14:00:33 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 23 14:00:33 2016 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_project_meeting_-_agenda:_https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/docs_project_meetings' 14:00:34 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:34 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:45 * zoglesby is here 14:01:17 <randomuser> good morning, zoglesby 14:02:39 <zoglesby> I vote for nap time instead of a meeting 14:03:28 * randomuser yawns 14:03:41 <randomuser> seconded 14:03:49 <randomuser> if nobody shows up, we'll make it quick 14:09:00 * Capesteve waves 14:09:17 <randomuser> Capesteve! someone else *is* here! 14:09:25 <zoglesby> yay! 14:09:37 <randomuser> #topic Release Notes Beats 14:09:44 <randomuser> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-docs-tasks.html 14:09:58 <randomuser> This week I need to figure out f24 publishing 14:10:20 <randomuser> I think it's going to mean reverting all the f23 publishing and doing it all over 14:10:22 <randomuser> repeatedly 14:10:40 <randomuser> #action randomuser to publish F24 RNs 14:10:48 <c0mrad3> .hello dhanvi 14:10:48 <zodbot> c0mrad3: dhanvi 'Tummala Dhanvi' <dhanvicse@gmail.com> 14:10:55 <randomuser> hello, c0mrad3 14:11:19 <c0mrad3> hello randomuser :) 14:11:39 <randomuser> #info this is the last week for edits to release notes to get into the GA RPM 14:12:22 <randomuser> I'll push POTs while I'm in there, that's on the schedule too 14:12:51 <randomuser> any other thoughts on release notes? 14:13:27 <zoglesby> Have you read them? Are they okay content wise? 14:15:06 <randomuser> not with focus 14:15:16 <randomuser> just skimmed commit mail... I'll do that too 14:15:55 <zoglesby> all pending release notes bugs are done? 14:16:21 * zoglesby has not looked at any of this this cycle 14:16:33 <randomuser> hm, let's look 14:16:59 <randomuser> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?component=release-notes&product=Fedora%20Documentation&list_id=5162974 14:17:03 <Capesteve> randomuser: Do you need me to proof read anything? 14:17:30 <randomuser> not really any bugs to speak of 14:17:32 <zoglesby> wow, that bug list needs cleaned up 14:17:37 <randomuser> yeah, that too 14:17:59 <randomuser> Capesteve, yes, a proofread of the current relnotes content would be helpful 14:18:57 <randomuser> #action Capesteve to proofread release notes, edit as needed 14:19:00 <Capesteve> has the repo moved? 14:19:32 <randomuser> yes, https://pagure.io/release-notes 14:19:46 <Capesteve> got it 14:19:48 <zoglesby> btw, if we can we should rename that repo. 14:20:07 <zoglesby> makes it seem like it is pagure release notes 14:20:16 * randomuser nods 14:20:21 <zoglesby> (unless I am the only one that thinks that) 14:20:59 <randomuser> I don't think we can rename the project, but replacing it would be easy enough 14:21:54 <Capesteve> I have just cloned it, so please warn me if you move it before I proofread it 14:21:59 <randomuser> will do 14:22:08 <zoglesby> no need to do it now 14:22:17 <randomuser> #action zoglesby to recreate release-notes project on pagure 14:22:29 <randomuser> #topic New Writers 14:22:46 <randomuser> c0mrad3, that's you! any questions about Docs? 14:23:47 <c0mrad3> randomuser: I am currently working on my GSoC project, I haven't done any documentation so no questions :) 14:24:27 <randomuser> c0mrad3, your GSoC project is to participate in the docs project, no? Are you getting a sense of how the community works, and how you might participate? 14:24:57 <randomuser> or if I've got the wrong idea, perhaps you'd like to share what you're working on with the group 14:25:27 * zoglesby added a topic to the meeting agenda for that 14:25:42 <randomuser> fair enough 14:25:57 <c0mrad3> #link https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#4738558669619200 14:26:23 <randomuser> i didn't notice that new topic 14:26:29 <randomuser> #topic GSoC Updates 14:26:48 <c0mrad3> randomuser: my goal is to get the newer tool chain up and running by the end of the summer 14:27:11 <zoglesby> c0mrad3: this part is your show. Please let everyone know what you will be working on this week, issues you are having, etc. 14:27:30 <c0mrad3> starting with packaging https://pagure.io/docs-fp-o/issue/5 14:27:40 <randomuser> it's everyone's plan to get the new toolchain up :) 14:28:51 <c0mrad3> today is my first day in the summer coding and I have started looking around ways to package https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-mallard 