14:07:03 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:07:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 5 14:07:03 2015 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:07:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:07:03 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:07:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:07:05 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:07:05 <randomuser> better late than never :/ 14:08:10 * smccann is here 14:08:50 * zoglesby is here'ish 14:09:14 <d0nn1e> Hi all, I hope it is ok that I sit in on this meeting. I am new to the fedora project and want to start contributing in any way that I can. 14:12:24 <randomuser> #topic New Writers 14:12:27 <randomuser> you're just in time, d0nn1e :) 14:12:29 <randomuser> if you'd like to contribute to Fedora Documentation, this is the right group of folks to talk to 14:12:40 <randomuser> are we on the right track? 14:12:48 <d0nn1e> Yes indeed 14:13:00 <d0nn1e> My name is Donnie Hardin. I am a former employee of Red Hat. I was first exposed to linux and the opensource community seven years ago when I returned to University at the merry age of 25. 14:13:42 <d0nn1e> I am interested in becoming a technical writer since I have been told by my peers that my documentation has been quite useful. I enjoy writing btw. 14:14:02 <randomuser> excellent, and welcome! 14:14:11 <randomuser> have you looked over any of the docs wiki pages yet? 14:14:48 <d0nn1e> not in depth, but I can! 14:16:10 <randomuser> cool 14:16:24 <randomuser> we're always around in #fedora-docs, let's talk about it there over the coming days 14:16:28 <d0nn1e> I kinda need to get a checklist going 14:16:36 <d0nn1e> awesome 14:17:03 <randomuser> cool 14:17:12 <randomuser> #topic Release Notes 14:17:25 <randomuser> #action randomuser to do release notes rpm bump 14:17:47 <randomuser> these also need review, there have been some bugs filed. Thanks to everyone filing and working on corrections so far. 14:17:59 <randomuser> #action everyone to bring bring relnotes up to speed 14:18:42 <randomuser> we're covered most/all of the important Changes, but feel free to add more. You might review press articles, user forums, what have you to look for unanswered questions. 14:20:33 <randomuser> any other thoughts on release notes? 14:20:49 <randomuser> zoglesby, https://github.com/immanetize/dotfiles/tree/master/.i3 https://github.com/immanetize/dotfiles/tree/master/.config/dunst 14:21:25 <randomuser> bah, I meant to put that in another channel, sorry 14:21:49 <randomuser> let's move on and pretend it didn't happen :) 14:22:01 <zoglesby> lets 14:22:06 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:22:14 <smccann> :-) 14:23:05 <randomuser> how are guides? smccann, you were rallying the virt getting started guide - are we good to go? 14:23:40 <smccann> yep I pulled the f23 branch last week 14:23:46 <smccann> it's all set! 14:24:26 <pbokoc> install guide is going to need some updates, but I'll handle it before f23 14:25:44 <randomuser> cool 14:25:44 <randomuser> #action randomuser to publish virt getting started guide for F23 14:25:46 <randomuser> how about other guides ? 14:25:53 <randomuser> need any help? 14:27:26 <d0nn1e> While browsing wiki's the other day, I did see a request from user Sparks who wanted an iptables guide. I was wondering, has anyone taken that on? 14:27:36 <randomuser> we'll have to check in with Capesteve on the sysadmin guide as well 14:28:08 <randomuser> d0nn1e, we do have a firewall guide in progress, but it mostly covers firewalld. An iptables section would be welcome :) 14:28:55 * d0nn1e steeples fingers and mutters "excellent...excellent" 14:28:59 <randomuser> heh 14:30:23 <randomuser> that may be all we have for guides, let's move on to bugs 14:30:29 <randomuser> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:30:36 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:31:10 <randomuser> #info randomuser will be doing bug smashing during thursday's office hours 14:33:20 <randomuser> any bugs we'd like to discuss today? 14:33:58 <randomuser> fair enough 14:34:03 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor 14:34:31 <smccann> is there a list/priority on guides we aught to blow the dust off and bring back? 14:35:16 <randomuser> nothing formal, smccann - I think for us it's more which guide is the most interesting and feasible for an individual contributor 14:35:39 <smccann> i c thanks 14:36:08 <randomuser> I'd like to focus on cloud content, personally, but it's a big topic 14:36:28 <smccann> maybe suggest ways to split it between writers? 14:37:03 * randomuser nods 14:37:06 <smccann> hmm... found the old cloud guide and it's only 36 pdf pages... guessing that's not what you had in mind? 14:37:12 <randomuser> a todo list would be a good start 14:37:19 <randomuser> the old cloud guide never really took off 14:37:31 <d0nn1e> cloud content? could I see this old guide? 14:37:41 <randomuser> there's a lot of ground work there, but not enough for publishing 14:37:46 <smccann> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora_Draft_Documentation/0.1/html/Cloud_Guide/index.html 14:38:01 <smccann> that's what I ws looking at, but may not be the direction randomuser is talking about 14:38:18 <randomuser> d0nn1e, there's a guides table on the wiki with all the guides; you can find it from the link in the /topic 14:38:32 <d0nn1e> whew, just as I thought, that is a big matzo ball 14:38:53 <d0nn1e> ill check the table out now 14:39:28 * smccann just scratched her eyes w/ chilipepper fingers...ouchouchouch! 14:40:27 <randomuser> d0nn1e, it's a small group, we could be more organized. Feel free to openly complain so we know where to spend time to improve things for new folks. 14:41:40 <d0nn1e> randomuser, will do 14:41:48 <d0nn1e> . 14:43:22 <randomuser> anything else for open floor today? 14:43:38 * randomuser hovers over the meeting end button 14:44:39 <randomuser> okay, thanks for coming everyone 14:44:42 <randomuser> see you around 14:44:46 <randomuser> #endmeeting