14:00:05 <randomus`> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 22 14:00:05 2016 UTC. The chair is randomus`. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_project_meeting_-_agenda:_https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/docs_project_meetings' 14:00:05 <randomus`> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:05 <randomus`> #topic Roll Call 14:01:01 <randomus`> good morning everyone 14:04:08 <randomus`> awfully quiet 14:04:37 * pbokoc 14:04:47 <randomus`> i'll give it a few more minutes, and spend the hour hacking if there's no interest in the meeting 14:04:55 <pkovar> /me is here 14:05:05 <randomus`> Hello, Petrs 14:05:36 * Capesteve waves 14:05:42 <pbokoc> yeah, I don't really have anything to discuss 14:05:42 <pkovar> haha, Petrs must be hard to pronounce in english :) 14:06:11 <pbokoc> Capesteve, you ruined it! Shoo! 14:06:25 <Capesteve> sorriiieeeee 14:06:28 <randomus`> it's easy if you don't worry about doing it correctly :P 14:08:03 <randomus`> now I'm not sure which way to go 14:08:35 <randomus`> Capesteve is expecting a raucous and productive meeting, I don't want to disappoint him 14:09:24 <Capesteve> we can always close the meeting early to allow more time for bugs 14:10:07 <randomus`> #topic Fedora 25 Schedule 14:10:22 <randomus`> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/25/Schedule 14:10:49 <bexelbie> .fas bex 14:10:49 <zodbot> bexelbie: ybexwqmxnx 'ybexwqmxnx yhdgb' <ybexwqmxnx@nowmymail.com> - bexhet '' <bexhet@hotmail.it> - lonelyibex 'fungo' <lonelyibex@gmail.com> - tqtwr 'gsafd' <mesabexudi@top1mail.ru> - moko 'moko lee' <ibex@msn.cn> - sfarr01 'Steven Farr' <sfarr@bex.net> - mcreps 'Merl Creps Jr' <merljr@bex.net> - tbex 'Tony Beckham' <t2yb5m@gmail.com> - efjiwmos 'takagiatuko' <bexroll@gmail.com> - makubex 'Bruno Lopes de Mello' (2 more messages) 14:10:51 <bexelbie> sorr I'm late 14:11:09 <randomus`> hey bex 14:11:19 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:11:21 <bexelbie> hey 14:11:21 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:11:50 <randomus`> so there's a schedule 14:12:15 <bexelbie> randomus`, zoglesby did jkurkik get in touch with either of you? 14:12:20 <randomus`> this week's composes may well become next week's alpha release 14:12:22 <bexelbie> he had asked about readiness for F25 14:12:31 <randomus`> bexelbie, yeah, I have a PM from him 14:12:49 <zoglesby> same 14:12:49 <bexelbie> cool 14:12:52 <randomus`> did not see an email but it's conceivable that I missed it 14:12:55 <zoglesby> also hello 14:13:02 <bexelbie> hola zoglesby 14:13:06 <bexelbie> hola everyone else too :) 14:13:46 <randomus`> the release process really snuck up on me this time around 14:13:53 <randomus`> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-25/f-25-docs-tasks.html 14:14:15 <randomus`> we should be doing beat stuff right now 14:14:30 <randomus`> fiddling with the assignment table, recruiting people 14:14:54 <randomus`> #action randomuser to sent 'beats open' announce 14:15:26 <randomus`> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/25/ChangeSet 14:15:59 <randomus`> there's a manageable number of changes proposed 14:17:12 <randomus`> meanwhile, at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Documentation_beats, there's a wiki table that needs to be updated then used 14:18:26 <randomus`> we'd put an asterisk next to names during the last cycle and nobody came by to remove them, so I'll probably do that now when updating the other fields 14:19:00 <randomus`> the asterisk signifies the person has not confirmed their interest in participating 14:20:03 <randomus`> fun stuff 14:20:24 <randomus`> anyone else have thoughts? other things to do or plan for the f25 release? 