14:29:11 <c0mrad3> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Ruby#Building_gems 14:29:33 <randomuser> nice 14:30:08 <zoglesby> He will also be working on https://pagure.io/docs-fp-o/issue/19 as soon as we find the source code. 14:30:09 <c0mrad3> but asciidoctor-mallard is not in the pre-release gems as mentioned in the readme of the github repo 14:30:34 <c0mrad3> zoglesby: is my awesome mentor \o/ :) 14:31:21 <c0mrad3> that's all for the first day 14:31:41 <randomuser> #action randomuser to nag shaunm about status of pintail asciidoc plugin 14:32:03 <randomuser> ping if you need help setting up the rpm building environment, c0mrad3 14:32:19 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:32:48 <randomuser> I'll be publishing the multiboot guide again, none of that material should have changed 14:32:57 * c0mrad3 randomuser: sure I will ping you 14:33:25 <randomuser> Capesteve, anything to share on your end? 14:35:08 <Capesteve> hmm 14:35:25 <Capesteve> when is deadline? 14:35:37 <Capesteve> I am still hoping to clear some more bugs before GA 14:36:05 <randomuser> GA day is set for June 14 14:36:44 <Capesteve> OK, I will keep chipping away 14:36:51 <randomuser> oh, and the guide repos are on pagure as well - it might be helpful to use the issues feature, etc for planning and coordination if you have room for help 14:37:29 <Capesteve> "planning and coordination" of what? 14:37:52 <zoglesby> randomuser: can we make the repos on fedorahosted read only? 14:38:04 <randomuser> changes you might be planning for guides, and coordination with other contributors 14:38:07 <Capesteve> I am working to clear, or at least answer, docs bugs 14:38:08 <zoglesby> without removing everyone from docs writers that is 14:38:11 <randomuser> zoglesby, yes 14:38:43 <randomuser> I can do that, or nb, or we can file an infra ticket 14:38:54 * randomuser will give nb a chance first LP 14:39:08 <zoglesby> sounds good to me! 14:39:56 <pkovar> somewhat related to guides, there was a fr translators request to publish a welcome page translation, could anyone with pub-skills have a look at it? 14:40:18 <randomuser> hrmm.. I'll try 14:40:34 <randomuser> i'm going to be in there this week, should be possible 14:41:09 <randomuser> and hey, looks like there's a spammer on bz 14:41:17 <randomuser> anyone know the most effective place to report it? 14:41:35 <randomuser> #action randomuser to publish FR front page 14:43:34 <randomuser> ok, that's guides 14:43:41 <randomuser> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:43:45 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:45:10 <zoglesby> next 14:45:31 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor Discussion 14:46:06 <zoglesby> ryanlerch: any update on the site design? 14:46:35 <randomuser> oh yeah, I also have ryanlerch questions 14:49:34 <zoglesby> I will ask again later in #fedora-docs at a better time for him 14:51:36 <randomuser> yeah, I'm wondering if he has ie a yelp-xsl fork somewhere 14:52:52 <zoglesby> should not need a fork, you can add custom xsl in config to override yelp-xsl 14:53:16 <zoglesby> but I have been known to be wrong before 14:53:47 * randomuser shrugs 14:53:55 <randomuser> i dunno, hence the questions :) 14:54:38 <zoglesby> custom_xsl = mycustom.xsl 14:54:48 <zoglesby> use that in config should work 14:56:07 <ryanlerch> yo! 14:56:10 <ryanlerch> sorry! 14:56:29 <ryanlerch> yeah, that works. 14:56:29 <zoglesby> type fast four minutes left! 14:56:41 <ryanlerch> it is the XSL itself that is the hard part 14:57:15 <Vipul_> \me is here 14:57:36 <ryanlerch> i got some stuff working, but it was really slow going 14:57:44 <randomuser> ryanlerch, are you hacking on xsl code somewhere that's publicly accessible? 14:57:47 <c0mrad3> Vipul_: it's /me 14:58:00 <randomuser> a fedora-xsl pagure project, perhaps? 14:58:01 * prakash is here 14:58:16 * Vipul_ is here 14:58:29 <ryanlerch> randomuser: i was doing it in my fork of the docs-fp-o repo 14:58:34 <randomuser> cool 14:58:39 <ryanlerch> but not sure if i commited back in yet 14:58:47 <ryanlerch> there wasnt really much to show 14:58:52 <zoglesby> https://pagure.io/fork/ryanlerch/docs-fp-o 14:59:12 * Sumantro is here 14:59:16 <zoglesby> ah, no commits for it 14:59:29 <randomuser> i'll watch, try to learn by proximity :P 14:59:50 <randomuser> time's out though, let's move to #fedora-docs 14:59:59 <randomuser> folks are eager for whatever meeting is next :) 15:00:04 <zoglesby> lol 15:00:10 <randomuser> #endmeeting