make some progress on implementation
14:23:06 <zoglesby> bexelbie: do you have the notes from flock to send to the list?
14:23:25 <randomuser`> #action randomuser` to write summary of flock experience and send to list, planet
14:24:09 <bexelbie> zoglesby, yes
14:24:58 <randomuser`> #ACTION bexelbie to send flock notes to list
14:25:30 <Corey84> when is  next office  hours and  is it  possible someone could spin me  up on publican then?
14:25:41 <randomuser`> Every thursday, Corey84
14:26:00 <Corey84> noon UTC  right?
14:26:27 <randomuser`> oh, in the evenings (Americas time) zoglesby and I will be going over how to set up a buildbot deployment for tooling development, speak up if you want one in your house too
14:26:55 <Corey84> noted
14:26:58 <zoglesby> randomuser`: how is thursday?
14:27:16 <zoglesby> Corey84: thursday office hours are 1PM EST
14:27:28 <zoglesby> er, no 2PM EST
14:27:34 <zoglesby> clocks are hard
14:27:48 * Corey84 prefers UTC  if its  easier
14:27:55 <randomuser`> zoglesby, evenings are pretty open for me, feel free to ping at will to give a little notice of "I'm free right now"
14:28:08 <Corey84> same ^
14:28:11 <zoglesby> okay
14:28:31 <Corey84> after   around  6p EST  /  2100 UTC
14:28:36 <zoglesby> I am busy tue, but the rest of the week is open
14:28:52 <randomuser`> cool
14:28:54 <zoglesby> but this is not meeting worthy, so I will stop
14:28:59 <Corey84> only day this week i'll be   hard to get is  sat  (fosscon)
14:29:10 <randomuser`> so, publishing things are happening.
14:29:15 <randomuser`> #topic Guide Status
14:29:28 <randomuser`> how are we doing on Guides? pbokoc, need any help?
14:29:49 <randomuser`> ...or anyone :)
14:30:00 <pbokoc> nah, I'm good I think
14:30:10 * jsmith will try to add to the Documentation Guide
14:30:20 <pbokoc> not that I have been paying much attention, but I don't expect any big changes
14:30:31 <randomuser`> pbokoc, but passwords!
14:31:04 <randomuser`> ...yeah, probably nothing big there
14:31:42 * satellit it would be nice to detail use of kickstarts in f23 livecd-tools live
14:31:47 <Corey84> pwquality.conf changes if anything
14:31:55 <pbokoc> oh right, I forgot about that
14:32:16 <Corey84> satellit,  noted  I  will work with  Southern and  Striker on a   easy to read  way  for  that
14:32:17 <pbokoc> but that's gonna be easy enough
14:32:20 <randomuser`> satellit, building custom images is fun but maybe not in scope for the IG - we'll put it in the pipe
14:32:33 <satellit> k
14:32:47 <Corey84> randomuser`,  there has been  an increase in interest  actually
14:32:49 * smccann runs in v. late
14:32:51 <randomuser`> oh, is everyone familiar with the branch model we're going for?
14:33:06 * Corey84 nope
14:33:21 <Corey84> at least  not aware i am if i am
14:33:24 * satellit pwquality can be altered in kickstarts...
14:33:27 <randomuser`> #info f{21,22,23} and so on are *gold* for that release.  Play in a different branch.
14:34:16 <Corey84> so the usual  github  model  fork it  and merge?
14:34:28 <randomuser`> yup
14:34:42 <Corey84> satellit,  BUT  most  non sysadmins  will via the  ks  tho
14:34:58 <Corey84> s/will/ will not
14:35:05 <randomuser`> #info If you are maintaining a guide, people will probably help if you define the tasks
14:35:19 <randomuser`> Any other guide topics we should cover
14:35:21 <randomuser`> ?
14:35:26 <Corey84> ^ I  am  more than willing to  proofread
14:37:09 <randomuser`> great!
14:37:20 <randomuser`> file bugs, get fixes :)
14:37:37 <randomuser`> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets
14:37:46 <randomuser`> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84
14:39:04 <Corey84> i can take a  stab at   1180142
14:39:16 <randomuser`> Corey84++
14:39:26 <randomuser`> #info there are bugs
14:40:39 <randomuser`> #topic Open Floor
14:40:46 <randomuser`> Okay, time for all the questions you'
14:40:51 <randomuser`> ..you've been holding back
14:41:04 <Corey84> randomuser`,   would it be  possible to  possibly  make an advanced  selinux  doc  (  per   1180142  seems  it  jumped in the deep end for that  user and  with   selinux that is not a  shallow  pool
14:42:27 <randomuser`> Corey84, I'm reading that as "please explain the basic theory before you tell me how to use it"
14:43:14 <randomuser`> there's a great strip out there, maybe on dan walsh's livejournal?, about how cats shouldn't eat dog food, etc
14:43:25 <randomuser`> maybe we should see how it's licensed
14:43:47 <bexelbie> randomuser`, the coloring book should be able to be republished, I think
14:43:53 * randomuser` nods
14:44:07 <Corey84> lool
14:44:10 <Corey84> seen that
14:44:25 <Corey84> think i have it  bookmarked even
14:44:36 <randomuser`> one could throw that in the intro, then spend a few paragraphs correlating that to real features
14:45:54 <Corey84> like  chcon and such?
14:47:00 <bexelbie> #link https://github.com/fedoradesign/coloringbook-containers
14:47:56 <randomuser`> OK, this is dying down
14:48:03 <randomuser`> let's move on with the day
14:48:41 <jsmith> +1
14:48:46 <randomuser`> #endmeeting