14:22:26 <randomus`> okay then 14:22:39 <randomus`> #topic open floor 14:22:53 <bexelbie> I can share a bit on my work with pintail, if there is interest 14:23:01 <randomus`> sure 14:23:04 <randomus`> #chair bexelbie 14:23:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie randomus` 14:23:15 <bexelbie> #topic Pintail Exploration 14:23:28 <bexelbie> last week I was asked to start taking a look at what it would take to get pintail running for us 14:23:38 <bexelbie> I reserve the right to revise and extend these remarks :) 14:23:47 <bexelbie> This means that I am not done and may reverse some of current thoughts/decisions 14:23:51 <bexelbie> but, here is what I have found 14:24:11 <bexelbie> I can get a DocBook book to build both at the repo and the docs.fp.o levels 14:24:23 <randomus`> cool 14:24:23 <bexelbie> It took roughly these changes: 14:24:48 <bexelbie> 1. I created a Common Content Repo and mapped it into the book repo with a git subtree 14:25:12 <bexelbie> 2. I had to rename the entity file to Guide.ent so that we had a common name across all repos becasue of the mapped common content 14:25:35 <bexelbie> 3. I had to delete all doctype declarations as there seems to be a nested DTD loading error 14:25:51 <bexelbie> 4. pintail contains a bug that prevents building unless I modify it's code to eliminate a duplicate page test 14:25:58 <randomus`> all, or just all not in Guide_Name.xml ? 14:25:59 <bexelbie> 3 and 4 are the most likely to change of my conclusions 14:26:16 <bexelbie> randomus`, I deleted ALL of them so far 14:26:19 <bexelbie> I am revisiting that decision 14:26:28 * randomus` nods 14:26:30 <bexelbie> but, It does work 14:26:40 <bexelbie> that said, I have no idea what site theming is going to look like with this 14:26:42 <bexelbie> yet 14:26:52 <randomus`> yeah, theming worries me 14:27:03 <bexelbie> I want to spend at least one more week on this and I have some other ideas to explore, but progress, such as it is, was made 14:27:09 <randomus`> i've done successful build testing, and built a very ugly site 14:27:12 <bexelbie> repos are on pagure 14:27:31 <bexelbie> I can share urls, but be warned - I will rewrite history - so don't get to comfortable :P 14:27:54 <bexelbie> Also, pintail seems painfully slow 14:27:56 <bexelbie> EOR 14:28:31 <randomus`> hm 14:29:12 <randomus`> we may as well have branches for each of the guides that we're prepping for pintail 14:29:24 <zoglesby> you can speed it up with --no-update or something like that (don't recall the actual name) so that it is not pulling from git again 14:29:35 <bexelbie> zoglesby, I am using that and --local 14:29:41 <bexelbie> iirc 14:29:52 <zoglesby> hm 14:30:07 <bexelbie> randomus`, I am not sure we should branch yet ... only because I would hate to see us start making changes based on my notes and then need to reverse course 14:30:21 <bexelbie> I want to beat on this more before anything I have said is taken without a grain of salt 14:30:26 <randomus`> fair enough 14:30:35 <bexelbie> I've been testing with the install guide 14:30:36 <bexelbie> fy 14:30:38 <bexelbie> fyi 14:31:37 <randomus`> that's the important one 14:32:01 <bexelbie> that is why I picked it 14:32:33 <randomus`> bexelbie, the common content repo is simply the existing common content in a submodule, or did that need adjustment too? 14:32:51 <bexelbie> randomus`, it is the content, massaged, as needed 14:33:01 <bexelbie> for now, I am being a bad person and ignoring translation so it is just the en-US content 14:33:07 <bexelbie> that also needs to be pushed on 14:33:12 <bexelbie> translation being that :) 14:33:15 <randomus`> yeah 14:33:32 <bexelbie> and ... I would love a link to the actual common content - I found some of it .. but things are missing from the repo I found 14:33:41 * bexelbie feels silly that he couldn't find it 14:33:58 <bexelbie> like Conventions.xml is missing 14:34:29 * randomus` looks 14:35:40 <pkovar> imho we can just skip Conventions.xml - no useful info there anyway 14:36:04 <bexelbie> pkovar, possibly - I just want to be sure I am even picking up the most recent version of the common content :) 14:37:00 <randomus`> https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/publican.git/tree/ probably somehow? 14:37:39 <randomus`> yeah, like https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/publican.git/tree/datadir/Common_Content/common/en-US 14:38:04 <bexelbie> randomus`++ 14:38:07 <bexelbie> thank you 14:38:41 <randomus`> i'm wondering how much value common content has with the new model 14:39:15 <bexelbie> randomus`, I think we need to think about how we want to handle it 14:39:23 <bexelbie> my gut feel is footer info (a link to each) 14:39:25 <randomus`> if every page is page one, you don't need to preface each short onepager with one page each of legal disclaimer, feedback notice, conventions, author page, etc 14:40:18 <bexelbie> randomus`, but if we plan to build more than a small handful of docbook books, we need a way to handle the traditional common content model 14:41:11 <pkovar> do it like they do it in gnome, footer info contains authors & copyright 14:41:13 <pkovar> that it 14:41:18 <pkovar> * that's 14:41:28 <randomus`> or at least we need to provide the esssential common content bits for the document structure 14:41:39 <randomus`> like css and images, maybe 14:42:39 <bexelbie> randomus`, yes 14:43:19 <bexelbie> pkovar, I think we should figure out what our community needs, but yes, minimal and footer driven +1 14:43:26 <randomus`> generally sounds like we all need to spend more time on this 14:43:50 <bexelbie> I think there is a lot of different areas of thought that need to converge 14:44:01 <bexelbie> and we can focus and come up with some answers :) 14:44:18 <bexelbie> but making sure we checkpoint weekly is essential to keep the different pieces from veering too far apart 14:44:31 <bexelbie> for example, if our model doesn't need common content hte tooling can stop making it work :) 14:45:08 <randomus`> and if it *does* need common content, we need to get it out of publican 14:45:50 <bexelbie> yes, it should be a standalone repo 14:46:07 <randomus`> i'll try to replicate your efforts this week, bexelbie, so we'll be in the same chapter if not on the same page 14:46:26 <bexelbie> randomus`, before you get started, let's touch base again and I'll more clearly share reproduction notes 14:46:43 <randomus`> sure, what time zone are you in today? 14:46:48 <bexelbie> I'd prefer to see someone thinking through a repo with topic style content 14:47:02 <bexelbie> randomus`, CEST, but today is probably going to suck - coworker had a baby last night so my evening may be booked 14:47:13 <randomus`> exciting! 14:47:26 <bexelbie> so wednesday or later may be best for me 14:47:29 <randomus`> okay, tcb 14:47:51 <randomus`> #action randomus` to convert cookbook to set of asciidoc articles for further testing 14:48:17 <bexelbie> randomus`, do you mind experimenting with some automated conversoin ideas so we have a "recipe" for that, if needed? 14:48:20 <randomus`> i'm drawing a blank on the frontmatter formatting - do we know what that should look like yet? 14:48:31 <bexelbie> pkovar, could you provide some feedback on docbook->asciidoc 14:48:37 <bexelbie> ? 14:49:09 <randomus`> bexelbie, these are standalone articles, so it'll be straightforward 14:49:22 <bexelbie> randomus`, darn and not darn :) 14:49:26 <randomus`> no content conversion required, only format 14:49:27 <pkovar> bexelbie: so, this is slightly outdated now: https://blogs.gnome.org/pmkovar/2015/10/27/converting-docbook-into-asciidoc/ 14:49:35 <pkovar> (shameless plug) 14:49:56 <pkovar> but yeah, docbookrx much better than other tools 14:50:05 <pkovar> still with issues, though 14:50:20 <pkovar> like lack of support for some docbook elements and structures 14:50:45 <randomus`> systemitem, ouch 14:50:45 <bexelbie> hm 14:50:47 <randomus`> we use that 14:51:03 <zoglesby> Oh, I have something to add! 14:51:07 <pkovar> might be supported in git master now, havent checked recently 14:51:13 <bexelbie> that opens the question of what our style guide should be to balance frictionless contribution versus formatting/metadata needs 14:51:36 <randomus`> style guide chapter 1: use this template 14:52:07 <zoglesby> Sparks said he is going to start working on converting the security guide to asciidoc and as they are using it for all RH internal security docs he has already written a lot of docs in it, so that may be a good example for style as he works on it 14:52:37 <bexelbie> woo! 14:52:41 <bexelbie> that is good to hear 14:52:42 <randomus`> awesome 14:54:11 <randomus`> okay, we have some action items now 14:54:40 <randomus`> if you didn't get one, don't feel left out, go to https://pagure.io/docs-fp-o/issues 14:54:52 <randomus`> #topic Open Floor 14:55:08 <randomus`> five minutes for free play, don't hold back 14:58:07 <randomus`> we're probably all ready to move on with the day 14:58:27 <randomus`> thanks for coming all, and making it a productive meeting 14:58:36 <randomus`> #endmeeting